Group 7-day waking average?

@eggyg Reidel make some great decanters. I recently bought one as a gift from

And hope Zara is better soon.
I was going to look online but was worried it wouldn’t arrive in time. It’s his birthday Wednesday and we’re visiting the day before. I’ll take a look and see if they’ll do express delivery. Cheers.

Forgot where I am with Dad updates but briefly the ward he’s on now is low dependency neuro which is good. Maxillofacial might operate this weekend on the fractured eye socket and jaw bone but might not. Scans yesterday show “far fewer” bleeds than previously so that‘s improving too.
His memory has taken a whack though. Short term is very off especially. Docs are all saying it’s normal though, along with the quite severe mood swings.

Was supposed to head to my brother and sister-in-law yesterday but decided not to. There’s often unspoken tension between mum and s-i-l that I’m inevitably drawn into mediating. Mum had already said she was upset with her because she’s not phoned once to see how dad is. I pointed out that my brother, her husband, has called mum and dad numerous times a day; they’ve both visited dad; she’s offered to feed mum when she gets home from the hospital etc and more importantly she was raised in a different family that shows love in a different way to us. None of which suggests that she doesn’t love mum or dad.

Of course if I am forced to play mediator that can paint me into a corner where the result is that mum is upset. I decided that the three of them were better just spending time together without me yesterday. It was the right decision and it meant I could watch the Traitors final live!!
Bloody families. My elder brother once refused to acknowledge the birth of one of my daughters because he heard about her through my mother and not a direct call! Here is the thing: my mother had sympathy with his point of view. :rofl: The madness of kin
Bloody families. My elder brother once refused to acknowledge the birth of one of my daughters because he heard about her through my mother and not a direct call! Here is the thing: my mother had sympathy with his point of view. :rofl: The madness of kin
Wait until I tell you of the cousin who was upset that I wasn’t upset enough because her dog died.
Been a while. 🙂

Take care everybody.

P.S. Has anybody heard from @Martin.A - he hasn't checked in for a while.
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Wow! After a high spike yesterday evening I managed to tame it and get a 5.2 this morning! So I’m joining Dez on the special HS step today! (Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo !)


Got a full on weekend starting with a quick visit now to my parents so that we can fit that in along with lots of other things!

Tale care everyone!
Morning all. 4.7 and a unicorn day yesterday.

Just had a hair trim, having brunch in a bit then off to a nearby city for a wander around, dinner and the theatre. A day off from hospital visiting. I rang mum last night and she's really tearful, wanting to come home. But she's so unsteady walking with a frame, i think she's lost her confidence to walk. It doesn't help that when she needs the toilet the staff put her in a chair/comode and wheel her there rather than encouraging her to walk.

@ColinUK I'm glad things are beginning to improve with your dad.

@eggyg i hope Zara gets well soon.

@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on the HS.
Wow! After a high spike yesterday evening I managed to tame it and get a 5.2 this morning! So I’m joining Dee on the special HS step today! (Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo !)

View attachment 29014

Got a full on weekend starting with a quick visit now to my parents so that we can fit that in along with lots of other things!

Tale care everyone!
Congrata on the HS

4.9 today, just shopping and knit and natter are the plans today.

@ColinUK - pleased to hear the update, hope dad’s memory starts to improve.

@eggyg - hope Zara gets well soon.

@MeeTooTeeTo and @Eternal422 - congratulations on today’s HS.

i noticed @Martin.A hasn’t posted recently, not sure I have seen @rebrascora on this thread either for a couple of days, although she has been posting on other threads and she does sometimes take break from this one. @Lanny has been missing for a while now. Also hoping @Michael12421 is doing ok after being taken to hospital over Christmas.
Morning everyone, it’s a 5.4 for me on what looks like being another fine sunny day,

Have a happy and safe Saturday all…..
Welcome aboard the HS step this morning Tony @Eternal422

Good morning - 6.6 - ate far too many crispy duck pancakes last night. Tasty but gave me awful indigestion at 0100 hrs. Serves me right for being a pig.

Overcast, dry, and unseasonably warm: 11 degrees in January? What was the old saying -"A green winter makes a full churchyard" ? It certainly preserves the slugs. I noted some busy inspection of my gutter corners this morning by the resident sparrows. They really are a ruddy nuisance insisting on nesting wherever best to interrupt water flow for months. They ought to be shivering in a bush handy for the bird feeders not checking out building plots so soon.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Morning congrats on your HS Eternal and MeeTooTeToI wish I was closer but a 7 for me so Len Goodman must be smiling as he is keeping me rangebound in the 7s lately.
Colin yes families I always found it strange when my mam and MiL both had the policy if they phoned last time so it is their turn, which led to long periods of not speaking to other family members and then always complaining about the others behaviour.Neither wanting to back down or make the first move.
Fortunately it has changed so I always make the first move and just agree with what I am told to do even if I can never do it right- sure I am not alone.
Anyway routine Saturday finish off leftover Pizza,coffee at garden centre,liver for dogs at farm butchers,another garden centre where wife can use her vouchers( my one guaranteed Xmas pressie I get right) then to another farm shop to get fruit and veg and then trip to my daughters farm for coffee and cake and pick up some fresh Honey.
As you can see Saturday is farm day and the dogs love it as we come back with lots of interesting smells picked up from our travels.
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Wait until I tell you of the cousin who was upset that I wasn’t upset enough because her dog died.
My Mum and her cousin never spoke ever again as when a mutual aunt died and her husband re-married after 3 months and my Mum and Dad went to the wedding she thought it was disrespectful to her memory to marry in such haste. They must have been in their seventies.
Wow! After a high spike yesterday evening I managed to tame it and get a 5.2 this morning! So I’m joining Dez on the special HS step today! (Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo !)

View attachment 29014

Got a full on weekend starting with a quick visit now to my parents so that we can fit that in along with lots of other things!

Tale care everyone!
A frustrating day yesterday as the wifi stopped working. It was also a new day for monthly data allowance which was bad timing. So I had to use phone data for working all day, started at 12gb allowance and down to only 6.9gb now for the month. So I’m not sure what I’m going to do! I need to work from home because of the ME, I’m not well enough to work full time in the office at the moment. An engineer needs to come out as there are no faults in the area is all the company said.

7.x when I woke up, up to 9.4 by breakfast. Tried kippers for breakfast as I like tinned mackerel. Ew disgusting way too strong. Had a peach instead.

Tried sugar free coconut milk in my coffee as it’s no carbs. Ew that was a fail too. Weight was also up this morning so it’s a bit of a bad start all round really.
A frustrating day yesterday as the wifi stopped working. It was also a new day for monthly data allowance which was bad timing. So I had to use phone data for working all day, started at 12gb allowance and down to only 6.9gb now for the month. So I’m not sure what I’m going to do! I need to work from home because of the ME, I’m not well enough to work full time in the office at the moment. An engineer needs to come out as there are no faults in the area is all the company said.

7.x when I woke up, up to 9.4 by breakfast. Tried kippers for breakfast as I like tinned mackerel. Ew disgusting way too strong. Had a peach instead.

Tried sugar free coconut milk in my coffee as it’s no carbs. Ew that was a fail too. Weight was also up this morning so it’s a bit of a bad start all round really.
I like kippers, but in moderation! They are very strong and will unfortunately probably repeat on you until next Christmas! 😉