Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. Brrr. 🙂 8.4 this morning but with a tiddywiddly little spot of blood. I think that might make a difference to the reading, not enough blood. What a hassle I always have getting any blood out. Fed up with it. Have a good day all.
Morning everyone - 6.9 for me today. I had a sneaky bit (very small bit) of dark chocolate last night but I resisted bedtime biscuits which before I had my Libre sensor I probably wouldn't have done. Spent a good hour last night waiting for the next episode of The Traitors to be available as I'd missed it in real time - it didn't happen until nearly 11.30pm and by that time I was dozing off. Oh well - I can have a double whammy tonight. I'm gardening all morning with someone who does companion gardening - so she will be gardening with me and teaching me as we go along which I'm really looking forward to. I spent about 3 hours out there yesterday doing my "homework" that I hadn't done all over the Christmas period :D Have a great day everyone x
Who was talking about blueberries the other day?
@ColinUK that was Pam123 and I. It was extract of blueberry tablets.
Well done @freesia on that 5.2. 🙂
It was 4.9 for me first thing this morning.

Morning it was 8 today dex told me I was 4 something Just before 4 but I knew dawn phermon would kick in soon so didn't need to do anything.
Morning everyone

I’m happy with a 4.9 this dry and grey morning.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
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I got mine from holland and barretts 9.99 buy one get one half price that's for 200 tablets
Which ones are you using? Their website is a bit confusing to navigate so just wanted to see what you bought.
Congrats on the HS @freesia - I almost joined you with a 5.1 today. No frost this morning and it was cool rather than cold when we went for our pre-breakfast walk to get a newspaper. Friday is also the day I do my BP check - 115/66, so no issues there. An all-round good start to the day then.

Enjoyed the movie One Life at our local Everyman yesterday evening and will confess to feeling quite emotional at the end, big softie that I am. Not many movies do that to me.

Big Shop Day so once I've had my coffee and read the newspaper I'll be off to Sainsbury's and the greengrocer out at our local garden centre.

Whatever your plans for Friday have a good day.
Feel a bit deflated this morning. I think it’s because I’ve got a tonne of stuff to do before the carpet fitters come on Monday to lay new underlay and carpet.

Lots of my furniture is free standing which means I’ve got to empty it all before any can be moved to allow them to work. And I can’t be bothered to start. I can do it over the weekend I guess.

I’ve booked a room at a very well known and very glamorous hotel* for Sunday night so everything will be prepped by end of day Sunday and I’ll be out of their way. The hotel is literally 2 minutes from my front door.

But it’s stressful. There’s the question mark over a huge change to the place with new carpets too. The colour change is massive and I’m not entirely convinced it’s the right one by heigh-ho… it’ll be clean and fresh and soft underfoot so that’s all a plus.

Oh 7.8 this morning.

*It’s a Travelodge 🙂
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Good morning! Well it was when I woke to two fat ladies, 8.8, but then DP and FOTF played games and it rose tl 11.4 causing an end to 30 hours in range mostly between 5.0 and 7.0 apart from after 5:00 when it started rising (woke after 6:15 with phantom pain). Thereafter it was telephone tag trying to sort out a dressing change for my foot as it is both overdue and soggy (shades of WWI field hospital rather than 21st century medical care!). Anyway should have a district nurse visit later today. (fingers crossed emoji)
Morning all

5.7 this morning, was a bit late up and then sorting out an issue at work, no exercise plans for today, but still trying to motivate myself to do yoga from the app, think because I haven’t been to an in person class since middle of December (that’s when the classes stopped as the hall wasn’t available) I am forgetting the wonderful benefits of yoga, and as hubby is on late shift he is not around to want to watch telly, but still I don’t actually do it.

@freesia - congratulations on your HS today.

Have a good day everyone
Morning all.8.4 for me this morning.High alarm went off middle of night with a 12.3 Can't explain that .Been very good now for a while You get to 93% in range and it decides to knock you back I did start taking the blueberrie extract tablets yesterday..See if it works for me.Have a good day folks