Group 7-day waking average?

I also use the Pinch of Nom cookbooks. I just adjust things that are too high in carbs for me.
I love Mary Berry - I had a really old book of hers that we kept up at the cottage in Scotland but sadly it got ruined when we had burst pipes. Her books are great for telling you what you can do in advance. I also love the title of your Pinch of Nom but most importantly I LOVE your plaid armchair 🙂
A very good point to make the most of, though I regret to say a lot of potential employers can be blind to transferable skills.

I used to put all the paperwork for interviews into place and was one of the people who would read through applications and select the final interviewees. The place I worked had application forms and how those were filled in was really important for the selection process as we could compare like for like. Some people just put their names on them and attached their CVs (some of which were extreme flights of fancy). Those would be discarded as they had ignored a simple instruction to submit a completed application form.
Well, it shows they are not great at following instructions. Although I can understand when you have worked a lot on your fancy CV you just want to use it! Also if you are sending applications everywhere is easier to copy and paste, even tho is advised to tailor every application to the role...oh my goodness, all the online research I did for my previous job seeking season. I'm getting flashbacks! o_O

Since you have worked in that field, do you have any advice for applications and/or interviews? I'd love it to be one of those "just be yourself" situations but I'm afraid we are supposed to play games and say a lot of bu... Better control my language :D
Been awake since roughly 3am

Therapy was challenging but then it usually is.

Friend told me that they were uncomfortable coming to mine as they find the mezuzah on my door “extremely confrontational given what Israel’s doing in Gaza”. They said nothing about the terrorist attack on the 7th nor anything about the 222 civilians kidnapped by Hamas.

Therapist said that there’s tools we use to regulate our emotions:
1. Self-regulation
2. Co-regulation
3. Theo-regulation
4. Eco-regulation

First is basically self soothing whatever form that takes so includes exercise, watching a film, music, food, alcohol, drugs etc (self soothing isn’t always healthy).
Second is the support we can get from just being around others. It doesn’t have to be about long conversations but can just be from sitting and people watching perhaps.
Third is the comfort we can find in applying logic to try and understand what’s going on. Fourth is about nature and that fillip we can get from being in it.

This forum and you lovely bunch of peoples give me a dose of co-regulation and I want to express my gratitude for that.

You listen to me vent and rant and ponder. You are all quite quite remarkable human beings in your own myriad of ways and I kinda love you all.
Hi Colin, I send you all wishes. It's so sad when one's friends turn out to have shortcomings. I've been experiencing the same. It's made better by the thoughts and messages of support and love that I hold on too ❤️ .
Good morning - 6.6

Have a great fay everyone.
I love Mary Berry - I had a really old book of hers that we kept up at the cottage in Scotland but sadly it got ruined when we had burst pipes. Her books are great for telling you what you can do in advance. I also love the title of your Pinch of Nom but most importantly I LOVE your plaid armchair 🙂
It’s a sofa, and we love it too, it’s in the kitchen looking out of the patio doors onto the garden. I spend a lot of time on it! PS it’s from Next.
I also use the Pinch of Nom cookbooks. I just adjust things that are too high in carbs for me.
Yes, I noticed it’s geared towards low fat, hence why I used olive oil instead of the spray oil that was suggested. It reminded me of a Rosemary Connelly cookbook I had in the 80s, that was very heavy on the carbs but virtually zero fat. But I wasn’t a diabetic then. That’s a blast from the past!
Good morning folks. A very nice 5.7 and a flattish flatfish with a slight wiggle.

Daughter had growth scan, baby already about 7.5lbs! That could be a pound either way they’ve said, and they reckon she could gain another pound before the birth! So, in theory, the baby could be 9.5lbs! 😱 They’ve booked her in for 4th February, she’s hoping she’ll go into labour herself before then. She’s decided this Friday is going to be her last day at work. That means that officially we start our Grandparentnity Leave next Monday. It’ll be our last ever regular childcare session with Zara as she’ll be at nursery three days a week from April, and daughter is only going to work three days a week when she goes back in November. We’ll miss her but I’m 100% certain we’ll still be seeing her regularly, daughter has already booked Friday lunch times to visit!

Today is domestic drudgery day. Well, it needs done sometime.

Have a good day all, I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad the wind has abated.


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Good morning everyone.

BG 4.6 interesting. I have just recently reintroduced heavier exercise and maybe it is resulting in lower BGs.

Today, er, exercise, keyboard practice, fish for tea (which I really like).

Huge Fish.jpg

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A little bit excited as a horror film I made in the 1980s on Super 8 is getting a blu ray release in the USA!
Morning all, 9.2 here! As an experiment, I didn’t take any overnight basal (normally 2-3 units), as I was in the 5s at bedtime, and I normally go lower by 3am. So, I still briefly dipped into the red, but then started the long dawn rise.
Morning a 7.2 for me but happy as a fairly steady 6 overnight then a bit of FOTF.
Nice to get back to a steady weather day and dogs can get back into their normal routine of eating and sleeping without being disturbed by the elements.
Up on Wirral today so I will see the “ sea” well that bit of water that impersonates the sea called the Dee estuary which is more saltmarsh and mud than waves and water.
Whatever you are up to have a great Day I will be taking it easy as I have an evening Meeting listening to a Cardiologist doing ultra scans but fortunately it is very local to me so not a late night home.
Morning 11.3(probably should checked thinking about it as the sensor expires in 6 hours poisble asthma update. It has seemed like sometimes my inhaler might help a bit but sometimes when I start moving symptoms again symptoms might start moving again. Although what's confusing whenithef I've checked my peak flow apart from the very first time I've used it I've also been in a good range(I do in the morning or evening) so I'm wondering if the nurse is going to look at that and say it's not asthma(I know people won't know about this.

5.3 today, so another oh so near, oh so far. Had a good run yesterday, today is a 30 min walk home from mum’s and yoga, tonight it is weighted yoga, which is one of my favs, so I will feel that in the morning.

@freesia - sorry to hear mum is still in hospital.