Group 7-day waking average?

5.5 for me this morning. We had a bit of wind last night but that was due to the baked beans I suspect. :D

Stay safe everybody.

Good morning after a wild night. No trees down, roofs still on as is power, so got away lightly. Hope @eggyg is soon reconnected.

6.6 - quite good given that I succumbed to temptation, made sultana and walnut bread, and ate some for supper...knew I should have chucked out the flour after Christmas.

Hope everyone has survivied Storm Isha and has a good week.
9.2 before breakfast. I reduced the DP addition from +3 to +2 today as yesterday dropped down to 4.1 after breakfast. Tried a prebolus of 30 minutes for porridge and banana. Will be switching to a lower carb breakfast once I finish the bag later this week.
Hi all. At daughter’s, (it took us 30 mins as opposed to 5 as M6 closed at 42 which is only a mile from us, and the traffic was backed up outside our house)so back in the land of Wi-Fi. According to ENW website there’s still 127 homes in our area without power and estimated time for restoration is still tomorrow at 5pm! A spokesperson on local radio has said that’s worst case scenario. Fingers crossed it’s today. Brought the protein from the freezer now safely ensconced in daughter’s. Worried about all the veg from the garden which we lovingly grew and harvested, blanched and froze. Ah well, at least my £100 fillet of beef is safe. :rofl:
Morning all. 6.2 on a finger print as my phone has died. Unable to charge it as we are without power and have been since 8pm last night, been on website and it’s expected to be restored by 5pm tomorrow! I’m very worried about my two full freezers!

Got 19% on my IPad so just a quickie. Will go to daughter’s to watch Zara today. At least we will be warm and get our tech charged up.

See you on the other side, hope everyone safe and sound. It’s been a rough night, not much sleep had.
Your freezers should be fine as long as you don't open them.
Morning all and 5.9 for me although that was thanks to a correction in the early hours due to a spike up to 16. to do but I think I'm getting there

Still gusting here but doesn't appear to be any damage anywhere.

Have a good day everyone.

4.7 today, going to Bakeclub this evening. We got off lightly as the winds didn’t get as strong here, we do have a couple fence panels down but those came down in the last storm so the neighbour whose fence it is just slotted them back in, said he will replace fence when the weather gets better, so providing neither of the panels are damaged he will probably slot them back in.

@eggyg - hope you get your power back on soon.
My daughter was very annoyed when her neighbour replaces a perfectly good fence with a much poorer quality one without saying a word and threw away the panels which they could have used elsewhere in the garden. It all happened when they were away on holiday.
Wind really find the weakness in fences.
Morning all - lovely day, clear blue skies (though we had a quick shower earlier). Wind has died down to a stiff breeze. Although the wind was fierce all night we didn't suffer any damage. We are lucky that our garden is very sheltered.

5.4 this morning, quite pleased with that after having had a roast with roast potatoes and mashed swede and carrots for dinner last night. Followed by 2 pieces of Terry's chocolate orange bar with snowballs. Lovely flat line too.

Today a quick trip to a supermarket to pick up some last minute bits as we are having friends round for lunch tomorrow and one of them is on a low residue diet for three days prior to a colonoscopy. Am cooking salmon in foil with dill and lemon butter marinade, asparagus, wilted spinach and orzo with mint and parsley. I'll leave the herb leaves whole so she can pick them out if she wants. Dessert is a B&B pud made with an italian lemon cake, lemon curd and custard. It's supposed to have blueberries in it, but I'll leave those out. Cheeseboard... hopefully she can eat cream crackers or white bread with it. I think @eggyg is on low residue, so if she could cast an eye over the menu I'd be grateful.

Hoping your power is restored soon @eggyg and that the contents of your freezer are saved.

@ColinUK fingers crossed for your Dad.

Have a good day all.
Afternoon all

And it's a 4.8 for me today, very windy today but the sun is shining....
4.1 this morning after what looks to have been all night in the red sand, which explains the weird dreams I was having.

Luckily we’re ok with regards to fences still up and steady, still got power and internet. Bit gusty still but not as bad as we feared it might be. @eggyg - hope you get power restored sooner rather than later!

Take care everyone!
Good day everyone. 5'7 this morning. Yesterday was in the 6s and the few days before, in the 7s. No insulin involved.

Quite shocking how my levels were so much higher on holiday when I was actively trying to manage them. A couple days ago I tried to bolus for pasta carbonara and went hypo, the next day had the same portion without bolus to see how it went and the raise was minimal (maybe something to do with the fat + walking after). Not much effect from a small cheesecake either (there was walking as well after, tbh). Only thing that seems to really spike me this week is bread, even with more walking that day. Not complaining, of course. Just... confused.

The storm didn't cause any damage in my surroundings, just made my walk to and from work last night quite unpleasant. I did feel I would be blown away a couple times! Today is meant to be windy too but for now is sunny. I expected another gray day so didn't plan to go out, now I'm going but undecided where to.

They cut my working hours drastically for at least a few weeks and I have mixed feelings. I wanted to have more time off but I don't know what to do with myself, plus obviously less hours means less pay. I was looking forward to find a better place to live but I feel is a bit risky to move now. Could use all this free time to update my CV and look for something out of hospitality. Sorry for the ramble, I'm a bit moody this days.
Maybe don’t put asparagus on your friend’s plate. Very fibrous, which is a shame as it’s my favourite vegetable.
Ah, OK. Thank you for that. I normally serve veg separate and let people help themselves, but she might not know. What other veg could I serve?
Ah, OK. Thank you for that. I normally serve veg separate and let people help themselves, but she might not know. What other veg could I serve?
Not many really. Broccoli and cauli are out, even peas because of the skin, sprouts absolutely not! Carrots maybe but I don’t think they go with salmon. Low residue is a very tough diet.
Not many really. Broccoli and cauli are out, even peas because of the skin, sprouts absolutely not! Carrots maybe but I don’t think they go with salmon. Low residue is a very tough diet.
It certainly seems to be! I've peeled and prepared some carrots into little batons which I'll do plain (I sometimes do them with orange zest.) I know they don't really go with salmon but just this once! Kept having to go to the door in Tesco - the only place you can get phone recep - to ask Google about different veggies. Am currently thinking mushrooms. Are they OK?
It certainly seems to be! I've peeled and prepared some carrots into little batons which I'll do plain (I sometimes do them with orange zest.) I know they don't really go with salmon but just this once! Kept having to go to the door in Tesco - the only place you can get phone recep - to ask Google about different veggies. Am currently thinking mushrooms. Are they OK?
I don’t like mushrooms so never looked into it but i don’t think they’re got much fibre have they?
Leccy back on! Got home from daughter’s at 6pm, the village was in total darkness, very weird. House was freezing. Got fire banked up, candles lit and started the tea ( we have a gas hob luckily) still with my coat on, accessorised with a head torch! Very on trend in Cumbria at the moment. Just got water on for the spaghetti and my outside light flicked in. Kept coat, head torch and candles on for another half hour until we were certain. Farmer daughter lost power later than us last night and she went on just minutes before us. Fingers crossed Jocelyn behaves tomorrow. I don’t want to go through that again. Very stressful. Looking forward to a shower tomorrow, washing your “bits” by candlelight at the kitchen sink definitely isn’t romantic. :rofl: