Group 7-day waking average?

Wow, i've always wanted to go to San Francisco and drive (well...hubby drive) down the Pacific Coast Highway. I shall be looking forward to lots of photos. I'm very jealous...retirement AND San Francisco.
I’m going to have to disappoint you as we are only doing a 2 night stopover to break up the journey. We have been before and it is well worth visiting, also the PCH is a great road to drive along, loads to see along the way. We did the journey from LA to San Francisco and can definitely recommend it!

Here are some pictures for you of San Francisco in 2013 (gulp - 11 years ago now!)

Yes, the bats are called paddles and made of graphite and the ball is plastic with holes in which I suppose slows it down in the air or something - it's great fun! Goodness only knows why it's called Pickle Ball ...
From Wikipedia.. "In the sport of rowing, or crew, a pickle boat is a team of rowers made up of leftover rowers (those who have not been selected to compete as principal rowers). Joel Pritchard's wife has said that she named the sport of pickleball after the pickle boat, because the sport had been created from pieces of equipment that were leftover from other sports.[45][46] (See Etymology of pickleball)"

Joel Pritchard was one of the trio who created Pickle Ball all the way back in 1965!
Afternoon all. Only one word to describe today "bl**dy cold" Oh... that's 2. Never mind, the two describe it well!

8.3 this morning and it's been all uphill since then! Toast, all of one slice 12g carb, is a dire start to the day for me. Then went out for lunch with my friend and had a small bowl of butternut squash and sweet potato soup with 2 hunks of granary bread which compounded matters - 17.2 as a result. Only 36% TIR.

We then sat still in the Cinema to see "One Life" - a tear jerker if ever there was one. Rather predictable, but the cinema was at least something to do which was warm, rather than trailing aimlessly round shops in the freezing cold!

Happy Birthday to @Robin. Make a quick recovery so you can enjoy a nice meal out!

Have a good evening all.
Visited San Francisco many times in my flying career, always with with a day off to explore. Hired cars and went up to the vineyards a couple of times. Did the Pacific Highway in 2004 on a driving holiday (OMG nearly 20 years ago!). It's really magic. Julian's younger brother met us at SFO airport. We took 3 days driving down the coast from SFO to Cambria and across to Fresno where we stayed at Jonathon's home. Visited Hearst Castle which was amazing. Saw herds of Zebra roaming free in the hills near the castle. Visited Yosemite National Park and picniced in shorts in the snow in Kings's Canyon national park. Afterwards we drove north on our own and stayed in Russian River which was beautiful.

At River's end (Russian River) we went down onto the beach which was populated with elephant seals, ordinary seals and literally hundreds of Pelicans. When they took off it was like a canopy of prehistoric creatures. Sat by the river listening to David Young's beautiful pipe music that we bought there - which we have ever since called "River Music". Still raises the hairs on my neck - Magic! Do go @zippyjojo

California 2004 076.jpg
California 2004 061.jpgCalifornia 2004 040.jpg
California 2004 036.jpg

California 2004 049.jpg
Last time I was in San Francisco was 43 years ago. I think it’s probably changed a bit since then!
I’d like to go back to California and drive up from LA through to Russian River, spend time there before winding back down through Yosemite and stopping at Palm Springs.
Good morning all. 5.2 and a unicorn! Blimey, haven’t been in the fives for ages nor had a unicorn and I get both at once! Chuffed to bits.

Up a bit earlier than usual on a Zara day, as Mr Eggy was tossing and turning, worrying about Camille going into the garage this morning, more like he’s worried about his wallet! So we’re both up early. But he’s emptied the dishwasher already, blimey again, a HS, unicorn AND an empty dishwasher! Think I’ll put the lottery on tonight!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, if I’m not here tomorrow I’m on my way to the Maldives on a private plane! 😛


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Good morning - 8.5.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 6.3. Apart from yesterday's hypo on waking, i had a virtually flat line all day and night. I can tell i'm back atvwork as well, yesterday i got home, made a drink then slept! Only the first proper day back as well, i'm getting too old for this.

@eggyg Congrats on the HS, unicorn and empty dishwasher.
Good morning 7.8 today

the blister I had on my toe has almost completely healed over which is a relief

I’m planing to start swimming at the weekend
not that I’m a particularly strong swimmer or ever have been
but know I need to build up some muscle strength in my legs

Have a great day 😎
Morning all, 5.8 here. Managed not to wake up coughing in the night…woke up twice with foot cramp instead! But that’s just dehydration and is fixable. And my own fault, a couple of glasses of Cava last evening wouldn’t have helped!

6.5 and feeling rubbish, particularly self inflicted as I did ate two chocolate digestives last night and I think partly a bug as I feel dizzy, sick horrible whooshing feeling in my ears. Anyway hoping I feel better later for a run or at least walk, managed to lose 2lbs at weigh in, pleased with that, o hopefully the rest of the achristmas weight will be gone by next weigh in.

@eggyg- well done on your HS, a unicorn and dishwasher being emptied.
Morning all. 6.8 here.

As long as you enjoy the swimming @goodybags then that’s great. I’m not the strongest or most stylish swimmer, but I loves it. Have fun!

I know what you mean @freesia - I was determined to stay up until 10 last night, so I had a little nap on the sofa while I was waiting LOL.
Morning it's 9.7 the ball of my foot was really hurting last night as well as some toess. I did tripped upstairs yesterday morning so ur could have party beenthat coming out. I'm getting s bit of wired felling again now.

Anyway going out for food for my birthday later.
13.4 this morning even though my last meal was at 4pm yesterday. I had minced chicken, lots of avocado and parsnips. I'm feeling low and honestly on the verge of tears. The doctor didn't call me yesterday with a treatment plan and the metformin is doing nothing for my bg. I don't know what to do. Shall I just go to the gp and insist they ask my doctor what to do?
Still below freezing here and looking at the cars there's been a frost overnight, the first down here for a long while. It was bitterly cold yesterday and according to the forecast it's not going to get above fridge temperature today, although we are going to get clear blue skies and sunshine for most of it.

Enjoyed my swim yesterday and comfortably completed my 20 lengths. Found it hard going last week after having had a 2-week break over Xmas & New Year but not so yesterday. Pool was quiet on both counts - schools are back, so no kids, and only half a dozen of us in the slow lane. @harbottle I recommend swimming. I was never a particularly strong swimmer but I've improved enormously since I started going twice a week. No way could I manage 20 lengths a year ago.

Quiet day ahead with nothing special planned. Ironing basket screaming for attention so will probably get the ironing board out, set it up in front of the TV and put the movie Harry Brown on, starring Michael Caine, which I recorded a week or so ago.

Congrats @eggyg on your HS. I'm joining you - first one in weeks..!!

Have a good day all, especially @rayray119 on your birthday.


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