Group 7-day waking average?

Hi Colin, I send you all wishes. It's so sad when one's friends turn out to have shortcomings. I've been experiencing the same. It's made better by the thoughts and messages of support and love that I hold on too ❤️ .
To be fair he’s been on one heck of a journey since I posted this.
We’ve continued to talk about things and the friendship is as rock solid as ever 🙂
Morning 11.3(probably should checked thinking about it as the sensor expires in 6 hours poisble asthma update. It has seemed like sometimes my inhaler might help a bit but sometimes when I start moving symptoms again symptoms might start moving again. Although what's confusing whenithef I've checked my peak flow apart from the very first time I've used it I've also been in a good range(I do in the morning or evening) so I'm wondering if the nurse is going to look at that and say it's not asthma(I know people won't know about this.

She may let you keep the inhaler longer as I know people who reliever inhalers, who don’t have asthma, in fact my granddaughter first had hers after being hospitalised with pneumonia, she doesn’t have any preventer inhalers which most asthmatics have to use twice a day.

even with asthma my reliever Inhaler doesn’t always work quickly, and I can become short of breath soon afterwards especially if I move around I need further doses. So ask if you can contine the trial with an inhaler for a bit longer and with a spacer to help get more into your lungs.

Dad’s been moved to another bed in the same group of neurology rooms. Nobody’s quite sure why. Although it’s possible that they’ve lowered the amount of monitoring he requires.
That said the new room is tiny and doesn’t have a massive amount of natural light so it’s impacting his mental health.
I’m going in and will mention that he is prone to depression, SAD and claustrophobia (again) and see what other options are available.
She may let you keep the inhaler longer as I know people who reliever inhalers, who don’t have asthma, in fact my granddaughter first had hers after being hospitalised with pneumonia, she doesn’t have any preventer inhalers which most asthmatics have to use twice a day.

even with asthma my reliever Inhaler doesn’t always work quickly, and I can become short of breath soon afterwards especially if I move around I need further doses. So ask if you can contine the trial with an inhaler for a bit longer and with a spacer to help get more into your lungs.
It's the appointment isn't actually today it's on the the 6th so I guess there's still time there. Interesting my first peak flow test was quite a bit lower the the others and I do remember getting rather breathless shortly after that.
Only just on the 5 step this morning with a 5.9, but nice and flat overnight.

Planning to do a basal test this evening as it’s this period where I’m eating more and struggling to keep my BG in check. I’ve always wondered about splitting my Levemir dose but stuck with a single dose at night up to now which has generally covered me for around 20 hours from previous basal testing. Let’s see today if anything has changed.

Take care everyone and have a good day!
Late to the gate this morning with a 6.0, due probably to the fact that I was faffing about for a half hour trying to get the PC to start. 😡

Stay safe and well.

She may let you keep the inhaler longer as I know people who reliever inhalers, who don’t have asthma, in fact my granddaughter first had hers after being hospitalised with pneumonia, she doesn’t have any preventer inhalers which most asthmatics have to use twice a day

Yeah I know what a preventer inhaler my mum has asthma and she has a preventer inhaler I think she only uses it once a day though. My nan also has asthma(other side) don't want she uses though.
even with asthma my reliever Inhaler doesn’t always work quickly, and I can become short of breath soon afterwards especially if I move around I need further doses. So ask if you can contine the trial with an inhaler for a bit longer and with a spacer to help get more into your lungs.

Interesting you say this as the doctor said quite surely "if doesn't help then we know its definitely not asthma"
Good morning. 6.4

Nasty grey, wet morning after a very mild damp night.
Chasing up my electrician today as bathroom fan needs replacing - nice roofman came yesterday and fitted a new roof vent - no idea why idiot who originally installed it simply relied on the soffit vents to remove moisture. Also I see feed merchant, glass skip, groceries, pay bills, on the diary list so not a very amusing day.

Hope everyone doing well - I'll read all the messages over breakfast.
Yeah I know what a preventer inhaler my mum has asthma and she has a preventer inhaler I think she only uses it once a day though. My nan also has asthma(other side) don't want she uses though.
Interesting you say this as the doctor said quite surely "if doesn't help then we know its definitely not asthma"
I was just trying to be helpful as I have had asthma since childhood, but I’ll just stick to replying to type 2 diabetes issues in future. Anyway hope you get the issues sorted And your breathing improves.
I was just trying to be helpful as I have had asthma since childhood, but I’ll just stick to replying to type 2 diabetes issues in future. Anyway hope you get the issues sorted And your breathing improves.
Oh no. Sorry it has seemed to come out wrong by your response. In no way was I trying aggue with. I appreciate your reply(the second reply was more thinking the GP doesn't quite know what's he talking about then). The Frist one was just bit context. I know you trying to be helpful and you were being.

I'm sorry that my replys appeared to be something they weren't meant to be.
5.5 today

Just had a letter in from hospital saying biopsies from large bowel were normal but they want to repeat calprotectin test, small bowel scan and more bloods.
Honestly I am reassured they didn't just go "normal" and send me on my way without checking out where I feel the problem actually is, at least where the pain is more located. Not really had much interaction to tell them the developments.
I'm not used to having to fight to be heard and things are just "done".
Oh no. Sorry it has seemed to come out wrong by your response. In no way was I trying aggue with. I appreciate your reply(the second reply was more thinking the GP doesn't quite know what's he talking about then). The Frist one was just bit context. I know you trying to be helpful and you were being.

I'm sorry that my replys appeared to be something they weren't meant to be.
Thank you, appreciate you saying that. I totally understand the frustration of having difficulty breathing and feeling like no one cares, despite being asthmatic I still have times where inhalers aren’t working.
Morning all and 6.0 for me .

NAMM the musical instrument trade show starts tomorrow and from the previews there is sone nice stuff coming out. Synth/keyboard porn.

Back to the mundane and neeps are required to go with the haggis tonight.

Have a good day everyone.
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How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
First reading if the day at 8am was 7.6
Morning all and 6.0 for me .

NAMM the musical instrument trade show starts tomorrow and from the previews there is sone nice stuff coming out. Synth/keyboard porn.

Back to the mundane and beeps are required to go with the haggis tonight.

Have a good day everyone.
My neeps and tatties are ready just off to hunt the haggis!
Good morning all. Brrr. 7.7 after a lie in. 🙂 Have a good day all.
Thank you, appreciate you saying that. I totally understand the frustration of having difficulty breathing and feeling like no one cares, despite being asthmatic I still have times where inhalers aren’t working.
Yeah this was also a GP that said something along the lines of "we don't really do breathing tests for asthma there for othsr things" so not really sure how clued up he is there