Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you for asking @Pattidevans. She's still in hospital and, even though she was a lot brighter on Monday and talking about hopefully coming home, i went tonight and she is struggling to get out of her chair or move her legs and feet as they're so swollen. Nurses and doctors don't seem concerned despite being told several times. I hope she does come home soon.
Aww, that’s awful. I do hope it isn’t anything to be concerned about, but it would help if you got an explanation to reassure you both. At least I had it explained why they weren’t letting me out and it did make sense. Fingers crossed she can come home sooner rather than later.
Yes, generally I feel that I now don’t check as much as I first did when getting the Libre 2. I’m confident enough to trust it for bolus decisions and rely on my own feelings for being in hypo territory. Probably I should make more use of the alarms to help me ward off hypos. Even so the LibreView reports show an average of 40 views per day!
Thanks and to @eggyg.
It is much better and although I am very open about my diabetes I don’t want to have to explain to anyone about why I may be monitoring with my phone if I am with other people.
I have to do a lot of Lunch and Learns including a big focus on diabetes and often the subject of Freestyle Libre comes up and at first I would use mine to show people how it worked but now I don‘t mention it so it is only if my alarm goes off that I draw attention to it.
Morning all - glorious sunny day! No wind.

4.2 this morning. Alarm went off just as I woke up.

Meeting the friends we usually meet on a Saturday this afternoon. They are coming to our village pub rather than us going into town. It'll make a change.

@eggyg, @Wendal and @Eternal422 I don't scan as much either, although I still have an old version of the software so it's not a cgm and I have to ensure I scan at least every 8 hours. This is because the new app isn't compatible with my phone and I can't afford to buy a new phone when mine works perfectly for every other purpose. I do however rely on it for bolussing and have just the low alarm on. I've avoided anything under 4.1 for the last 90 days due to that alarm.

@Wendal what is Lunch and Learn?
Morning all, glorious day but I can't get warm. 🙂 7.8 @ 7.40am

Have a smashing day.
Afternoon All

A happy 6.1 for me on this sunny warm (12.1c) day.
Morning all - glorious sunny day! No wind.

4.2 this morning. Alarm went off just as I woke up.

Meeting the friends we usually meet on a Saturday this afternoon. They are coming to our village pub rather than us going into town. It'll make a change.

@eggyg, @Wendal and @Eternal422 I don't scan as much either, although I still have an old version of the software so it's not a cgm and I have to ensure I scan at least every 8 hours. This is because the new app isn't compatible with my phone and I can't afford to buy a new phone when mine works perfectly for every other purpose. I do however rely on it for bolussing and have just the low alarm on. I've avoided anything under 4.1 for the last 90 days due to that alarm.

@Wendal what is Lunch and Learn?
Patti nothing too exciting.I turn up with Lunch and then the opportunity to present on a relevant subject.So can be Cardiology/ diabetes/ arthritis/ hypertension etc - I sell pharmaceuticals or a drug dealer as my wife likes to introduce me to strangers.
@MikeyBikey 'TIME IN RAGE' oh dear. D gets to some that way I guess 🙂
Good morning/moaning! Woke up this morning to some of the worst phantom pain I have had this year! BG was 8.8 but the graph suggests it was ~6.5 twenty minutes earlier. I have pain in my shin, ankle and heel, and cramp in my calf and toes with burning atop the foot! So no Gabapentin (will have in a couple of hours) but a stronger PRN.

Hoping to do some home walking with the prosthetic later if the muggy head from the Co-trimoxazole stays away, and please not another aura migraine!

Dark but freezing cold when I opened kitchen window briefly! Wasn't raining unusually!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 seems my BG has shifted downward. All good.

Up a 6am. Sorted meds, supplements, days meals. Then a quick keyboard practice (just finished at 7:15), breakfast, an early walk on the beach. Then at 10am a speaker check and test at the church with my friend. I hope it's not too cold on my walk, then another practice this afternoon and another walk then the real practice at the church this evening. It's all go today ... and it's sweet and sour chicken with rice for tea tonight. All good.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning 6.2 on this still dark morning. I do wish the mornings would lighten up.

Yesterday didn’t go to plan for Zara’s last day. We were going to go to the park and do some baking but the little mite wasn’t well at all. Full of cold and just very lethargic. I think she may have a sore throat too. So, a quiet day was had as she had two naps! Hope she’s feeling a bit better today.

We may go into town today as the forecast is quite good. One of Mr Eggy’s many brothers turns 70 next week and a present is needed. Mr Eggy’s suggestion, a bottle of Champagne, they live in France for nine months of the year! Talk about coals to Newcastle! Thinking cap on. I did think of a nice decanter but I don’t believe we have a shop now that will sell something like that. The city is like a ghost town these days. I’m sure I’ll think of something, eventually.

Have a super Saturday all.

Forgot where I am with Dad updates but briefly the ward he’s on now is low dependency neuro which is good. Maxillofacial might operate this weekend on the fractured eye socket and jaw bone but might not. Scans yesterday show “far fewer” bleeds than previously so that‘s improving too.
His memory has taken a whack though. Short term is very off especially. Docs are all saying it’s normal though, along with the quite severe mood swings.

Was supposed to head to my brother and sister-in-law yesterday but decided not to. There’s often unspoken tension between mum and s-i-l that I’m inevitably drawn into mediating. Mum had already said she was upset with her because she’s not phoned once to see how dad is. I pointed out that my brother, her husband, has called mum and dad numerous times a day; they’ve both visited dad; she’s offered to feed mum when she gets home from the hospital etc and more importantly she was raised in a different family that shows love in a different way to us. None of which suggests that she doesn’t love mum or dad.

Of course if I am forced to play mediator that can paint me into a corner where the result is that mum is upset. I decided that the three of them were better just spending time together without me yesterday. It was the right decision and it meant I could watch the Traitors final live!!

Forgot where I am with Dad updates but briefly the ward he’s on now is low dependency neuro which is good. Maxillofacial might operate this weekend on the fractured eye socket and jaw bone but might not. Scans yesterday show “far fewer” bleeds than previously so that‘s improving too.
His memory has taken a whack though. Short term is very off especially. Docs are all saying it’s normal though, along with the quite severe mood swings.

Was supposed to head to my brother and sister-in-law yesterday but decided not to. There’s often unspoken tension between mum and s-i-l that I’m inevitably drawn into mediating. Mum had already said she was upset with her because she’s not phoned once to see how dad is. I pointed out that my brother, her husband, has called mum and dad numerous times a day; they’ve both visited dad; she’s offered to feed mum when she gets home from the hospital etc and more importantly she was raised in a different family that shows love in a different way to us. None of which suggests that she doesn’t love mum or dad.

Of course if I am forced to play mediator that can paint me into a corner where the result is that mum is upset. I decided that the three of them were better just spending time together without me yesterday. It was the right decision and it meant I could watch the Traitors final live!!
Glad your dad is somewhat improving and the things aren’t quite as bad as first thought. Still a huge worry for you though. Hope his short term memory will return sooner rather than later.
Re the tension between your mum and S-in -L, whatever she does it probably wouldn’t be right. Mums and their sons etc! To be fair I wish my mother-in-law was like that, she’s just indifferent and only thinks about herself.
Big hugs for your dad. Xx