Group 7-day waking average?

PS just listening to a interesting discussion about a young girl who has Type 1 and an eating disorder who is trying to balance the 2 conflicting challenges and the lack of holistic advice.On Breakfast TV.
I've just seen this on Breakfast TV. It's picking up on the Parliamentary Enquiry co-chaired by Theresa May and Sir George Howarth called Type 1 Diabetes and Disordered Eating (abbreviated to TIDE [by the media?]) and as @ Wendal has just said has a focus on a lack of co-ordinated treatment for T1 endocrinology, subsidiary Diabetes checks and eating disorders. The report is published today 23 Jan 2024. I wonder if DUK will tell us more about this initiative in the coming month?

The enquiry seems to have been triggered by the suicide of a 27 yr old lady in 2017 - seems shameful in itself that such a tragic matter has taken so long to finally get some public awareness. But at least a tiny start is to be welcomed.
4.7 on waking today, but after a correction at 4am to bring down an 8.7 a bit. Probably didn’t need to bother but now I can see what my BG is I hate having it above mid 6s. Still fail though with spikes and last night’s evening “munchies” although not loads of carbs were enough to keep me high at 9 for bedtime (high for me).

@Barrowman - hope all goes well today for you!

@ColinUK - good to hear about your Dad being ok, albeit with the broken orbital bone. You’re right, there comes a time when roles reverse and you become the parent. It is worrying and like with your Dad, I only heard of several falls at home after one resulted in a trip to the hospital. Hope all continues to go well!

@Lucyr - pleased you have managed porridge and its effects upon your BG. I have porridge daily, especially during the winter months, but have not been able to tame the spike to 12 or so, despite pre bolusing by various amounts of time so I just accept the spike as long as it comes down quickly afterwards back into range.

Take care everyone, hope Jocelyn’s “mere” 50mph winds don’t do any damage!
Think I’ve nailed the porridge spike now, just the starting point to nail.

Can’t be bothered with the hassle of a 45 minute prebolus though so will be trying a low carb breakfast next after the porridge runs out


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Morning all and 7.9 for me.

Good job I wasn't planning on going out today as car is stuck on the road and won't start. Breakdown called.

Got a link to book face to face review with nurse at the surgery. Clicked on it only to find no available appointments.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.8 2 for me this morning.Anothet sleep less night with the coughing and low glucose alarm going off 4 times Went off at 12 .6 and rising with all the jelly babies I had .Took a correction dose so settle for 8.2 Normally get high readings when your out of fettle Well get this dog out .Stay safe folks
Possibly a dimwit question coming up. If I have spikes when I have food is that ok if it starts to go down pretty much straight away? So for example on this pic below you can see that I'm cruising along in the green and then it goes up for my brunch but is stabilising and will then start to come down again ...


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Not a dimwit question really, just all part of the mysteries of D. In principle it should be normal but the fine detail is in knowing when and how much bolus was taken for breakfast as well as when and how many carbs was your breakfast. Timing is important in trying to reduce your "glycaemic variability"; the goal is to have a fairly level graph with in-range numbers.

It's early days for you @zippyjojo and trial and learning is an inevitable task to find out for different types of meals how long your pre-bolus should be. It is tedious and not utterly dependable to get this right. Food to insulin ratios can vary at different times of the day and depending on how active you were yesterday as well as will be today ... plus the weather, the incoming cold you don't yet know about, or choosing the wrong colour socks .... So don't be dismayed if you don't get any sense of perfection. Diabetes is Complicated, Confusing and Contradictory. Most of us just try to do the best we reasonably can.
Not a dimwit question really, just all part of the mysteries of D. In principle it should be normal but the fine detail is in knowing when and how much bolus was taken for breakfast as well as when and how many carbs was your breakfast. Timing is important in trying to reduce your "glycaemic variability"; the goal is to have a fairly level graph with in-range numbers.

