Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 4.8 for me.

Today's plan is hospital visit to see mum (the constant drive especially after work is exhausting but i don't want mum to not see anyone. My brother only goes once a week if that due to having to get a lift). I'm hoping they are making mum walk more so she gets her confidence back though i doubt it as its easier for them if she's just sitting or in a wheelchair. Staff are so busy. Then its home to watching a couple of short videos for work tomorrow. After i am planning to sit and read until i need to start dinner.
Can someone remind me what a unicorn day is?
6.4 this morning . . . but, last reading on old sensor, new one applied and it started with 4.9, now 6.1 after a cheeky almond croissant (and 8U of NR). I’m sure @ColinUK can get a 5.2 somewhere out of that lot :rofl:. Even so, after an impromptu curry last night I’m ok with the 6.4 this morning.

Yesterday was good even though we were out for 11 hours and rushing everywhere! Today will be very different, visiting a friend who is in a care home with a terminal illness and doing very badly at the moment, on morphine and not eating or drinking much at all. It will be a tough visit and very sad.

Take care everyone!
Morning all - rather grey and boring out. No wind, so far no rain.

4.7 when I woke much earlier. Did drop to 4.1 and alarmed so I had a Dextrose and half a cookie. Now 7.1

Not planning to do anything much today. Cooking some whole Sea Bass for dinner with baby potatoes and leeks in cheese sauce.

Stay safe and well everyone.
6.4 this morning . . . but, last reading on old sensor, new one applied and it started with 4.9, now 6.1 after a cheeky almond croissant (and 8U of NR). I’m sure @ColinUK can get a 5.2 somewhere out of that lot :rofl:. Even so, after an impromptu curry last night I’m ok with the 6.4 this morning.
6 - 4 = 2
4.9 + 0.1 = 5

Add them together and 5.2!
@harbottle nope it is not about weight loss. It is actually about fatty liver and fatty pancreas as the cause and what to do about that...very revealing
Good afternoon 7.4 today and 8.2 yesterday
possibly under @ColinUK rule of maths both are really HS

it’s been a stressful week, not a good January @work and to top it off
one of the clutches on my car has failed so that’s going to be expensive

my DNO appointment is this afternoon @3:30 so taxi should be coming soon

I’ve been successful in starting to loose some weight (lost just over 2KG since the start of the year)
and so far swam just the once (last Sunday) since recently joining Virgin Active,
I might go this evening depending if I need another steroid injection or not, as to reduce the risk of infection if eyes get injected not allowed to swim for a few days.

I’ve loads of posts to catch up on
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It was a very unfortunate 15 I think we need to look at things. I am also in quite stressful situation right now. I m also felling quite odd right I find some things hard to tell weather it's coschontitus or other issues or something else I need to get checked out
And it was a 6.2 on waking this another sunny morning.....
@harbottle nope it is not about weight loss. It is actually about fatty liver and fatty pancreas as the cause and what to do about that...very revealing

Well it is, as you lose visceral fat by losing weight.