Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all

A happy 5.9 for me today, and it's fine and dry with no wind just for a change.

Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe.
Well, it shows they are not great at following instructions. Although I can understand when you have worked a lot on your fancy CV you just want to use it! Also if you are sending applications everywhere is easier to copy and paste, even tho is advised to tailor every application to the role...oh my goodness, all the online research I did for my previous job seeking season. I'm getting flashbacks! o_O

Since you have worked in that field, do you have any advice for applications and/or interviews? I'd love it to be one of those "just be yourself" situations but I'm afraid we are supposed to play games and say a lot of bu... Better control my language :D
We just used to throw the un-asked for CVs away unread. It was quite a long time ago. Pre-2010, so my knowledge may well be out of date, plus I think it much depends on the people conducting the interview, what training they've done and to some degree their age. Over the years I've done a lot of training courses and the latter ones were almost diametrically opposed to the earlier ones. I think that older people are more likely to see through game playing. Or do you mean role-playing as part of the interview? Anyway see my PM.
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Morning all - quite grey again, but not cold and not raining.

7.6 this morning. Probably due to lemon pudding that we ate instead of a meal last night, having had a big meal at lunchtime.

Not got much on today. Julian's coming down with a cold, so we'll probably take it easy.

Sorry to hear they've moved your Dad to a small, not well lit, ward @ColinUK. Hope you can get him moved.

@freesia how is your mum doing now?

Have a good day all.
Hello all - 7.4 this morning. We are meant to be having a "schedule power cut" today and hubby down in London so I'd cancelled my hospital driving to be here with the dogs & builders. Power still on and the hot water I put in a flask at 8.30am is probably cold by now but that doesn't matter as I can boil the kettle (except we don't have a kettle, we have a Quooker tap). Rather frustrating as yesterday we had an unscheduled one between 4-7pm. Hey ho. I'm dressed for gardening but keep finding excuses not to go outside and the excuse at the moment is I really feel like a nap ...
I think that older people are more likely to see through game playing. Or do you mean role-playing as part of the interview?
Ooops, should have specified. I mean playing games as in, they ask you what's your biggest weakness and you obviously don't want to tell a real one because that's not gonna get you hired, so you have to try to disguise a strength as a weakness.

Or pretending you always dreamed to work for this company when often you never heard of it before you saw the job opening in Indeed.
Hello all - 7.4 this morning. We are meant to be having a "schedule power cut" today and hubby down in London so I'd cancelled my hospital driving to be here with the dogs & builders. Power still on and the hot water I put in a flask at 8.30am is probably cold by now but that doesn't matter as I can boil the kettle (except we don't have a kettle, we have a Quooker tap). Rather frustrating as yesterday we had an unscheduled one between 4-7pm. Hey ho. I'm dressed for gardening but keep finding excuses not to go outside and the excuse at the moment is I really feel like a nap ...
We’re having an unscheduled power cut now! Went off just before 1pm. Problem with an underground cable. Estimated time of restoration 7pm. That’ll be worst case scenario, I hope! At least we have the coal fire and gas job. Might just put my feet up and read my book.
Ooops, should have specified. I mean playing games as in, they ask you what's your biggest weakness and you obviously don't want to tell a real one because that's not gonna get you hired, so you have to try to disguise a strength as a weakness.

Or pretending you always dreamed to work for this company when often you never heard of it before you saw the job opening in Indeed.
I once said my weaknesses were men with taut buttocks! I’d had enough of their “games” by then. They thought I was funny and I got the job! :rofl: Think it was in a bank, can’t remember I’ve had that many jobs. Mr Eggy used to call me a Job Gypsy!
Hi Elenka,
Not sure if it helps but I always think use a standard CV but then do a covering letter particularly relevant to the position you are applying for where you can highlight/ emphasize any relevant attributes.
Re stating weaknesses I always found candidates that stated a “ weakness” but identified a way of minimising or overcoming it so doing Training etc were much more acceptable than anyone who created a false weakness or stated they had none.
Obviously it is important not to raise an issue detrimental to your selection and my advice would always be yourself as your personality and suitability for the position will come across.
If you are not suitable for a position or organisation then it is probably a good thing as I would not want you to be unhappy in it.
Best of luck in your finding your ideal position.
Ooops, should have specified. I mean playing games as in, they ask you what's your biggest weakness and you obviously don't want to tell a real one because that's not gonna get you hired, so you have to try to disguise a strength as a weakness.

