Group 7-day waking average?

Happy Diaversary Bloden 🙂
4.6 for me this morning. Want to cry because I've got the same pain as I had when I had an infection three weeks ago. I tested with some dipstick strips that I bought then and there is a a high amount protein. Spoke to the GP on the phone and the GP has sorted a prescription for antibiotics which make me feel awful. Want to cry because I feel lousy and I'm just about to go to Cleethorpes for some much needed holiday and to see mum and dad. Didn't need this after the latest eye problems.
Morning folks and thankfully my choccie fest has settled at a plump, kooky annoying 6 this morning.

Thinking of you for your appt tomorrow Stitch, happy diaversary Bloden and AJ...get those antib's started and go and have a lovely break in Cleethorpes. A hug from mum and dad will put the world to rights.
Talk about a yuk and weird morning. As above BG 8.3 when I woke, then had porridge at around 8 am. Half hour later felt sicky, shakeys etc and had the "stuff the carbs in" feeling, which of course I did, and lay down for a bit.After 9, checked in at 13.1and just now 13.7 and feeling better but left with headache. Up and at it and drinking plenty water.

Have only felt like this if levels are in low 4's
4.6 for me this morning. Want to cry because I've got the same pain as I had when I had an infection three weeks ago. I tested with some dipstick strips that I bought then and there is a a high amount protein. Spoke to the GP on the phone and the GP has sorted a prescription for antibiotics which make me feel awful. Want to cry because I feel lousy and I'm just about to go to Cleethorpes for some much needed holiday and to see mum and dad. Didn't need this after the latest eye problems.
Hope you feel better soon, and enjoy your break
4.6 for me this morning. Want to cry because I've got the same pain as I had when I had an infection three weeks ago. I tested with some dipstick strips that I bought then and there is a a high amount protein. Spoke to the GP on the phone and the GP has sorted a prescription for antibiotics which make me feel awful. Want to cry because I feel lousy and I'm just about to go to Cleethorpes for some much needed holiday and to see mum and dad. Didn't need this after the latest eye problems.
Sorry I was having a wee whinge-I haven't really got anything to moan about when I read your post.
13.3 for me this morning after a few(!) glasses of prosecco last night. Feel like I deserved it! After spag bol last night, the prosecco made sure my levels didnt go too high 😉
4.6 for me this morning. Want to cry because I've got the same pain as I had when I had an infection three weeks ago. I tested with some dipstick strips that I bought then and there is a a high amount protein. Spoke to the GP on the phone and the GP has sorted a prescription for antibiotics which make me feel awful. Want to cry because I feel lousy and I'm just about to go to Cleethorpes for some much needed holiday and to see mum and dad. Didn't need this after the latest eye problems.

So sorry to hear about this AJ :( sending my love and positive vibes xxxx
Morning everyone. Can't believe my levels this morning 6.5 I expected to be so much higher after my lows last night
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4.6 for me this morning. Want to cry because I've got the same pain as I had when I had an infection three weeks ago. I tested with some dipstick strips that I bought then and there is a a high amount protein. Spoke to the GP on the phone and the GP has sorted a prescription for antibiotics which make me feel awful. Want to cry because I feel lousy and I'm just about to go to Cleethorpes for some much needed holiday and to see mum and dad. Didn't need this after the latest eye problems.
Sorry to hear about the infection and that the Anti Bs make you feel so rough.
hope you're better soon so you can enjoy your holiday.
Morning all. 11.4 for me today. Drs at 9.30.
Hope you feel better today AJ. X
Morning all 🙂 and sorry Kooky it's a 7.0 today.
Glad you've woken to a good result after last night Ljc.
And good luck at Drs today Stitch.
5.4 here. Got rained off the gardening yesterday evening,
Good luck today Stitch,
9.2 this morning, which is the third day in a row under 10! I even managed a 5.6 before my evening meal followed by an 8.8 before going to bed. Getting there...