Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.9 - could be worse.

Quite enjoying my new airfryer - it certainly uses less electricity than my main oven. Roasts brilliantly but if you can bake in it then I ahven't discovered the nack yet, This is probably a good thing as I am having a bit of an argument with my body about how many carbs it is allowed - it keeps whining that it wants some more but neither my BG nor my weight indicate that agreement would be sound policy.

Off to get hair cut today - look like a female Einstein. Then this evening off to the hospital for pulmonary function tests. Hard frost last night, sky a washed out blue this morning, and thick ice on the pond.

Happy birthday @rayray119

Have a good day folks.
13.4 this morning even though my last meal was at 4pm yesterday. I had minced chicken, lots of avocado and parsnips. I'm feeling low and honestly on the verge of tears. The doctor didn't call me yesterday with a treatment plan and the metformin is doing nothing for my bg. I don't know what to do. Shall I just go to the gp and insist they ask my doctor what to do?
Sorry you haven’t had a response @Mbabazi - this is really very much a social thread rather than a “help” one. I suspect that your GP has referred you to the Diabetes Clinic and in his/her head handed you over to their care. FWIW I walked around with BGs in the 20s for at least 3 weeks before going onto Insulin and though I felt awful it didn’t do any permanent harm. By all means go and ask what’s going on.
Sorry you haven’t had a response @Mbabazi - this is really very much a social thread rather than a “help” one. I suspect that your GP has referred you to the Diabetes Clinic and in his/her head handed you over to their care. FWIW I walked around with BGs in the 20s for at least 3 weeks before going onto Insulin and though I felt awful it didn’t do any permanent harm. By all means go and ask what’s going on.
Thank you Patti 🙂. I feel a bit better knowing it won't do long term damage - my post 4pm meal number was 21. I will pop over and ask in the evening if I don't hear from the gp in the day time.
Good morning all, 4.7 today for me and another flat line for BG overnight.

Wow, what a clutch of HSs today! Well done @eggyg, @MeeTooTeeTo, @HappySJ and @Martin.A!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all and a miraculous 6.8

Miraculous because I went into town yesterday afternoon to pick some stuff up. Car wouldn't start. Breakdown took 3 1/2 hours to get to me. I didn't have my levemir with me so ended up taking 3/4 of the dose 4 hours late. Taking it later might be a good thing.

Luckily it's only a duff battery so easily sorted.

Rehearsal this evening but got to fit a new pull switch for the shower first.

Have a good day everyone.
9.3 with an upward sloping arrow the first time I woke up with Libre high alarm going off after a night of persistent hypos, all totally my own fault for eating a fruit scone with jam and then having to have corrections at bedtime. Anyway I hit it with 4 units (2 correction units plus 2 for DP/FOTF) and went back to sleep and woke the second time an hour and a half later on 6.4. Jabbed another 5 for breakfast and that seems to have worked. Absolutely hating these disposable Fiasp pens and can't wait to get them used up and be back to my NovoPen Echo and cartridges. They seem to develop bubbles which I can't seem to shift even with 2 unit air shots, plus I always just count the clicks to dial up my dose and I an used to 2 nice solid clicks equals 1 unit with the Echo whereas these are much less distinct clicks and 1 equals a unit so I have to really focus on a morning when I inject Levemir and Fiasp and it is 2 clicks each for Levemir but just 1 each for Fiasp.

Many congratulations to all the House Special achievers this morning! Wow! What a gaggle of you today!

Happy Birthday to @rayray119 Hope you have a lovely day.

@Mbabazi As Patti has said, you don't want to be having levels in the 20s for months on end but I would imagine many of us had levels that high for several weeks both before diagnosis and even after diagnosis but before we got insulin. Parsnips are quite carby so that will likely be why your levels increased and when your baseline levels are already high, it doesn't take much to push them higher. Have you got some Ketostix to test for ketones? You can buy them over the counter at pharmacies for about £5 for a pot of 50 if you don't have any, so that you can keep a check on your ketone levels when BG levels are running high like this. If you develop ketones above 2 head to hospital A&E for urgent medical assistance. Ketones are the immediate concern rather than the high BG levels short term. Hopefully you will hear something today, but do follow it up if you haven't. Ideally you don't want to be starting on insulin on Friday night with no official support till Monday, although obviously we are here to support on the forum and guide you through any problems if you do have any issues. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Morning all

It was a nice round 5.0 for me today, a super sunny morning here but only a 4.1c so chilly out.

