Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all
It was a 6.2 for me earlier on this fine morning.
Morning all - just..... grey and depressing!

7.7 this morning.

Did not enjoy last night's fish. Far too many bones and very strong tasting. Uck! Chicken tonight methinks, probably breast stuffed with blue cheese and wrapped in Black Forest Ham.

Meeting an old school friend for lunch today. I left that school age 15 when my parents moved to the south coast from Nottingham. I lost touch with everyone. 45 years later we met up again as she had found me on the internet and we now live only 6 miles apart. So we meet up every few months.

Congratulations @Gwynn and @Eternal422 on your HSs.

@martin A, @Lanny and @Michael12421 still missing. Hoping they are all OK.
Morning All - 6.6 for me today (even though I did have a snack bowl last night). I had quite an active weekend with Pickleball, walking and gardening (@khskel I was transplanting snowdrops yesterday and hope they've taken like yours). I'm off to the first session of "Walking Netball" in a minute. Same coach as the Wednesday night one I go to where I injure myself every week. I'm hoping Walking Netball might stop this although I watched a video and they all look to be speed walking around the court so no doubt I'll do it again when I bend down to get the ball. I'm sort of going to support the person who's set it up but it may be that it suits me better than the normal netball (and doesn't mean going out late on a Wednesday evening). Have a good day everyone - despite the rain xxx
I just watched this video about type 2 diabetes and found it useful and revealing. Perhaps new type 2's could really benefit from watching it.

It is a bit long but very well, and very clearly presented.

and just maybe there is a better way...

i hope this link works. If not just type in a search for 'Two big lies of type 2 diabetes' by Jason Fung. It is a video.

Dr Fung is amazing. I've watched many of his videos including ones from 6 or 7 years ago where he focuses on the one path at a time way that fuel is used in the body. I've spent a lot of time trying to fast away my T2, but failed repeatedly. I'm working on my 8 weeks with Prof Taylor's method now.
Morning All - 6.6 for me today (even though I did have a snack bowl last night). I had quite an active weekend with Pickleball, walking and gardening (@khskel I was transplanting snowdrops yesterday and hope they've taken like yours). I'm off to the first session of "Walking Netball" in a minute. Same coach as the Wednesday night one I go to where I injure myself every week. I'm hoping Walking Netball might stop this although I watched a video and they all look to be speed walking around the court so no doubt I'll do it again when I bend down to get the ball. I'm sort of going to support the person who's set it up but it may be that it suits me better than the normal netball (and doesn't mean going out late on a Wednesday evening). Have a good day everyone - despite the rain xxx
I had not heard of Pickleball before this post. Looks very popular

Dad’s been discharged and is back home. Care package to be determined but it’s good that he’s home.
Apparently he was up and down flights of stairs in the hospital yesterday with the crutch and there’s no more bleeds on brain so all is good.
He said that there will be some more visits to neurology arranged at frequent regular intervals for repeat scans and tests but basically that’s it. No surgery for any of the fractures unless they don’t continue to heal.

I’ve mixed feelings. It’s great that he’s home and yet there’s this niggling doubt that it’s too soon; mum won’t cope. But it’s not my decision so I just have to support them both as best I am able.

To celebrate I booked a ticket for Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake at Sadlers Wells. It’s for January 2025!

Today’s my birthday and it’s cultural day. Off to the V&A for two exhibitions: DIVA and also Chanel. Then this evening seeing Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker in Plaza Suite.

I’ll be lunching at the V&A as well. Interestingly it was the first museum in the world to be lit by electric lights and was the first to have a public restaurant.

The three rooms that house the restaurant still were each individual restaurants specialising in different types of food when the museum opened and they faced the original main entrance so they were the first thing that visitors saw upon entering. One specialised in grilled chops, another in fish and the third “lighter fare suitable for ladies”!
Good morning - 6.8

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning! Woke to a 4.4 (I am getting a lot of X.Xs - looks nice but makes me question sensor ?) and got a FOTF of 3.9 going down. It seems if I am below HS I go down, between HS and 7.0 it's stable and above 7.0 I go up!

