Group 7-day waking average?

Morning 🙂 a walloping great big 13.2 for me today my highest for ages. My bg just rose and rose through the night.o_O:confused:

Off to the hospital now to see what the hole in my heel is doing. I hate the thought of it being there and hope my high bg is not an indication of infection.

Hope the others in the sick bay start to improve soon 🙂
Keeping everything crossed for you Flower! {{{HUGS}}}
Morning 🙂 a walloping great big 13.2 for me today my highest for ages. My bg just rose and rose through the night.o_O:confused:

Off to the hospital now to see what the hole in my heel is doing. I hate the thought of it being there and hope my high bg is not an indication of infection.

Hope the others in the sick bay start to improve soon 🙂

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Flower
Morning all. A 5.9 for me today. Hope everyone with ailments gets better soon xx. Have a lovely Thursday everyone 🙂
Budge up on the icky step everyone! Must be something in the air 😳

A 6.7 for me
Hi everyone 🙂 and hope the poorly peeps soon feel much better. I'm sure it would help if we had a proper summer.
Afraid I'm a 7.0 today 😱
15.8 for my this morning. First day on 18u humulin so hopefully it'll work. I'm expecting a phone call on Friday from my DSN to advise whether to go up or not. The issue is my spikes are directly after meals so I think no matter how much basal insulin I'm on, the post meal spikes won't be sorted until I'm on bolus. Am i right in thinking that? Im a little confused about basal insulin and how it works/what it actually does
15.8 for my this morning. First day on 18u humulin so hopefully it'll work. I'm expecting a phone call on Friday from my DSN to advise whether to go up or not. The issue is my spikes are directly after meals so I think no matter how much basal insulin I'm on, the post meal spikes won't be sorted until I'm on bolus. Am i right in thinking that? Im a little confused about basal insulin and how it works/what it actually does
The job of basal insulin is really only to enable your body to make use of the glucose that the liver constanly trickles out day and night in order to keep your body ticking over. It's the Bolus's job to mop up any glucose produced by food that you eat. The complication comes when you are just on basal and it's trying to do both jobs, All you can expect is that you're on a sufficient dose to bring your levels slowly down when they have risen, it can't cope with a post meal spike.
Hope you get sorted on to Bolus soon, though I can understand them being cautious and not wanting to bring your levels down too quickly, which can cause eye problems, etc. Once you are on basal/Bolus, you may find your basal needs decrease, because it's not trying to do two jobs, one of which it wasn't designed for!
15.8 for my this morning. First day on 18u humulin so hopefully it'll work. I'm expecting a phone call on Friday from my DSN to advise whether to go up or not. The issue is my spikes are directly after meals so I think no matter how much basal insulin I'm on, the post meal spikes won't be sorted until I'm on bolus. Am i right in thinking that? Im a little confused about basal insulin and how it works/what it actually does
I echo what @Robin says. What should hopefully happen, once you get the basal insulin at the right dose, is that your waking levels should be nicely in range, then it will be more obvious how the meals are spiking you. At least you are heading in the right direction now, with medication that WILL work once it is all sorted. Still not entirely sure why they haven't put you straight on bolus insulin. Have they done a C-peptide test, do you know? This would show how much (if any) of your own insulin you are producing 🙂
I'm a newcomer to Humulin-I (4 weeks) and, like Rosie, am on 18u. I read that the insulin I'm on lasts for around 14 hours then tails off. Given that I inject at 06:00 this means that the dose has effectively worn off by 20:00. I eat my evening meal around 19:00 most days. My levels rise by end of day (last night it was 15.7) but was down to 8.6 at 6:00 this morning. I'm testing first thing in the morning, before lunch, before I drive home from work and again at bedtime. I'm pleased that the BG trend is down from the heights they were at but I find it very disheartening to spend all day eating precious little of anything only to find my levels rising. I've mentioned that I see Nursie tomorrow afternoon, should I be asking about bolus at this stage?
I'm a newcomer to Humulin-I (4 weeks) and, like Rosie, am on 18u. I read that the insulin I'm on lasts for around 14 hours then tails off. Given that I inject at 06:00 this means that the dose has effectively worn off by 20:00. I eat my evening meal around 19:00 most days. My levels rise by end of day (last night it was 15.7) but was down to 8.6 at 6:00 this morning. I'm testing first thing in the morning, before lunch, before I drive home from work and again at bedtime. I'm pleased that the BG trend is down from the heights they were at but I find it very disheartening to spend all day eating precious little of anything only to find my levels rising. I've mentioned that I see Nursie tomorrow afternoon, should I be asking about bolus at this stage?
It looks like a tricky one Jonsi. That's quite a dip in levels overnight, suggesting that your pancreas is doing quite a bit of work given that your Humulin will have expired. You might fare better on a different basal with a longer duration, like lantus, or two injections of levemir, meaning that your bedtime levels would be hopefully lower. Are you testing after meals at all?

Good morning 🙂 6.5 for me today 🙂
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13.0 which is pretty good although I had my tea at 6pm and didn't eat again til 5:30am so not surprised it dropped!
Morning , yawn, I'm not awake yet. 6.7 for me looks like the Anti Bs have kicked in I also feel much better, I hope everyone who was on the sick couch with me are feeling better too.
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13.0 which is pretty good although I had my tea at 6pm and didn't eat again til 5:30am so not surprised it dropped!
Hi. I don't know anything about your Insulin but was wondering if it could be split into two doses .
Morning all, 11.3 for me today. I might not be posting much I've the next couple of days as we are going camping at a local brewery!
Hi. I don't know anything about your Insulin but was wondering if it could be split into two doses .

My nurse was saying that she thinks we'll have to split it eventually. She's calling me at 12 today to discuss how upping it to 18u is going. I think I'm going to ask about bolus AND splitting my dose
Ooh that sounds like my kinda camping!! Enjoy x

We've done it before it's great fun. We know the owners quite well. We'll be doing a brew this weekend. All food and drink is provided for us over the weekend too. There's gonna be about 20 of us.
Good morning everyone 🙂 12.2 after over correcting an unexpected 1am hypo.