Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. 5´7 here, quickly raised to 6´7 while I prepped the yogurt and fruit.

The party on Sunday was a bit disappointing. As a result I was in a weird mood for the next two days, certainly not helped by the very gray weather. On Monday I got a dental filling, no anaesthesia, was unpleasant but not as bad as I feared and saved me the numb feeling later. Also meant I could accept my man´s invitation to have dinner at his, we rarely cook for each other so I would be sad to miss the chance! He made spaguetti and looks like I nailed the bolus, pure beginners luck.

I was considering Invisalign or something similar but this dentist was not very encouraging. It is expensive and as he said, a lifelong commitment. My teeth are not so bad so I doubt is worth it, is just I spent quite a few years wearing braces in the past and it annoys me that they didn´t stay totally in place. On the other hand, I don´t feel like going back to monthly dentist visits and the fuss of wearing aligners everyday.
Good morning everyone.

Couldn't get the forum to work early this morning. Seems ok now.

BG 5.4 a popular number this morning. I am in good company.

Been out for 90 minutes walk on the beach. A bit cold out there!

Today, no idea what to do...

Put some food out for the squirrels yesterday evening and they were there like a shot. More food out this morning but in this cold they are snug up in a warm bed no doubt.

Food shop delivery due any minute...

Have a great day todzy whatever you are doing.
Morning all - a still day but nothing like yesterday when the sun shone. Just that dreary uniform grey that has characterised this winter.

7.4 this morning - a darn sight better than the previous two days. Yesterday evening BG kept going up and up and I kept correcting to no avail. Eventually around midnight when it was 18.3 I decided to change the pod. Uck.... I was shocked, all the backing was wet through and red with diluted blood. Clearly all the corrections had leaked out, but why the blood? I am getting steadily disillusioned by Omnipod. I never had this trouble with my old Combo pump.

Ah well, off for my hearing test this afternoon. We'll see what transpires, but from time to time my left ear feels like it's full of water, though I am assured it's not blocked.

Then hopefully a pleasant early evening meeting with friends.

Congratulations on the HS @MeeTooTeeTo

Exciting times @eggyg and you know you love your grandpaternity duties!
Good morning everyone. 5´7 here, quickly raised to 6´7 while I prepped the yogurt and fruit.

The party on Sunday was a bit disappointing. As a result I was in a weird mood for the next two days, certainly not helped by the very gray weather. On Monday I got a dental filling, no anaesthesia, was unpleasant but not as bad as I feared and saved me the numb feeling later. Also meant I could accept my man´s invitation to have dinner at his, we rarely cook for each other so I would be sad to miss the chance! He made spaguetti and looks like I nailed the bolus, pure beginners luck.

I was considering Invisalign or something similar but this dentist was not very encouraging. It is expensive and as he said, a lifelong commitment. My teeth are not so bad so I doubt is worth it, is just I spent quite a few years wearing braces in the past and it annoys me that they didn´t stay totally in place. On the other hand, I don´t feel like going back to monthly dentist visits and the fuss of wearing aligners everyday.
When I was a kid my dentist said my teeth were overcrowded which is why I have one bottom tooth which sits back of the adjacent ones. But my dentist as an adult always used to say my teeth were awkward as they were really small, so does that mean I have a small mouth. It is certainly big enough for me to put my big foot in it, got me into trouble many times. :D
Do whatever you are comfortable with. My daughter used to suck her thumb and needed braces both top and bottom but it was very successful as her bottom teeth were all sideways and the top protruding so her bite didn't align.
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Do whatever you are comfortable with. My daughter used to suck her thumb and needed braces both top and bottom but it was very successful as her bottom teeth were all sideways and the top protruding so her bite didn't align.
I understand that. My case is purely cosmetic, I think it doesn't affect my bite. There's a small gap between my top and bottom teeth in some parts. I have an issue with my tongue pushing the front teeth and I mostly breath through my mouth instead of my nose, my dentist used to tell me off all the time for this. I tried to change this habits but they are unconscious and I basically gave up. Might try to find some technique to work on it again. At the time they suggested to hold a raw lentil with the tip of my tongue on the top of my mouth to get it to stay in place...
Wow a storm has rolled in here. A bit nasty out. Just missed it on my second walk today.

I didn't know there was a storm due. I probably wouldn't have gone out had I known. And. 30 minutes later, when I tested my BG it was 5.2 ! Excellent.