Congrats to all HSs, and have a good day everyone.
9.3 with an upward sloping arrow the first time I woke up with Libre high alarm going off after a night of persistent hypos, all totally my own fault for eating a fruit scone with jam and then having to have corrections at bedtime. Anyway I hit it with 4 units (2 correction units plus 2 for DP/FOTF) and went back to sleep and woke the second time an hour and a half later on 6.4. Jabbed another 5 for breakfast and that seems to have worked. Absolutely hating these disposable Fiasp pens and can't wait to get them used up and be back to my NovoPen Echo and cartridges. They seem to develop bubbles which I can't seem to shift even with 2 unit air shots, plus I always just count the clicks to dial up my dose and I an used to 2 nice solid clicks equals 1 unit with the Echo whereas these are much less distinct clicks and 1 equals a unit so I have to really focus on a morning when I inject Levemir and Fiasp and it is 2 clicks each for Levemir but just 1 each for Fiasp.

Many congratulations to all the House Special achievers this morning! Wow! What a gaggle of you today!

Happy Birthday to @rayray119 Hope you have a lovely day.

@Mbabazi As Patti has said, you don't want to be having levels in the 20s for months on end but I would imagine many of us had levels that high for several weeks both before diagnosis and even after diagnosis but before we got insulin. Parsnips are quite carby so that will likely be why your levels increased and when your baseline levels are already high, it doesn't take much to push them higher. Have you got some Ketostix to test for ketones? You can buy them over the counter at pharmacies for about £5 for a pot of 50 if you don't have any, so that you can keep a check on your ketone levels when BG levels are running high like this. If you develop ketones above 2 head to hospital A&E for urgent medical assistance. Ketones are the immediate concern rather than the high BG levels short term. Hopefully you will hear something today, but do follow it up if you haven't. Ideally you don't want to be starting on insulin on Friday night with no official support till Monday, although obviously we are here to support on the forum and guide you through any problems if you do have any issues. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Thank you so much for the advice. I am not feeling weak and some of the symptoms I had when I last had dka so I had not thought to test buy maybe I'll test with the ketostix I got just to be sure. Fingers crossed I hear back soon.
Is there a discount on HS’s today?! Congrats to all who snagged one!

And happy birthday @rayray119
a shocking 4.6 this morning had half a bar of galaxy and red wine
What's your secret? I'd be in the low sixes with that. 🙂
What's your secret? I'd be in the low sixes with that. 🙂
To be honest I think i know but its early days, I started taking Blueberry extract 3 a day with each meal and ever since my BG has been much more stable, its only a week in but i have not had a spike once, if eat even a small amount of bread one slice for example or potato my BG goes up into the but now nothing. I only have Lantus 30 units a day.
To be honest I think i know but its early days, I started taking Blueberry extract 3 a day with each meal and ever since my BG has been much more stable, its only a week in but i have not had a spike once, if eat even a small amount of bread one slice for example or potato my BG goes up into the but now nothing. I only have Lantus 30 units a day.
Oh. I'll have to have a look at that.
Afternoon all. Sunny with clear blue skies and little wind, but cold, cold, cold!

5.7 this morning, which is much better, specially after the last two days. There's no rhyme nor reason though!

Why am I always nearly last to post? Well, I usually read the thread on my iPad whilst in bed drinking the lovely cuppa that Julian always brings me. Hate typing on the iPad though so I wait until I am up and about and have turned my laptop on as I have a cordless keyboard and mouse attached and find it so much easier to type on. Today that was pretty late as the members of the GP's Patient Panel group were coming to my house for a morning coffee to discuss the agenda for the formal meeting next week. An hour's coffee meeting turned into two and then it was time for lunch, followed by trying to fix a problem with the laptop. Finally succeeded!

Off out later to meet friends in the local as we do most Wednesday late afternoon/early evenings. Then home for Mediterranean roast veg with sticky sausages.

Happy Birthday to @rayray119

Congratulations to all the HSs. @eggyg, @Martin.A @MeeTooTeeTo and @HappySJ. Have a large house to share...
از 0 تا 100 طراحی عمارت و ساخت عمارت را به ما بسپارید_ - اویم شاهانه.jpeg

Have a good day all - or what's left of it!