Had a very fitful night - dreaming weirdly and waking frequently from 3:00am.

Whilst no appointments today it will b e a busy one as have to finish Self Assessment. Was yesterday's task but InterWeb problems so bridging through my phone, and eating up the data allowance. Might go paper next time - and a lot earlier!

Dark but appears to be cloudy!
@MikeyBikey You prompted me to sign in to HMRC and double check that I’d done mine. I was obviously feeling efficient as it was done at the start of June!
Morning all. 8.3

@ColinUK i'm pleased to hear your dad is home and hope he continues to improve. Fingers crossed your mum can cope and the care package is sorted soon. Happy Birthday! Have a lovely day and enjoy the V&A.

Dad’s been discharged and is back home. Care package to be determined but it’s good that he’s home.
Apparently he was up and down flights of stairs in the hospital yesterday with the crutch and there’s no more bleeds on brain so all is good.
He said that there will be some more visits to neurology arranged at frequent regular intervals for repeat scans and tests but basically that’s it. No surgery for any of the fractures unless they don’t continue to heal.

I’ve mixed feelings. It’s great that he’s home and yet there’s this niggling doubt that it’s too soon; mum won’t cope. But it’s not my decision so I just have to support them both as best I am able.

To celebrate I booked a ticket for Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake at Sadlers Wells. It’s for January 2025!

Today’s my birthday and it’s cultural day. Off to the V&A for two exhibitions: DIVA and also Chanel. Then this evening seeing Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker in Plaza Suite.

I’ll be lunching at the V&A as well. Interestingly it was the first museum in the world to be lit by electric lights and was the first to have a public restaurant.

The three rooms that house the restaurant still were each individual restaurants specialising in different types of food when the museum opened and they faced the original main entrance so they were the first thing that visitors saw upon entering. One specialised in grilled chops, another in fish and the third “lighter fare suitable for ladies”!

Happy Birthday Colin!

I will cross my fingers (appropriate emoji). They are very keen to discharge these days. After my amputation I think I was discharged too early. The guy I shared a room with was sent home although he did not seem ready and was back in another hospital less that 48 hours later. Another was back in the same bed the next evening! The physios said I was not ready but the man with the spreadsheet said I had been too long (he had worked out an Excel formula for "time to discharged") and Adult Don't Care moved me to a care home. There the stump broke down and I had to wait over 18 months for revision surgery. I imagine if it had happened in hospital I would have had surgery within five days! The quads on that leg are still not fully recovered from so long wheelchair bound. Also beware of social workers trying to get him in a home if there are issues with the care package!

I used to visit the different restaurants in the Tate Modern particularly in the years I worked in Londinium taking a half-day's holiday as I could walk there.
They are very keen to discharge these days
Mum has been in hospital now for 19 days. She went in after a fall at home. Her mobility has got worse since she's been in as no one is encouraging her to walk or even move and mum is frightened to walk on her own. She needs to get her confidence back. We've no idea why she's been in so long despite us asking several times. They cut off her ID bracelet as it was cutting into her but not replaced it, the Respect form a doctor told us she needed to think about a while ago has still not been done despite mum wanting to get it sorted. I know that they are busy and short staffed but its very frustrating.
@freesia Can PALS help maybe? They tend to be very useful at getting answers when they’re not forthcoming otherwise.
@freesia Can PALS help maybe? They tend to be very useful at getting answers when they’re not forthcoming otherwise.
I think it might be coming to that. We've been saying for over a week now that mums legs and feet were swollen and hard. We were told that it was because she wasn't walking. It turns out that they had taken her off a water tablet to do a blood test a while ago but not given it back! Last night she was finally given it and was told she was going to have a kidney function test today.

From a purely selfish reason i would like her home. Driving a 45 mile round trip after a days work several times a week, then trying to do the things i need to do when i get home is so tiring. I'm absolutely exhausted but there is no one else who can go as my brother has to rely on a lift atm. I've got a bit of a break from it until Thursday as i have doctors appointments and can't go, but then i feel guilty. Selfish i know but i can't help her if i'm ill too.
@freesia there’s no need to wait to contact PALS. They’re there to help.