Group 7-day waking average?

And are you dosing as per the label or?
Colin, it's not I who is taking them. @Pam123 said she had good BG results and like you I was curious to know which ones she was using.

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Morning all on this grey day. Pity, been a good week weather-wise.

7.4 this morning after over-sleeping until 9:45 (went to bed at 11:45). Don’t know what’s going on, 2 hrs sleep on the sofa in the afternon, another hour on the sofa after dinner. I’m just so tired.

Not doing much today except making soup that I didn’t get round to yesterday. Might meet friends later on, we’ll see. Fortunately there’s enough Lasagne left over for dinner tonight.

Congratulations to @freesia on your HS. Well done that lady.

Have a Good day all
@rebrascora Why do you think the T2 migt benefit from a lower HS?

Have a good Friday everyone.
From the perspective of the House Special being an optimum waking reading, lower is better unless you are at risk of hypos which dietary controlled Type 2s are not, so aiming for a result which is potentially higher than optimum seems counter to good diabetes management. Obviously I appreciate that that some people can't get their readings into the 4s for whatever reason, but celebrating getting a 5.2 when you get 4.5s or even 4.2s some days, just seems nonsensical.
4.9 this morning for me.

No plans today other than WFH (as usual), hoping no Friday madness hits this afternoon as people decide they’re going home and throw their problems over to me!

Congratulations @freesia on your Friday HS!

Take care everyone!
From the perspective of the House Special being an optimum waking reading, lower is better unless you are at risk of hypos which dietary controlled Type 2s are not, so aiming for a result which is potentially higher than optimum seems counter to good diabetes management. Obviously I appreciate that that some people can't get their readings into the 4s for whatever reason, but celebrating getting a 5.2 when you get 4.5s or even 4.2s some days, just seems nonsensical.
I think we have to regard it as a bit of fun. A bit like bingo. If you hit the jackpot, you hit the jackpot, whether it’s normal for you, high for you or low for you. I think 5.2 is a good 'Universal' number, that can embrace people on insulin, people with Dawn Phenomenon, etc, without getting people hung up or feeling pressured into going for ever lower numbers. I’d hate this thread to turn into a competitive event.
5.9 for me this morning and a small skim into the red sand during the night which it seems I didn't wake up for. Again my own fault as my high alarm went off just after I got into bed following a low alarm when I got to Ian's last night after trudging through quagmire to find the least muddy spots to put haylage in field for horses. So jealous of you guys having some frost and fine weather we are still mild and wet and dismal and unfortunately Rebel has come down with mud fever so I am going to have to bring them all back down to the yard, so that I can deal with it.
Anyway, I treated my hypo last night with one very small piece of Turkish delight from a box Ian got reduced in Aldi. Blooming heck! That stuff is the best hypo treatment I have ever seen. Talk about rocket fuel! I ended up needing 2 correction units to counteract the high that followed!
Sad day for me yesterday as I made the decision to scrap my Dad's Toyota Corolla that he bought from new and I inherited when he died. It has been a fantastically reliable car but needing too much spent on it now and body work starting to rot is crucial places. Engine still runs really well though. In some respects it will be nice just to run one car and the tax insurance and MOT were all due this month so it is a big financial saving, but it is like losing a last tie with my Dad..... and it means I will actually have to clean my Freelander in order to use it socially 🙄 (Dad's car was my going to the theatre car) because it is really just a work horse for carrying haylage and a filthy muddy driver up and down the road and delivering horse manure and towing carriages etc. I suppose I could utilize the saved money on an occasional professional valeting, although I would feel guilty and embarrassed taking it to be done and probably have to wait all day for them to finish the job!! 😱

Congrats to @freesia on your House Special and Unicorn!!

@Ditto. Good to see you back posting Jan and well done on getting a spot of blood no matter how small!

@khskel Good luck! Hope the gig goes well! Is this as a result of the meet up with Lene Lovich in the states?
I think we have to regard it as a bit of fun. A bit like bingo. If you hit the jackpot, you hit the jackpot, whether it’s normal for you, high for you or low for you. I think 5.2 is a good 'Universal' number, that can embrace people on insulin, people with Dawn Phenomenon, etc, without getting people hung up or feeling pressured into going for ever lower numbers. I’d hate this thread to turn into a competitive event.
Yes, I agree and that was my conclusion in the original post, that we should keep it at 5.2
I was more explaining the logic of my comment about it making more sense to be lower for dietary controlled Type 2s, than actually suggesting we should do that. Didn't mean to upset anyone or suggest we make it more difficult for people....

