Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.4 and a rasping sore throat for me.

Belated birthday wishes to @rayray119
@ColinUK Thanks. I did wonder if anyone could send me some test strips. But I do get them on prescription and I'm expecting delivery soon. I use a Tee2+ if anyone has any spare but it's not a problem really. I shouldn't test so much to be honest but I like to see where my readings are at so I can take action to correct them. I also know I should have a good idea by now on how food, execise and meds effect my BG, which I do but like a lot of things I'm not brilliant. Thanks again.
Had this pop up on my FB memories. Not a huge fan of facebook but I thought this was worth sharing:

You know what would be a really meaningful gift? One that you put your heart into. Maybe it costs a lot of money, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe it only costs you a penny, or even nothing at all. But if your heart is in it; if you’re giving it because you want to, not because you feel obliged to; if you are giving it out of gratitude, and if, in giving, you find joy … that is a wonderful gift. That is a gift that brings joy to the one who receives it.
I don’t know what HS mean?
It’s a forum thing - meaning House Special. It is “awarded” to anyone with a fasting BG of 5.2 as this was deemed to be the ideal waking BG.
I’m a bit embarrassed.
learning and understanding everything around diabetes is difficult.
Don’t be at all! Everyone is learning all the time, we are all here to learn and improve our understanding and learning to live with diabetes. There’s a wealth of experience on this forum.
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Very nearly a HS for me today with a 5.3. Oddly I prefer something in the mid 4s even though 5s are perfect. I guess my breakfast spike is better tamed if I start a little lower.

Have a great day everyone!
And it's a 4.4 for me today. 🙂


5.8 on this chilly morning, frost everywhere. No yoga tonight as the teacher is not well, so really must try and do some from my app. Did get out running yesterday and will walk home from mum‘s so at least I am still getting some exercise.

Congratulations to all of yesterdays HS, well done to you all.

@HappySJ - enjoy your trip to Italy.
So o woke up at around 7.20 i believe and fall back asleep. So when i Frist woke up it 8.8 which half expected to be higher because my birthday meal with everything together worked out to almost 250 grabs(i did guess the flat white because for some reason weather spoons don't tell there about three hot drinks even though they do with there food). For some reason when i did the second dose for main cause i did half a unit less(when i decide to split the dose now i let dex tell me when to do the next dose by keeping an eye on it). I didn't go above 14 all evening.

I woke again and over later and it Hadrisen to 10.5 which is fairly norm

Overall I'm fairly happy with that overnight line after that mealFB_IMG_1704963740311.jpg
Good morning. 6.3

Nice clear day. This proper cold, winter weather suits me fine.

Respiratory testing took a while but an extra nice technician. Kindly looked back on last check up and deterioration is minor. Pleased about that. Drive was unpleasant - think every driver who had forgotten what the dip switch was for had taken to the road. Ran out of Anglo-Saxon by the time I got home. Nothing on today - might take a run to Cardigan, to source a nice bit of beef which doesn't require mortgage and a few scallops, and to drop in on old friends near Llangrannog.

Have a good day everyone.
I'm sharing the 5.3 step with @Eternal422 on this freezing cold Berkshire morning. Above freezing now - just, anyway - but garden weather station says it dropped to minus 4 overnight. No surprise that I had to de-ice the car this morning. I chose to drive to Morrisons rather than walk. Swim later and it'll be the bus for a change, there being no cars available today. Tonight we're off to our local Everyman to see One Life, so looking forward to that.

Hope everyone's thawed out by now and has a good day.
Morning all. Been an age. Been stupid. 8 this morning. My new year's resolution is to try and be sensible. 🙂 Have a good day all.
Morning everyone

Unless I’ve missed something it looks like I’m the first with a 5.2 today, haven’t had one of those for ages…

Have a good day all and stay safe.
It would be best if you did eat, not carbs, protein only, eggs, bacon, good sausage or cheese. If you starve yourself your liver will respond by throwing glucose at you to get you through the day. Then if you can do some exercise, brisk walking for example, and drink lots of water. That should help.
Thanks. I went for a walk even though the weather was poor. I was starving by 11 soi just ate. One bell pepper , two eggs, and rye bread toast. Lunch was a salad.
So o woke up at around 7.20 i believe and fall back asleep. So when i Frist woke up it 8.8 which half expected to be higher because my birthday meal with everything together worked out to almost 250 grabs(i did guess the flat white because for some reason weather spoons don't tell there about three hot drinks even though they do with there food). For some reason when i did the second dose for main cause i did half a unit less(when i decide to split the dose now i let dex tell me when to do the next dose by keeping an eye on it). I didn't go above 14 all evening.

I woke again and over later and it Hadrisen to 10.5 which is fairly norm

Overall I'm fairly happy with that overnight line after that mealView attachment 28856
The meal I'm referring to if anyones interesting was scampi and chips and then a apple crumble and custard for desert(was going to be cheesecake but they run out)
9.6 when I first woke up to Libre high alarm going off but I had the low alarm numerous times during the night, some of which didn't come up after JBs so I have another night of red on my graph. Anyway, I jabbed 5u Fiasp and went back to sleep and woke just over an hour later on 7.1 so I jabbed another 3 units and my Levemir and got up. I have been and hiked up the hill to the horses with feed buckets and haylage and my levels have not wavered downwards at all and in fact headed upwards towards lunchtime and despite a very generous bolus for lunch, I have had to stack two corrections since to try to keep a lid on things. Have to say, I don't feel well, hot one minute and shivery cold the next and my heart is pounding. No idea why unless it is because I had 2 cups of caffeinated coffee this morning when I have mostly had decaf for months now. They were not strong coffees though!

@Eternal422 Must confess I do wonder if the House Special number needs revising now that those of us on insulin mostly have CGMs. The whole purpose of 5.2 was that back in the day, when we only had finger pricks, it was not too high but not too low as to suggest we might have been hypo during the night. I know some of us still claim an HS even if we have treated a hypo, or indeed treated a high with a correction, and from a diet controlled Type 2 perspective a lower number would make more sense..... but then I am a stickler for traditions, so maybe we should stick with 5.2 after all! I too prefer a lower number though.