Group 7-day waking average?

Top of the morning to all,
A 7.3 for me but pleased as followed a similar pattern to previous night of steady line around 6 then a rise before getting up.
Considering I gave in to a few sandwiches at the buffet ( always find difficult to predict insulin levels) meal last night. I always eat beforehand and I was happy even though my 100% TIR ( first time in a few weeks) was spoilt for an hour so no unicorn.
Busy week but a quiet local day today.
Enjoy all
PS not sure if my experience is similar to others but I am monitoring my BG with the Libre so much less than I was a few months ago.
Although my constant monitoring ( often every 15-30 minutes) kept my TIR very high I have found that I am only checking once an hour ( if not driving) and sometimes like last night only once every 2 hours relying on my alarm and how I feel.
Much more relaxing even if I end up going above 10 for a short while
Morning all, 6.2 here. We are promised wall to wall sunshine here today, hope it materialises. I got out into the garden yesterday to do a bit of tidying up and get our moneys worth out of the green waste bin collection, and noticed the weeds are growing apace.

Another rough night. Very broken sleep. All dads fault of course!

Saw him yesterday and the new ward is fine. He’s just not by the window and it’s a smaller ward. It’s a less acute care ward so that’s a good thing.

He’s up and mobile (with a crutch and a nurse) and clearly he’s making great improvements. Personality has changed a little and there’s clearly issues with short term memory so hopefully they’ll normalise again once swelling on the brain diminishes.
PS not sure if my experience is similar to others but I am monitoring my BG with the Libre so much less than I was a few months ago.
Although my constant monitoring ( often every 15-30 minutes) kept my TIR very high I have found that I am only checking once an hour ( if not driving) and sometimes like last night only once every 2 hours relying on my alarm and how I feel.
Much more relaxing even if I end up going above 10 for a short while
I can go hours without checking. Yesterday I realised at about 5pm I hadn’t checked since before my lunch. I hadn’t been driving, just at home pottering about/reading/I may have had a doze!
Morning all, 6.2 here. We are promised wall to wall sunshine here today, hope it materialises. I got out into the garden yesterday to do a bit of tidying up and get our moneys worth out of the green waste bin collection, and noticed the weeds are growing apace.
We’re promised that too, so far we’ve had rain and wind!
A 5.7 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Today some serious keyboard practice

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I can go hours without checking. Yesterday I realised at about 5pm I hadn’t checked since before my lunch. I hadn’t been driving, just at home pottering about/reading/I may have had a doze!
It's annoying though if you are woken by the noise of the book hitting the floor. Especially so if you lose your page! :rofl:
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Morning I think it was 10.7. I chaged sensor yesterday and it was a little bit iffy at Frist but think it settled down later on.

I've been thinking of trying it on my arms to give my stomach a black from the sensors but wasn't sure if I would manage one handed so I tryed to see if i could do it one handed on my stomach Frist and discovered the second hand was still needed to braek the orange tag off
Did manage to clip the transmitter in one handed though.
Good morning everyone, 4.8 today for me.

Very pleased to report that (a) I actually completed a basal test from evening to bedtime and (b) the results prove that my single Levemir at 10pm works for me! My last insulin and carbs were around midday, nothing after that until 10pm.

Nice and sunny here to end the week!

Have a great Friday everyone!
PS not sure if my experience is similar to others but I am monitoring my BG with the Libre so much less than I was a few months ago.
Yes, generally I feel that I now don’t check as much as I first did when getting the Libre 2. I’m confident enough to trust it for bolus decisions and rely on my own feelings for being in hypo territory. Probably I should make more use of the alarms to help me ward off hypos. Even so the LibreView reports show an average of 40 views per day!