The fact of the matter is that it isn't a level playing field regardless of the HS number. Some people have much more chance of an HS than others, be they Type 1 or Type 2 simply because some people have much more stable BG levels whilst others have a lot of variability. It is quite interesting to see in some respects and doesn't even seem to relate to treatment options either. We have some people on this thread who are really stable on diet only and some are remarkably consistent with their waking readings with insulin and some get great stability with Gliclazide..... and then others like me, who don't 🙄, probably for a whole variety of reasons.
From the perspective of the House Special being an optimum waking reading, lower is better unless you are at risk of hypos which dietary controlled Type 2s are not, so aiming for a result which is potentially higher than optimum seems counter to good diabetes management. Obviously I appreciate that that some people can't get their readings into the 4s for whatever reason, but celebrating getting a 5.2 when you get 4.5s or even 4.2s some days, just seems nonsensical.
Normal blood sugar levels are often said to be between 4.0 and 5.4 mmo/L fasting and pre-prandial so I think for most of us any result in that range deserves a pat on the back. 5.2 seems as good a target as any, although I get your point about celebrating an HS when you're used to getting 4s. I'm not sure I've had many fasting readings below 5. My average reading always ends up a couple of points over the 'normal' range above.
I bought some of the blueberry supplements! They had two bottles on the shelf in my local H&B.
I’m guessing they can’t hurt…
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

@ColinUK grapefruit juice?

Yesterdays laser eye surgery went well but I have a few bits in my eye now that they said would go in time. I hope so. Amazingly the 'operated on' eye is now the better one.

View attachment 28529

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Hi glad it went well, I hope you don’t mind me asking what was the laser treatment.
@Flower1 The laser treatment was to remove crystalisation around the site of the new lenses. I don't know what they call it but apparently it is very common.

It really was a doddle. The worst bit was the wretched eye drops they administer. They sting.

All in all each eye took a few minutes, about 10 to 20 shots with the laser.

No adverse after effects.
View attachment 28865
These ones I think but H&B are out of stock atm.

if you have a local shop it might be worth checking, as you say its out of stock to order online, i managed to get 4 bottles from another Holland and Barretts, there still working wonders
@Flower1 The laser treatment was to remove crystalisation around the site of the new lenses. I don't know what they call it but apparently it is very common.

It really was a doddle. The worst bit was the wretched eye drops they administer. They sting.

All in all each eye took a few minutes, about 10 to 20 shots with the laser.

No adverse after effects.
Hi thanks for the reply, I’m just so nervous getting laser for retinopathy. Glad all went well.
Good morning! Well it was when I woke to two fat ladies, 8.8, but then DP and FOTF played games and it rose tl 11.4 causing an end to 30 hours in range mostly between 5.0 and 7.0 apart from after 5:00 when it started rising (woke after 6:15 with phantom pain). Thereafter it was telephone tag trying to sort out a dressing change for my foot as it is both overdue and soggy (shades of WWI field hospital rather than 21st century medical care!). Anyway should have a district nurse visit later today. (fingers crossed emoji)

A district nurse came a few hours ago, cleaned everything up and redressed it. With all the absorbent material and bandaging makes it look k more swollen than it is. You could compare it to the left one but it isn't there; :(

A district nurse came a few hours ago, cleaned everything up and redressed it. With all the absorbent material and bandaging makes it look k more swollen than it is. You could compare it to the left one but it isn't there; :(

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Another post where we really need a "phew" emoji!
So pleased/relieved you have got it seen to. I know it isn't ideal having it done at home by the district nurse but the risk of infection with soiled damp dressings is just way to risky for it to have been left any longer, especially when you are already fighting infection in it. Fingers crossed transport turns up on time and you make it to the foot clinic and physio next week. (((HUGS)))
Congratulations, what a way to end the week.
It was really surprising as yesterday afternoon was so stressful! i called round mums but it was all locked up even though she knew i was going to pick her up. I let myself in to find her on the floor bruised and bleeding! She'd had a fall the night before and had been unable to get up or let anyone know. Paramedics came. She's now in hospital.

I went for my D review today and they told me my blood pressure was up a bit. I wonder why?!