Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb ...a 10.8 for me but I feel rotten ATM, quite light headed, headachey, tired and my brain is working slowly. Also very 'agitated' and anxious. 2 hours after food BGs are 13.8
I've had some Tea (w.sweeteners) and a sit down, then a walk around the site, then a sit down and so on. My head still feels '3 ft left of where the rest of me is' and my walking in a straight line is anything but (?? ear infection) Fortunately, I have my own office and nobody questions it when I go for a walk around, inside or outside. HR Mgr and Gen. Mgr have stuck their heads round the door a few times to check that I'm still alive (can't have a Stiff on the Payroll). Just tested and I'm back down to 10.8.
Morning 🙂 7.1 today.

Hang on tight Robin, I'll look out for stray runners and riders hurtling past the window 😉
Survived intact! Though with a whopping BG of 14point something by the end. Scary fences = too much adrenalin!
Survived intact! Though with a whopping BG of 14point something by the end. Scary fences = too much adrenalin!
Phew! 😱 Just getting on the back of one of those huge beasts would be enough for me! Well done! 🙂 Hope you had a nice cup of tea and calmed down quickly 🙂

6.3 for me today 🙂
Morning all, 11.4 for me today. Off for another weekend camping later. Not at a brewery this week though.
Phew! 😱 Just getting on the back of one of those huge beasts would be enough for me! Well done! 🙂 Hope you had a nice cup of tea and calmed down quickly 🙂 🙂

Normal service restored quite quickly, thank you. And 4.8 this slightly stiff and achy morning!
Bore da Pawb embarrassing 13.4 for me this morning 😳 (I had a restaurant meal last night celebrating my daughter's birthday - no dessert but still 17.7 before bed!)

feeling fine this morning - no 'ickyness' 🙂
Good morning everyone. 5.8 for me 🙂
Morning. 8.8 this morning not good but better than yesterday.
Bore da Pawb embarrassing 13.4 for me this morning 😳 (I had a restaurant meal last night celebrating my daughter's birthday - no dessert but still 17.7 before bed!)

feeling fine this morning - no 'ickyness' 🙂
Your allowed as it was a special occasion.
Morning folks.🙂 5.7 here.😛
A 6.1 today....phew for the one! 😛

'Carry on Camping' Stitch...looks like the weather for it 😎

I'm partaking of a few voddies tonight watching a band but only for medicinal reasons of course to divert my overactive nocturnal liver :D
Forgot to check in this morning!! Was a late post-shower test today & I was 6.3 but have had a 3.7 and a 3.6 so far today & am feeling a bit wobbly. Think the weather is finally getting to me :confused:
Morning everyone 6.2 🙂