Or pretending you always dreamed to work for this company when often you never heard of it before you saw the job opening in Indeed.
It's ridiculous. The amount of hoops you've got to jump through. HR just wants the best fit possible. And that doesn't mean the best person for the job gets it. I got feedback from the NHS following an interview. They said I need to sell myself more. The only thing is I was in contact with a member of staff that worked in that office and the person that got the job had been doing it for 18 months. So they had to advertise it due to legal reasons but wasted everyones time in the process. I had zero chance of getting it. Eye opener after being in permanent employment for 22 years. The jobcentre said with 22 years experience employers would be falling over themselves to give me a job. Complete rubbish.
Forgot to post my waking reading, was a very sleepy 5´8 at aorund 5 am. I was so full of energy first thing in the morning that I chose to skip breakfast (also my stomach was closed) and had a 15 minute nap instead!

Since I updated my Indeed profile a couple days ago I have received half a dozen of emails with "Hi Elena,We saw your profile on Indeed and thought you would be a great match for the [insert role] opportunity". Said opportunities are not related to each other or, in most cases, to the areas I´m interested in, but this messages did give me a tiny push of hope. When I decided to get serious about the job search I got very anxious and that reminded me of my last time of active search, in 2021. I have to stop, breath and remind myself "hey, you have grown up a bit since then. You are slightly older and wiser, you have Gone Through Stuff (diagnosis included). And you already have a job so you are safe to take your time with applications instead of jumping for the first random opportunity ".

Thanks @Wendal , that sounds like very reasonable advice. Of course is a situation where you want to show just your good side, but I would not lie because a) I´m terrible at it and b) I´m sure they will find the truth sooner or later and it will be against me. As you said, if is not a good fit better to not get slected.

@eggyg that´s brilliant! I can picture the scene:

Dark haired female interviewer: And let me know, what is your greatest weakness?

Me: It´s dark haired women 😉 *winks seductively at interviewer*

(In case there is any doubt I´m joking. Yes, I know that would be inappropiate, and no, I don´t have the guts :rofl:).

In other news, I tried a new recipe: roasted broccoli and mushroom soup. I tend to make fun of my own cooking but this time I have to say, I´m very pleased with the result. I´m eating some right now, really tasty, and the best part is I have another portion for tomorrow!
Yeah this was also a GP that said something along the lines of "we don't really do breathing tests for asthma there for othsr things" so not really sure how clued up he is there
I see Alot if people are shocked by this phleherps it's similar thing to what alot of what alot of us have fond with diabetes unless they specialist doctors don't know im awful. I may have misunderstood him but he did seem to during away from the idea of testing because he did say "with asthma there's not really any tests that give a definite awsers of weather yo have it or not(and he diffintlly say say that)
Or pretending you always dreamed to work for this company when often you never heard of it before you saw the job opening in Indeed.
I'd handle that by being honest and saying "until I saw the job opportunity I hadn't heard of the company, but I researched it (and you ought to do that anyway) and it seems it would be a good place to work as the company is doing exciting things" Or something appropriate along that line - obviously *exciting* would be inappropriate if they are something mega-boring like waste collection.

I once interviewed for a Receptionist and this woman came across as perfect, lovely sunny personality she even passed the computer test. A month later her evil twin who was totally useless at anything computer related and had no work ethic at all started work. I never did figure out how she passed the tests... but she was a darn good liar.
@freesia how is your mum doing now
Thank you for asking @Pattidevans. She's still in hospital and, even though she was a lot brighter on Monday and talking about hopefully coming home, i went tonight and she is struggling to get out of her chair or move her legs and feet as they're so swollen. Nurses and doctors don't seem concerned despite being told several times. I hope she does come home soon.
Good morning - 7.3

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 7.2 on a new sensor, unfortunately, the meter agrees! I was 5.1 at 10pm with half an hour of insulin left coursing around my body. Slice of toast with peanut butter for supper. Started to spike at 2am. The haggis must have lingered somewhat, or was it the neeps and tatties?

We had another power cut yesterday. 3.5 hours, they said an underground cable was the problem. It wasn’t, apparently, a generator has been keeping us going since late Monday. They tried to take us off it and BANG! On investigation, it was found a tree had fallen onto a power line, so they had two problems to fix. We got a very apologetic, and very long, text explaining all this and the miscommunication we’d had earlier. It wasn’t too inconvenient, except Mr Eggy was having a meeting with a Camera Club committee member so they just swapped venues and he went to his house. I had to sit by the fire and read my book. Damn! Power went on at 4.30, just in time to prep the wee beastie for our tea.😛 Very tasty he was too. I prefer them freshly caught but you can get them farm raised, but I think it’s cruel.😉

Have a fab Friday.


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