Group 7-day waking average?

So... went to see the excellent Dr Khaled Sadek today about the cyst. He took one glance at my head and said "That's not a cyst of any description. It's some type of follicular occlusion and is absolutely treatable under the NHS with no need for funding appeals or anything like that. It's a straightforward referral to dermatology and you'll see a consultant who will sort this out. I'll write to your GP and advise them of my diagnosis and suggest that they refer you. Any issues getting the referral email me and I'll help."

He said it's likely a mild case of "dissecting cellulitis". Don't be tempted to look it up on Google as the pics you see on there are EXTREME!!

If you do want to see the good Doc at work he does have a YouTube channel though... Dr Khaled Sadek - YouTube

Ten minutes after I'd walked out of his consultation rooms I had the email letter to my GP land in my inbox. All well and good. 'I'll read that when I get home' I think.

Get home, open it up and it's exactly what he's mentioned plus a little more detail. So I fire up the Patches system to send it over to the GP with a message asking for a referral to dermatology (which I'd asked for originally of course). Fought with the AI triage and managed to send it over. Signed in to Airmid to check exactly what the GP had put in my notes from the consultation about the cyst and see in bold letters that I have an appointment tomorrow morning. An appointment I've not been notified about by anyone. So back to email and this time I send a message to the GP surgery saying that I've just seen an appointment for tomorrow I didn't know about and can't attend so would like rescheduled for a week later and made into a double appointment.

I've asked them to double check their system settings for notifying me of appointments as clearly something's wrong. It wouldn't have been the first time that I'd missed an appointment that I didn't know I had if I hadn't signed in to check something unrelated. And missed appointments cost the NHS a fortune.
So... went to see the excellent Dr Khaled Sadek today about the cyst. He took one glance at my head and said "That's not a cyst of any description. It's some type of follicular occlusion and is absolutely treatable under the NHS with no need for funding appeals or anything like that. It's a straightforward referral to dermatology and you'll see a consultant who will sort this out. I'll write to your GP and advise them of my diagnosis and suggest that they refer you. Any issues getting the referral email me and I'll help."

He said it's likely a mild case of "dissecting cellulitis". Don't be tempted to look it up on Google as the pics you see on there are EXTREME!!

If you do want to see the good Doc at work he does have a YouTube channel though... Dr Khaled Sadek - YouTube

Ten minutes after I'd walked out of his consultation rooms I had the email letter to my GP land in my inbox. All well and good. 'I'll read that when I get home' I think.

Get home, open it up and it's exactly what he's mentioned plus a little more detail. So I fire up the Patches system to send it over to the GP with a message asking for a referral to dermatology (which I'd asked for originally of course). Fought with the AI triage and managed to send it over. Signed in to Airmid to check exactly what the GP had put in my notes from the consultation about the cyst and see in bold letters that I have an appointment tomorrow morning. An appointment I've not been notified about by anyone. So back to email and this time I send a message to the GP surgery saying that I've just seen an appointment for tomorrow I didn't know about and can't attend so would like rescheduled for a week later and made into a double appointment.

I've asked them to double check their system settings for notifying me of appointments as clearly something's wrong. It wouldn't have been the first time that I'd missed an appointment that I didn't know I had if I hadn't signed in to check something unrelated. And missed appointments cost the NHS a fortune.
I worked in IT supporting Social Services for 17 years. IT Consultants for the systems we bought in started at £1,000 per day. Nice work if you can get it. And of course it was a constant battle between them and us. Getting bugs fixed and having to tell everyone to sign out as we need to do a reboot.
From Wikipedia.. "In the sport of rowing, or crew, a pickle boat is a team of rowers made up of leftover rowers (those who have not been selected to compete as principal rowers). Joel Pritchard's wife has said that she named the sport of pickleball after the pickle boat, because the sport had been created from pieces of equipment that were leftover from other sports.[45][46] (See Etymology of pickleball)"

Joel Pritchard was one of the trio who created Pickle Ball all the way back in 1965!
Thank you!!
Visited San Francisco many times in my flying career, always with with a day off to explore. Hired cars and went up to the vineyards a couple of times. Did the Pacific Highway in 2004 on a driving holiday (OMG nearly 20 years ago!). It's really magic. Julian's younger brother met us at SFO airport. We took 3 days driving down the coast from SFO to Cambria and across to Fresno where we stayed at Jonathon's home. Visited Hearst Castle which was amazing. Saw herds of Zebra roaming free in the hills near the castle. Visited Yosemite National Park and picniced in shorts in the snow in Kings's Canyon national park. Afterwards we drove north on our own and stayed in Russian River which was beautiful.