It's early days for you @zippyjojo and trial and learning is an inevitable task to find out for different types of meals how long your pre-bolus should be. It is tedious and not utterly dependable to get this right. Food to insulin ratios can vary at different times of the day and depending on how active you were yesterday as well as will be today ... plus the weather, the incoming cold you don't yet know about, or choosing the wrong colour socks .... So don't be dismayed if you don't get any sense of perfection. Diabetes is Complicated, Confusing and Contradictory. Most of us just try to do the best we reasonably can.
Thanks Roland - I should have mentioned that I just take a basal background dose of insulin at 10pm (13 units of Lantus) so everything else is being managed by the insulin that the 1/3rd of my pancreas left behind is producing - and obviously I'm trying to be conscious of diet & exercise.
Possibly a dimwit question coming up. If I have spikes when I have food is that ok if it starts to go down pretty much straight away? So for example on this pic below you can see that I'm cruising along in the green and then it goes up for my brunch but is stabilising and will then start to come down again ...
I often find that the Libre algorithm 'overeggs' the spike, and when I look later, it doesn’t show the actual readings on the graph as going up to anything like 11.7. The algorithm assumes that if you’re rising, you’ll continue to rise, and it can’t be aware of where the peak will be until after it’s happened, if you see what I mean, so it assumes a continuation, then when it gets the next 'real' readings, it adjusts the graph.
Who knew having parents would be such a worry
Very true @ColinUK! Mum is still in hospital atm (hopefully discharged tomorrow but we'll see, its been almost two weeks). I got home Friday to a call from a doctor wanting to talk about a Respect form. She said mum needed to think about whether she wanted a DNR given her age and fragility!! Not a nice conversation to have with either the doctor or mum!!

I hope your dad continues to improve and he can get home soon.

@Barrowman i hope your procedure went well.

@Pattidevans congrats on the HS.

I've had a letter today from the surgery saying my bloods need to be repeated. I need to have a look on the NHS app as i only looked at the HbA1c. When i rang for the appointment i was told that the doctor wants to see me as well after the tests come back. Thats new!! I've not had that since i've been referred back to GP care.
5.1 this morning we've spent most of the day out shopping for food etc for the next few day hubby has hall and landing to decorate and new stairs and landing carpet to lay, daughter and her boyfriend who live with us are off work for a week there attempting to put a new Turbo in there car so its going t be a fun few days
Can’t be bothered with the hassle of a 45 minute prebolus though so will be trying a low carb breakfast next after the porridge runs out
Lucy - try yoghurt with chia seeds. I got the Milbona greek yoghurt with honey and whole chia seeds (both) from Lidl. Add the seeds and leave to stand for a bit. Really tasty and quite filling and best of all no spike. Actually no rise.
Good morning - 6.4

Have a great day everyone.
Atrocious sleep (when it arrived) last night for me. Truly atrocious.


Saw dad yesterday and he was in the chair, made his way to the loo with assistance from the nurses but clearly unstable on his feet. Still it’s great to see him up and about.

He’s had yet more scans (they’re doing at least a couple a day) and they’re finding more broken bones. Latest tally includes broken skull, broken eye socket, fractured jaw and they think he’s broken a bone in his ear as well.

The body is a weird and wonderful thing in many ways. He fell on the left side of his head and yet most of the breakages are on the right. Maxillofacial surgeon said that’s because the skull deformed slightly on impact and the shockwave passed through the brain and had to escape somewhere. Which it did by breaking bones on the other side from impact.

More scans etc today with maxillof determining what, if anything, they want/need to do about the fractured jaw and eye socket.

Plastics also due today to look at the droopiness of the upper and lower eyelid.

Oh and he’s got vertigo now!

Had to surrender his driving license yesterday. Can’t drive for six months after a traumatic brain injury. Surprisingly little resistance to that other than asking if I’d actually seen the guidance on the DVLA website stating unequivocally that he had to stop driving.

I had opera tickets last night but really didn’t fancy it so passed them to a friend and ate a frankly embarrassing amount of food last night instead.
Morning. 6.1.

Jocelyn still blowing a hoolie but definitely not as bad as Isha. I can see my bird feeders swinging about so that’s something as only rescued them from across the garden and filled them up yesterday! Lots and lots of rain but very mild. It got to 12.5c yesterday teatime, now 9c. Crazy weather.

Zara day today, counting down to our Grandparentnity leave, daughter at her last growth scan today and they’ll hopefully give her the date they’ll induce her. She’s planning on finishing work next Wednesday, she’ll be 37+3 weeks then, they have said they won’t let her go over 38 weeks. We’re on constant high alert as their only means of support. Anytime now really!

@Pattidevans congrats on yesterday’s HS. Hope your lunch went well.
Have a good one all.