Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.8.

High winds forecast today. Great. NOT! We hadn’t much planned which is just as well as we’ve had a Call to Arms to babysit 11 year old granddaughter, she’s not well. Our Grandparentnity Leave didn’t last long! 😉

Talking of which, middle pregnant daughter had her first scan yesterday. Everything fine and grandchild number 7 due mid August. Youngest pregnant daughter still hanging on, so TBF we can’t do much at the moment as we’re on high alert!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Morning all. 5.8.

High winds forecast today. Great. NOT! We hadn’t much planned which is just as well as we’ve had a Call to Arms to babysit 11 year old granddaughter, she’s not well. Our Grandparentnity Leave didn’t last long! 😉

Talking of which, middle pregnant daughter had her first scan yesterday. Everything fine and grandchild number 7 due mid August. Youngest pregnant daughter still hanging on, so TBF we can’t do much at the moment as we’re on high alert!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Congratulations on number 7
It’s not Baywatch @eggyg - it’s Babywatch! Very exciting.

Morning folks. 🙂 5.9 here and no low alarms screeching us awake at 3am. Ha ha, my last basal tweak worked (how long that’ll last remains to be seen).

It’s lesson planning today and a cheeky 2-hour Welsh class this evening with my fav group. They’re really keen, even tho they’ve all done a full day’s work beforehand. I make sure we do the heavy-lifting before 8pm, then it’s games and listening exercises from 8 to 9pm cos they’re all fading fast!

It’s nippy out there. Wrap up, folks.
Morning wishing you a belated birthday wish for yesterday Colin.
Trouble with sausage dogs is their long body means it is difficult to predict how long it takes between the input and the output if you get my drift so as with insulin timing I sometimes get it wrong hence an early rise at 4.30.
So I will claim a 5.8 when I got back up at 6pm but my alarm set at 4.7 did go off in the wee hours.
( no dextrose needed) as line was flat.
Nice day WFH doing end of month admin- do have 1 Lunch time meeting but I can walk there so will call at Waitrose on the way.
Have a great Wednesday all and on the 1st of each month we each see who can give a Pinch and Punch first.
Been married 33 years and I have won once in all that time so tomorrow am looking for a cunning plan to get my wife first to acknowledge my 6 month anniversary of my diagnosis and my joining this club.
Good morning all. 4.8 for me after a bad night - hypo at 2am and even after treating I bounced around the red sand for the rest of the night. Foot cramp and heartburn quickly followed the hypo to ensure I didn’t foolishly fall back to sleep. I do hate the question “Why are you low?”, there are so many answers to that one! Mainly because I took too much insulin - grrrrr. Sorry, rant over!

Anyway, a new day and a chance for things to go right. More WFH and trying to train the offshore team up on various year end tasks that for the first time they will have to run with on their own.

Take care everyone, have a good day.
And just checking blood I checked bank account to see the first payment from the company releasing my horror film! (Not a huge amount, but a nice few extra pounds and it's nice to see something I made as a teenager getting a proper release!)
Good morning. 6.2

Forecast was for 2 degrees last night - at 10 pm I turned the thermostat down to 10 degrees, at 2 a.m., swltering and finding the rads still very hot, I turned the boiler off completely, opened my bedroom window, and continued awake and over heated until 5 a.m....It is still warm in the house...Not a happy bunny but going to buy an indoor thermometer today. If the electrician is right and the thermostat is working correctly then it may be the boiler isn't listening - Help! I may have the boiler equivalent of the Type 2 insualin resistance!

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning everyone
It’s a 5.7 for me this morning and that was after a 14.0 at bedtime last night.

5.7 today, which is totally undeserved after eating jelly babies and a crème egg last night. I stayed the same at weigh in last night, but felt ravenous, tested my blood sugar was I was on 4.7 after my lunch so wondered if it had dropped and it was 3.8 so decided to eat a jelly baby, but got the taste and must of eaten at least 1/2 dozen then one of hubbies crème eggs.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS.
4.8 on awakening & 5.1 FOTF. 5.2 1hr later.
Switched to taking basal at bedtime 3 days ago
Morning all and 5.4 for me.

Looks like we might have a temp rehearsal room sorted. Actually our guitarist's garage but it has power and is soundproof. Going tomorrow to see if it will work.

Have a good day everyone