At River's end (Russian River) we went down onto the beach which was populated with elephant seals, ordinary seals and literally hundreds of Pelicans. When they took off it was like a canopy of prehistoric creatures. Sat by the river listening to David Young's beautiful pipe music that we bought there - which we have ever since called "River Music". Still raises the hairs on my neck - Magic! Do go @zippyjojo

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Sounds gorgeous but sadly it's @Eternal422 that's going - not me :(
An early good morning. 6.8.

Another early get up, woke at 5 and laid until 5.15 and decided to get up as I do have a 8.30 osteopath appointment and a 10am hairdressers appointment, so I’ll get some time to get things done before leaving at 8. When I say get things done, I mean Wordle, FB, this forum, I definitely wasn’t thinking hoovering or washing! 😉

Mr Eggy will need to get up early too as he’s driving me to my first appointment. Camille is still in the garage, they broke something whilst fitting the new brake things, so they sent a courtesy car round to the house late afternoon. It’s only insured for Mr Eggy to drive, thank goodness, it’s a monster! I don’t even think I’ll be able to climb in it let alone drive it!

That’s my day, more back pummelling, I wish it would sort itself out, then cut and colour, sitting in a hard chair for at least two hours with a dodgy sacrum. I’ll be good for nowt when I get home. Nana nap excepted! 😉

Have a good day all.
Good morning - 7.8

Have a great day everyone.
@eggyg What on earth have they given as a courtesy car??

@RichardsUsername Which BG meter do you have? Someone here may have spare test strips they could send you.


6.9 for me.

Off to have breakfast with my ISVA this morning. It was supposed to be the day of the police training / talk thing but now that’s not happening we decided to meet up regardless and just have a giggle and a good old goss about shit. I’m tired but I’m looking forward to it. I may walk there as it’s only about 5 miles mainly along the canal but it’s cold this morning so I might wimp out and catch the high speed Javelin train that takes 6 minutes instead.

After yesterday’s diagnosis I have of course spent time in the presence of Dr Google and so far I’ve gleaned that my scalp condition is very common amongst black men so I’m questioning who the milkman was when my folks were first married.

In all seriousness I’m grateful that I’ve got a mild case as the severe ones look awful. Yes it means that the little patches of baldness won’t ever grow hair but that’s a minor thing. It is common amongst those with diabetes, some low vitamin levels, elevated cholesterol etc and it’s been going on for years. The key thing now is getting an official NHS diagnosis and treatment plan.
16 this morning. Not great but I've got an appointment with the doctor tomorrow so maybe they can start me on some insulin soon. My sleep was so interrupted by peeing twice and striggling to go back to sleep each time. Having an appointment is making me feel better. I haven't worked well this whole week but I'm determined to make today a good day. I'll try not to eat till as late as possible to let the bg come down a bit.
. I'll try not to eat till as late as possible to let the bg come down a bit.
It would be best if you did eat, not carbs, protein only, eggs, bacon, good sausage or cheese. If you starve yourself your liver will respond by throwing glucose at you to get you through the day. Then if you can do some exercise, brisk walking for example, and drink lots of water. That should help.
Good morning! A 7.9 for me . Not a good week as after Patient Transport failed to turn up to rake me to podiatry appointment I got a call cancelling today's physiotherapy session due to staff shortage. As I only get the single one hour session a week when a physiotherapist has told me I really need two minimum I am not happy! :(
Just looked at the paperwork it’s a Dynamic AWD estate! :confused:
They’re huge! But then again anything is big compared to Camille as she’s a slip of a thing.
Good morning! so many lovely messages, so now I have to say I don’t know what HS mean? I’m a bit embarrassed.
learning and understanding everything around diabetes is difficult. mostly it’s people outside of these forums no medical or personal experience telling me what I should and should not eat…. 6.3 today. And I fly to Italy for a few days. Have a lovely day every one.