Glad I am indoors again now.
Morning all. Ooops! 11.6, over corrected a long hypo last night and been high all night. Corrected and now 9.7 and dropping. Off early for a repeat blood test this morning.
Morning all. 5.9, a flatfish and a unicorn = a happy bunny. And it’s February! Yeah! 🙂 My favourite month.

It was wild and wet yesterday, some Norwegian fella, Ingunn, invaded us. Hopefully, a bit better today as we’re going to have a walk to the osteopath, hoping it’s my last session. Then a walk into town to get last minute things for the new baby that’s due very soon. And a present for Zara for becoming a big sister. A bit of ironing first though, had planned on doing it yesterday but we also got invaded by grandchildren! Zara and mummy decided they’d come and help “look after” poorly Poppy, mum got her to docs before dropping her off at ours, ear infection. Poor wee thing. Ended up being chaotic as usual, everyone had a different lunch, Zara was a bit whingy as she still isn’t over her cold and had been up since 4.30am, toys all over the place, Little Mermaid in the background with no one watching it! So what’s new? 🙄 Hoping for a more tranquil day.

Have a splendid day, it’s nearly spring.


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Good morning all a little lie in this morning and I lost the monthly pinch and punch contest yet again for the 100 month in a row. My wife just says consequences as a warning to me not to attempt to win and as I am a coward at heart I hastily retreat.
A 7.9 for me and a “lovely“ trip to St Helens today. Real Rugby League country and the Tesco is right next to the Totally Wicked Stadium and although being a Rugby Union man myself I fell in love with League whilst at Uni and loved the down to earth atmosphere which I find really refreshing.
Anyway whether you are urban or rural enjoy the day though personally I just like a nice balance.
Good morning! 5'8 today.

I am feeling a bit better in mood despite short night of sleep and a UTI (sorry if tmi). It started yesterday evening, which was an inconvenient time because I was on my own at work and couldn't run to the toilet as often as I would like. If I was at home I think I'd just camp on the bathroom with a book and a water bottle, no point going back and forth to the room lol.

I had an elderly man telling me "in this country we have a thing to say 'rabbits' the first day of the month". I remember @Northerner posting "white rabbits" often but didn't notice until now what date it was! I must have looked a bit confused because the man said "oh, you don't understand that, do you?" (In a sort of condescending tone). Sure, I don't really know what this rabbit thing comes from, but my confusion was mainly because I didn't understand what this had to do with the rest of the conversation, which was him complaining about the food.
Good morning everyone. Up at 7am! 3 hours later than my normal time. I wonder what caused that. I would have been too late to stick the bins out had I been going to do so (bin is almost empty)

BG 5.0 happy with that.

Have any of you heard of nattokinase?

Today exercise, exercise, exercise, hmmm, well I'll get out at least once, I'm not THAT enthusiastic especially in the cold.

Wow! Is is February already? No rabbits here only squirrels. Got some nice hazelnuts and walnuts for them yesterday. I will put them out with the normal mix of nuts this morning.



Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
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Good morning! 5'8 today.

I am feeling a bit better in mood despite short night of sleep and a UTI (sorry if tmi). It started yesterday evening, which was an inconvenient time because I was on my own at work and couldn't run to the toilet as often as I would like. If I was at home I think I'd just camp on the bathroom with a book and a water bottle, no point going back and forth to the room lol.

I had an elderly man telling me "in this country we have a thing to say 'rabbits' the first day of the month". I remember @Northerner posting "white rabbits" often but didn't notice until now what date it was! I must have looked a bit confused because the man said "oh, you don't understand that, do you?" (In a sort of condescending tone). Sure, I don't really know what this rabbit thing comes from, but my confusion was mainly because I didn't understand what this had to do with the rest of the conversation, which was him complaining about the food.
Hi Elenka,
I think by saying “ white rabbits” on the first day of the month it protects you from being pinched and punched on the arm which is another little traditional reaction to a new month.
Mind you the British also have a saying of “ raining cats and dogs” whilst I think the Dutch talk about “ Raining waterfalls” which always makes much more sense to me than references to pets so plenty of foreign sayings make more sense and personally I love to see other cultures/ countries traditions etc being discussed.
Have always found with travel we all have much more in common than we don’t and much more to unite us than divide us.