Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone

It's a 6.1 for me today after a 12.1 on going to bed last night which was on account of a large portion
of carrot cake my daughter-in-law gave me yesterday.

Have a good day all and stay safe
@rayray119 - have the prescribed a spacer to use with the inhaler, I have had asthma since a child and after watching my then 3 year old granddaughter using her inhaler with a spacer, I requested one, (they can also be bought OTC) it has been a game changer for me as I used to feel that i wasn’t getting it down into my lungs but stuck on my tongue and throat. Only downside is a bit cumbersome to carry around.
No they didn't I might ask. Although I don't know weather I actually have it or not yet(my doctor told me there no actual tests for deciding it but I have seen in the NHS website about asthma there are tests they use) it's just something there looking at to see if helps(my doctor actually said said "if doesn't help then we know its definitely not asthma" well not if im not getting the dose in the right place). I have appointment with a nurse to look at things. My pharmacist did say the next time I was in shed ask me to how was getting on.
Morning all 8.7 for me this morning.Least I've had had some sleep .Got a cough bottle yesterday.Supposed to be low sugar but readings been in high 8 s so I'm putting it down to that .Winds blown the tree in my garden over . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all. It's brightening up quite a lot since I woke. No wind at all.

5.7 this morning. Pleased with that. After the 3 course lunch, including the cake B&B style dessert with sweetened custard (though only 2tbs sugar in enough for 8 peeps) I never spiked at all. However half a bread roll sandwich in the evening spiked me up to 15!

@eggyg the lunch went down very well. Thank you for asking! Overdid the orzo amount and lots left so we're getting leftovers tonight with a chorizo and mushroom sauce. Waste not want not!

Only just found out that when they took bloods on 5 January they did an Hba1c. What a daft time to do that, 3 weeks after a huge steroid injection when bloods had been in the mid-high 20s for over a week and then in low teens. Accordingly Hba1c was 56. Had a phone appointment with the GP's nurse for a diabetic review that I knew nothing about until it happened this morning. First thing she said was "Your Hba1c has shot up!" Well, er yes, it would have!

@Grannylorraine well done on the weight loss!

@ColinUK sorry to hear how much damage your dad has suffered. Hope they can repair most of it - fingers crossed.

Keep safe everyone
Good late morning everyone

BG 5.2 I have been skirting around it for some time!

Been busy this morning. 3 hours updating my App to include reporting on starch and a 90 minute walk on the beach. I needed it as I stayed home all yesterday through the storm.

Another walk with my friend this afternoon too.

I need to get some keyboard practice in at some point

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@eggyg the lunch went down very well. Thank you for asking! Overdid the orzo amount and lots left so we're getting leftovers tonight with a chorizo and mushroom sauce.
I love orzo, just wish it wasn’t so expensive. I did a ras el hanout chicken orzo tray bake last week. Got it from a new cookbook I got recently, it was delicious. Loads left, as usual, I froze it in a Tupperware. Might have to add more stock when I heat it up.
I love orzo, just wish it wasn’t so expensive. I did a ras el hanout chicken orzo tray bake last week. Got it from a new cookbook I got recently, it was delicious. Loads left, as usual, I froze it in a Tupperware. Might have to add more stock when I heat it up.
What I cooked wasn't actually Orzo but kritharaki which is the greek version of it and exactly the same. I think you have a Lidl nearby? If so, look out for their Greek week as they have Kritharaki on offer quite cheaply.

What is your new cook-book?
Morning everyone! A 5,4.

Spent all day at home yesterday, mostly in front of my computer, which I feel is not good for me. Found a job offer I was quite interested in, sent a rushed application, I know I could have done better. Checked my CV folder probably for the first time since 2021. It's ironic how, when I arrived I had a fresh diploma but no work experience and was trying to make something in my studies sound interesting for a retail/hospitality job. Now I gained the experience to apply confidently to those type of jobs, I'm interested in something more related in my studies and my CV looks weird with this unrelated jobs in the middle. I am reticent to leave them out tho, because then would seem I did absolutely nothing since finishing my studies. Sight...

I also found a forgotten CV review where they criticised "you come across as a doer rather than an achiever" and encouraged me to show my "exceptional achievements". I didn't have any exceptional achievements from two weeks of waitressing, and definitely not the type they showed in their generic office job example 🙄
It is well worth putting all the jobs you have done and highlighting the transferable skills those have given you. In interviews they will often ask you to give examples of how you have handled situations and you can draw from the jobs you have had and are doing.
Good luck with your applications, I hope something you like will come up soon.
What I cooked wasn't actually Orzo but kritharaki which is the greek version of it and exactly the same. I think you have a Lidl nearby? If so, look out for their Greek week as they have Kritharaki on offer quite cheaply.

