Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone! 7'1 for me today.

I would be fast asleep at this time but my manager called last night asking if I could do an extra shift this morning. I agreed because I didn't have many hours this week and didn't have other plans for the day, until the party in the evening. In fact I was sort of relieved to get something to do, which is a bit lame...

I painted my nails before getting the call and technically we are not supposed to have painted or fake nails in my department. But the reality is everyone wears them however they like, supervisors included, so I'm not concerned. Anyway they are very discreet, glittery dark green, I doubt someone notices 😛
Good morning, an 11.4 this morning.

Today, I start the canagliflozina. So we will see how that goes
That sounds like it’s either a Sicilian cream filled pastry or maybe an exotic, and dangerous, Latin dance.
Thanks @ColinUK that gave me a chuckle!

5.9 are the scores on the doors for me this morning.

Have a good day everyone!
Morning I wish had Colin’s awareness first thing in the morning to have invented a new way of calculating scores as I was in such a deep sleep I had to dress quickly to take the dogs out as one of them had an urgent need to go outside.
I did not have time to measure my BG and by the time I had settled down my tea and toast was in front of me and going cold.
So by the time I got around to measure I was an 8.1 so could have done with some of Colin’s Maths to get a nicer score.
Anyway I did get a unicorn my first of 2024 so a positive start to day.
Again lunch at one of my favourite places today and must admit am not the most adventurous with food preferring to stick with my regular offering which is served to my liking.
In some ways sums up my life of contentment which is based on not seeking a high life but just being happy with family and friends and enjoying the little pleasures that it brings.
Have decided and booked our next little break at beginning of March in Harrogate and no doubt celebrate wife’s birthday with some nice meals and some Fat Rascals.
Whatever you do have a good one.
Morning I wish had Colin’s awareness first thing in the morning to have invented a new way of calculating scores as I was in such a deep sleep I had to dress quickly to take the dogs out as one of them had an urgent need to go outside.
I did not have time to measure my BG and by the time I had settled down my tea and toast was in front of me and going cold.
So by the time I got around to measure I was an 8.1 so could have done with some of Colin’s Maths to get a nicer score.
Anyway I did get a unicorn my first of 2024 so a positive start to day.
Again lunch at one of my favourite places today and must admit am not the most adventurous with food preferring to stick with my regular offering which is served to my liking.
In some ways sums up my life of contentment which is based on not seeking a high life but just being happy with family and friends and enjoying the little pleasures that it brings.
Have decided and booked our next little break at beginning of March in Harrogate and no doubt celebrate wife’s birthday with some nice meals and some Fat Rascals.
Whatever you do have a good one.
8.1 post dog letting out to do it’s business emergency is equivalent to maybe a 6.2 in my maths. But then we take into account that it’s Sunday and knock another big number off and lo and behold you’ve got a 5.2!
Bit of a typo there I think!!!!! :rofl:

I might just refer to it by its brand name - Invokana.
Now it sounds like Donald Trump’s next wife!

Morning all. 4.9 here.

Got a Zoom Welsh session this morning. Yesterday’s was a bit lame, so I’m hoping for a snappier, chattier, break-out-roomier session this morning. One of the group is an internationally-recognized journalist - which she made sure we all knew asap! (I had to ask google who she was). Was it mean of me to think she was a show-off? Takes all sorts...

Happy Sunday, folks.

4.6 today, but I am sure Colin can help me with getting it to a 5.2, anyway had a bad night, vivid weird dreams and wanted to stay in bed. Off out for a walk and then coffee with my friends, a bit of house work, some knitting, and maybe watching telly later. Then that will be the weekend gone.
5.1 for me… after a party last night with a few beers and Jamaican food. Goat curry was nice! I probably should have stayed away from the dumplings, but it didn’t seem to cause me any issues.
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Morning all, 6.8 here. Glad to see my time below range is 2% for the past 7 days, since I started a new sensor. It had slipped to 10% below with the previous one, which was entirely due to me putting it on a bit of my arm that I lie on, but I’ve got a hospital clinic appointment in a couple of weeks, and they never look like they believe you (well, they accept what you say…and then dish out a load of advice on avoiding night time hypos, none of which includes 'be careful where you put your sensor').
I just watched this video about type 2 diabetes and found it useful and revealing. Perhaps new type 2's could really benefit from watching it.

It is a bit long but very well, and very clearly presented.

and just maybe there is a better way...

i hope this link works. If not just type in a search for 'Two big lies of type 2 diabetes' by Jason Fung. It is a video.

A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

8.1 post dog letting out to do it’s business emergency is equivalent to maybe a 6.2 in my maths. But then we take into account that it’s Sunday and knock another big number off and lo and behold you’ve got a 5.2!
Love the logic Colin a unicorn and a 5.2 on the same day.I was lucky enough to have a real one once before but a manufactured one as well I would happily take.
Morning All - waking numbers for the weekend as I didn't post yesterday. 6.0 & 6.2 - lowest I've been for ages and the thing that was missing was my evening snack bowl (with crisps!). We had friends to stay on their way up to Edinburgh which was lovely. Played Pickleball yesterday (Mum & brother came over too) and then all went for a walk at Aira Force which was gorgeous (National Trust place by Ullswater with stunning water falls). Then hubby, Mum & I went to Keswick and had a very late lunch (tapas & pizza between us - YUM), bit of shopping then home. I watched the Traitors final on catchup @ColinUK and had been worried all day that I'd see something pop up on my phone spoiling it but luckily hadn't. I won't mention anything on here in case others are still waiting to watch. Nothing planned today so I might get out in the garden as there's loads to do and we might go for a walk up on the fell somewhere. I hope everyone has a good day xxx
Morning all. 5.8 is what I saw without my specs on, but thinking about it that 8 was probably a 2. My eyes are very bad first thing. So yet another 5.2 this morning. Oh and I had a unicorn day too, well up to 3pm and then after 4pm. That counts too as well doesn’t it? 😛

Nice quiet day ahead. I’ve already stripped the bed and the washer is on, I’m going to put the washing out as it’s forecast sunny intervals and windy, not Isha and Jocelyn windy, but good enough. Just waiting for my full English and then I’ll have a nice bubble bath. Not straight away I may drown!

@Elenka_HM enjoy your party tonight and I love the sound of your green nails, my favourite colour.
Congratulations to all you fake HSers, including me!
Have a great day.
I just watched this video about type 2 diabetes and found it useful and revealing. Perhaps new type 2's could really benefit from watching it.

It is a bit long but very well, and very clearly presented.

and just maybe there is a better way...

i hope this link works. If not just type in a search for 'Two big lies of type 2 diabetes' by Jason Fung. It is a video.

I haven't watched it all, but he starts off with Professor Taylor's Twin cycle hypothesis, the basis of the work done in Newcastle (Trying to replicate what happens with bariatric surgery.) so I'm guessing the whole talk is about how weight loss can bring back the beta cell functionality in some people with T2D.
Good morning. 5.6

Grey, windy and chilly after a very warm night. Planning a quiet day working on new colour scheme for bathroom and kitchen - I am a bit bored with the current one. Painted up some A3 sheets (trial pots) yesterday but looking at them this morning none of them is quite right. I find the colour charts irritatingly inaccurate. Hence the bathroom, when last decorated, intended to be a dignified Wedgewood came out Brighton Beach Hut...

Peaceful Sunday everyone.
Just spoke with mum and she fell over last night on her way into a bar mitzvah party. They make a right pair the two of ‘em!
All she’s done is graze her knee thankfully.