Group 7-day waking average?

Morning! 4.6 for me today. Have a great weekend everyone 🙂
Good (mid) morning all... Was 11.4 this morning. Seem to have levelled off - back to Nursie methinks.
Morning all, a nice 5.1 today - a round 6.0 yesterday. 'Tis a trifle warm again today for my taste, methinks :(
It was a 4.6 for me this morning, rising sharply to 11.6 after parkrun... I'm still not getting this exercising thing right. Currently back in the 6's but feeling decidedly ropey, maybe it was just too hot to push for a sub 27 minute 5k?
It was a 4.6 for me this morning, rising sharply to 11.6 after parkrun... I'm still not getting this exercising thing right. Currently back in the 6's but feeling decidedly ropey, maybe it was just too hot to push for a sub 27 minute 5k?
I found early on after my diagnosis that my levels rose significantly during exercise - think it must have been down to the adrenalin. Things did settle after the first year or so though. How soon after injecting/eating did you do the parkrun?

6.2 for me today, after another very stuffy night.
Morning all! Thought it was about time l tested again. 4.5 this morning.🙂 Need to cut the grass today.:(
Oops, forgot to post earlier, I've been up for ages, Honest! 4.8 here.
Do it now before it gets too warm! 😱 🙂
Warm??? It's chucking it down here!

I was 13.1 this morning... 😳 Mind you, I did eat out last night (at a restaurant that used to be frequented by Wills & Kate when they lived nearby).
I found early on after my diagnosis that my levels rose significantly during exercise - think it must have been down to the adrenalin. Things did settle after the first year or so though. How soon after injecting/eating did you do the parkrun?
I ate about an hour before & I always bolus for my breakfast as soon as I get up so it has 20-30 mins to get going before I eat. I've noticed big rises after exercise before, seems worse in the morning than in the evening. Hopefully it will settle eventually!!

5.4 for me this morning after a night out on the beer... Happy with that! :D
I ate about an hour before & I always bolus for my breakfast as soon as I get up so it has 20-30 mins to get going before I eat. I've noticed big rises after exercise before, seems worse in the morning than in the evening. Hopefully it will settle eventually!!

5.4 for me this morning after a night out on the beer... Happy with that! :D
Pretty much the same as me as far as injecting/eating goes. What you might like to try is having a little carb snack as soon as you get back. One of those liver things - sometimes the liver will release extra glucose in order to replenish the muscle glycogen you've just exhausted with your run, having something carby switches this response off 🙂 I often have a Belvita biscuit and it seems to do the trick for me 🙂
Afternoon everyone sorry I'm late.
I think my D is trying to tell me something 😱
Woke around 5am was 5.5
Before brekky at 7 was 10.1 or thereabouts😉
Three hours later 11. 7 and still rising :(
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Arfnoon. 🙂 7.3 this morning.