What is your new cook-book?
Ooh I’ll try that. I first tried orzo in Greece many years ago, I didn’t know what it was called I just called it pasta rice!
I was in Smiths a couple of weeks ago looking for a book and I got Pinch of Nom, version 3 I think, it’s about healthy eating but I ignored the spray oil, total lack of salt and butternut squash. I used olive oil, salt and pepper and sweet potatoes. I also got Mary Berry Collection, it weighs a ton. I only paid £10 for both. Bargain
It is well worth putting all the jobs you have done and highlighting the transferable skills those have given you. In interviews they will often ask you to give examples of how you have handled situations and you can draw from the jobs you have had and are doing.
Good luck with your applications, I hope something you like will come up soon.
Thank you. At least those jobs have helped with interpersonal skills, dealing with all sorts of people, both customers and colleagues.
Make room for me on the 5.3 step today!

Seem to be grazing too much in the evenings again which just serves to keep my BG high until bedtime when I take a correction. Still, onwards and downwards!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS today!

@ColinUK - sending best wishes to you and your Dad.

Take care everyone!
Good day all. So glad the wind has died down, it's just so scary. Dunno how the giant Eucalyptus is still standing. 😱

8.2 early on. Must remember to take equipment with me if out and about. Be responsible. I'm nearly 71 for goodness sake. Too late now maybe to get sensible. 🙂 Have a good day all.
Well, just spoken to mum. She's not coming out of hospital today after all. They decided to do some extra xrays as she's been in pain. Maybe tomorrow? Who knows any more.

@ColinUK best wishes to your dad, you and your family. Your dad has really been knocked about though he's being really brave. I hope they get him sorted out soon. Take care of each other.

@eggyg i have all of the Pinch of Nom books. I really like that they have the carbs counted. I love orzo too. I made a spinach and parmesan orzo from PoN. Simple and very tasty.

@Grannylorraine congrats on the weight loss.
Well, just spoken to mum. She's not coming out of hospital today after all. They decided to do some extra xrays as she's been in pain. Maybe tomorrow? Who knows any more.

@ColinUK best wishes to your dad, you and your family. Your dad has really been knocked about though he's being really brave. I hope they get him sorted out soon. Take care of each other.

@eggyg i have all of the Pinch of Nom books. I really like that they have the carbs counted. I love orzo too. I made a spinach and parmesan orzo from PoN. Simple and very tasty.

@Grannylorraine congrats on the weight loss.
Try the one I made. It was delicious. I didn’t have butternut squash so used sweet potato instead. I didn’t put in the sultanas as I’m not keen on fruit in savoury things, but also they are very sugary. Will definitely do it again.
@eggyg I looked at the Pinch of Nom books ages ago, but it was in Waterstones and they were too expensive at the time. I'll see if the one you have is on offer in Smiths. It's a great shame more cookery books don't feature carb counts.

I made yesterday's leftovers into quite a tasty and filling lunch. Added onion, garlic, tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, 1/2 tsp chilli flakes and some chopped chorizo. All done in a wok then at the last minute chucked in cooked carrots and the Krithraki and warmed it through. We'll probably make do with a sandwich this evening.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS.
Thank you. At least those jobs have helped with interpersonal skills, dealing with all sorts of people, both customers and colleagues.
A very good point to make the most of, though I regret to say a lot of potential employers can be blind to transferable skills.

I used to put all the paperwork for interviews into place and was one of the people who would read through applications and select the final interviewees. The place I worked had application forms and how those were filled in was really important for the selection process as we could compare like for like. Some people just put their names on them and attached their CVs (some of which were extreme flights of fancy). Those would be discarded as they had ignored a simple instruction to submit a completed application form.
Try the one I made. It was delicious. I didn’t have butternut squash so used sweet potato instead. I didn’t put in the sultanas as I’m not keen on fruit in savoury things, but also they are very sugary. Will definitely do it again.
Will do. I have seen the recipe and thought about it.

@Pattidevans i think most places do the Pinch of Nom books for about £10 now. Its only the first one (blue cover, yellow spine) that doesn't have the carbs counted. I've checked them in the past and they're pretty accurate so just make the recipe now and only work out any carbs for sides.