Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.🙂 6.7 here.😛

Good grief, the weather!😱 We had a lovely day at Oxwich beach yesterday, but it's raining and windy again today! Ffleurgghbll...:confused:

Thinking of you today, Flower. Good luck.🙂
4.1 here after chasing one of 'those' hypos since about 7pm yesterday. Got it up to speed by bedtime, but hypoed three times in the night as well. Worked out I've had about 40 extra carbs in total to vanquish it, and it's all my own fault, I said to OH the other day, 'I haven't had a nighttime hypo for ages.....'
My nurse was saying that she thinks we'll have to split it eventually. She's calling me at 12 today to discuss how upping it to 18u is going. I think I'm going to ask about bolus AND splitting my dose
Tbh I would if I were you, it was the best thing I ever done.
It looks like a tricky one Jonsi. That's quite a dip in levels overnight, suggesting that your pancreas is doing quite a bit of work given that your Humulin will have expired. You might fare better on a different basal with a longer duration, like lantus, or two injections of levemir, meaning that your bedtime levels would be hopefully lower. Are you testing after meals at all?
Good morning all ...thanks for your reply Northerner. I'm not testing after meals ...I shall ask the questions of Nursie (she's called Jane and is very pleasant) later today.
I had a 17.2 before bed last night (I blame the 1oz of rice and the slice of bread!) down to 11.6 this morning but it had been around the 10s all day :(.
Morning all.🙂 6.7 here.😛

Good grief, the weather!😱 We had a lovely day at Oxwich beach yesterday, but it's raining and windy again today! Ffleurgghbll...:confused:

Oh no, it's St Swithins day as well, it'll be like it for the next 40 days. Which reminds me, has everyone changed their lancets?
Oh no, it's St Swithins day as well, it'll be like it for the next 40 days. Which reminds me, has everyone changed their lancets?
Changed lancets ?.
Um are we meant to :D
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Morning 🙂 5.9 today.

Thanks for all your good vibes yesterday, my ulcer is not infected thank goodness. Not great by any means but as long as I can stop infection I feel slightly more optimistic I can get it to mend.

Enjoy your beery camping Stitch, sounds fabulous 🙂
Morning 🙂 5.9 today.

Thanks for all your good vibes yesterday, my ulcer is not infected thank goodness. Not great by any means but as long as I can stop infection I feel slightly more optimistic I can get it to mend.

Enjoy your beery camping Stitch, sounds fabulous 🙂
Great news @Flower ! 🙂 I hope it mends well, and soon 🙂
Morning 🙂 5.9 today.

Thanks for all your good vibes yesterday, my ulcer is not infected thank goodness. Not great by any means but as long as I can stop infection I feel slightly more optimistic I can get it to mend.

Enjoy your beery camping Stitch, sounds fabulous 🙂
glad you have had a bit of good news Flower. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you
House special 5.2 for me on this very sad & gloomy day :(
Good morning (can this really be called 'morning'? 😱 ) 🙂 6.<cough> for me at 3:15 am 🙂
Lol at your WHOLE number - sorry did I just highlight that WHOLE number. This time of the morning seems a good time for noting waking BG's, Mine is 7.4 😉
Good morning all 🙂 A more respectable time to check in but it's another 7.0! 🙂
I do hope you got some sleep eventually Amanda and don't drop off in the bath!
Morning all.🙂 It's a 5.99999999999 🙄 here in wet n sea fret Swansea.🙂 Not looking fwd to the drive south to get the ferry, but AM looking fwd to a bit of Spanish sunshine! 😎

That's great news, Flower.😛
Morning all 6.4 and a visit to the Masham Steam Rally in the offing.