Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and another lovely day.

5.7 first thing.

Had a fab afternoon with our friends yesterday. Lots of laughs, at one point my stomach ached from laughing so much! A quiet weekend now. No social interactions planned until Monday when I am meeting an old school friend for lunch.

Yes, a few people missing from the thread. Hope they are ok and will come in soon.

MILs are a curious breed. My mum loved Julian to bits and was more like a mum to him than his own mother. Let me just say MIL and I tolerated each other.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo and @Eternal422 on your HSs.

Have a good weekend all.
My Mum and her cousin never spoke ever again as when a mutual aunt died and her husband re-married after 3 months and my Mum and Dad went to the wedding she thought it was disrespectful to her memory to marry in such haste. They must have been in their seventies.
Friends of mum and dad… wife died suddenly. Widower was “seeing” someone within 6 weeks. Moved her in to his about a month later. Nobody in the social circle liked her at all. They were basically ostracised by the entire friend group until four years later when he died. She’s now beloved by all of them and firmly in the friend circle.
A frustrating day yesterday as the wifi stopped working. It was also a new day for monthly data allowance which was bad timing. So I had to use phone data for working all day, started at 12gb allowance and down to only 6.9gb now for the month. So I’m not sure what I’m going to do! I need to work from home because of the ME, I’m not well enough to work full time in the office at the moment. An engineer needs to come out as there are no faults in the area is all the company said.

7.x when I woke up, up to 9.4 by breakfast. Tried kippers for breakfast as I like tinned mackerel. Ew disgusting way too strong. Had a peach instead.

Tried sugar free coconut milk in my coffee as it’s no carbs. Ew that was a fail too. Weight was also up this morning so it’s a bit of a bad start all round really.
Kippers are really an acquired taste!

As for your phone, who are you with? I really rate SMARTY if you are contract free. Reliable and really simple pricing structure.
Morning all 7 4: for me this morning.Happy with that after yesterday From 2 pm till bedtime readings were shocking.18.s 19 s and at one stage 22 .Took enough correction doses to put an elephant down . Nothing.14:when I went to bed at midnight.My own rang before Xmas and said CT scan showed a shadow on my lung it could be a chest infection and did I want some antibiotics.I said no . So after two nights this week of no sleep with coughing it's now all coming off my chest . Pleased . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
The thing about families is it's all relative. Some people don't get the humour. When my grandparents died on my mother's side there was a big split up. Never knew exactly what went on but I'm guessing favouritism played a large part between the three sisters. But that's the thing about playing favourites, it exists everywhere.
5.7 for me.
Although I did get up earlier and it was 5.3. (I had some crackers before bed, but never tested afterwards, so it was a delayed test some 5 hours later!)
Morning all. 8.5 @ 8.25am I had a lie in as have been fluey. Got sleeping sickness I think. Have a good day all. 🙂
Kippers are really an acquired taste!

As for your phone, who are you with? I really rate SMARTY if you are contract free. Reliable and really simple pricing structure.
Im with o2, it’s always been fine and more than enough data except using it to work uses an insane amount of data.

I have now found the wifi problem. Next door had a new fence installed and they sliced through the cable when installing the base, not sure how big of a job it is to fix, but sounds bigger than I had hoped for! Someone is coming out on Monday.
The thing about families is it's all relative. Some people don't get the humour. When my grandparents died on my mother's side there was a big split up. Never knew exactly what went on but I'm guessing favouritism played a large part between the three sisters. But that's the thing about playing favourites, it exists everywhere.
When my three daughters ask me who’s my favourite. I say none of you, I dislike you all equally! ( I am joking of course.) 😉
Good afternoon everyone! 5,4 this morning.

Been playing a bit of beauty salon at home, aka, trimming my nails and getting rid of unwanted hair in various body parts. I have the hotel´s staff party tomorrow, it is my first party in a while, so I feel like making an effort. Might go out and get some nail polish too! There will be free food and really cheap drinks, tho I should be careful with alcohol because last night I felt pretty drunk with just one and a half glasses of prosecco. Don´t want to embarrass myself too much. But I am sure with 2,50 quid per drink and just after payday, I wouldn´t be the only person having one too many :D
When my three daughters ask me who’s my favourite. I say none of you, I dislike you all equally! ( I am joking of course.) 😉
I tell my folks that they're my favourite set of parents. :rofl:

They tell me I'm their favourite youngest son. Sometimes. :rofl:
I tell my folks that they're my favourite set of parents. :rofl:

They tell me I'm their favourite youngest son. Sometimes. :rofl:
With my parents, because I have just one brother, they get to say I'm the favourite daughter and he is the favourite son. Makes it easy :D
Well I’m awake (and have been for two hours) so might as well check in… 8.2

Given that I’ve been awake for two hours already I’m knocking 2 off that figure and as I had an hour of sleep before waking up I’m knocking another 1 off. So that gives me a sleepless 5.2! Or something like that anyway….
Well I’m awake (and have been for two hours) so might as well check in… 8.2

Given that I’ve been awake for two hours already I’m knocking 2 off that figure and as I had an hour of sleep before waking up I’m knocking another 1 off. So that gives me a sleepless 5.2! Or something like that anyway….
Now @ColinUK, you know that's not how it works! 😱 :D
Good morning everyone

BG 4.5 but like @ColinUK Considering tolerances and stuff I'm claiming a 5.2 too !!! :D

My pulse was 49 which is quite low. Hmmm

The practice last night went really well which is great as my confidence was very low and I was very tired.

Today church, playing at the church,


then exercise, fish for tea, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Well I’m awake (and have been for two hours) so might as well check in… 8.2

Given that I’ve been awake for two hours already I’m knocking 2 off that figure and as I had an hour of sleep before waking up I’m knocking another 1 off. So that gives me a sleepless 5.2! Or something like that anyway….
There's girl math, there's guy math, and then there is Colin's HS math! :D