Group 7-day waking average?

Morning, can I join in.
6.0 for me.
5.3 here, just missed an HS! Am enjoying being able to do 7.5 units of Lantus with my new Junior star half unit pen, but I must say it feels really cheap and plasticky, and it's really hard to push the plunger in, I don't know how children cope with it.
Another house special for me today, I'm on a roll :D
Yes of course you can join in 🙂 Just a word of warning though, @KookyCat goes apoplectic if she sees a whole number, best to say your are midway between 5.9 and 6.1, or (like me this morning) 6.<cough> (think I got away with that one :D)
Thanks for the tip. :D
Looks like you have got away with it this time 🙂
A disgracefully late 5.6 for me but my excuse note says, 'been in terrible pain through the night because as well as a bad rotator cuff tear, Amigo now has inflamed bursitis in her shoulder' :(

Consultant trying to get me in for an injection asap before I reach for the bottle (and it won't be lucozade!)
A disgracefully late 5.6 for me but my excuse note says, 'been in terrible pain through the night because as well as a bad rotator cuff tear, Amigo now has inflamed bursitis in her shoulder' :(

Consultant trying to get me in for an injection asap before I reach for the bottle (and it won't be lucozade!)

:( Thats not good Amigo. Hope they manage to get you sorted out soon. X
A disgracefully late 5.6 for me but my excuse note says, 'been in terrible pain through the night because as well as a bad rotator cuff tear, Amigo now has inflamed bursitis in her shoulder' :(

Consultant trying to get me in for an injection asap before I reach for the bottle (and it won't be lucozade!)
Hope you can get some pain relief quickly @Amigo {{{HUGS}}}
Sorry to hear you're in the wars Amigo. Having had loads of shoulder problems i know what agony they can cause and I totally sympathise and hope things improve soon xx
Another house special for me today, I'm on a roll :D
Me too, oh yessss! That's 3 in a row :D

Oh Amigo, I'm sorry - hope it all gets better for you soon xx
7.2 - and I was 6.8 yesterday. At the moment I seem to have a choice of 3.5ish or 7ish :(

Hope the pain eases up soon, Amigo.
Yes of course you can join in 🙂 Just a word of warning though, @KookyCat goes apoplectic if she sees a whole number, best to say your are midway between 5.9 and 6.1, or (like me this morning) 6.<cough> (think I got away with that one :D)

You absolutely did not get away with that one Mr Northerner, I'm still watching. Patty is just on my bad list at the moment so I'm refusing to pander to her paddies by giving her airtime. I'm still keeping a list mind you!
A disgracefully late 5.6 for me but my excuse note says, 'been in terrible pain through the night because as well as a bad rotator cuff tear, Amigo now has inflamed bursitis in her shoulder' :(

Consultant trying to get me in for an injection asap before I reach for the bottle (and it won't be lucozade!)
Haha! It's true, I missed improving my best time by a second this morning - was most annoyed! 😱 🙂
Try dividing your 2000m time by 4 to get 500m avg. eg 2mins then row your 1st 500 at 1.58, your 2nd & 3rd at 2.00 then go for it for the final 500.
Try dividing your 2000m time by 4 to get 500m avg. eg 2mins then row your 1st 500 at 1.58, your 2nd & 3rd at 2.00 then go for it for the final 500.
Hmm...if I tried that I probably wouldn't make the final 500 😱 My current 'record' is 8:21. I've noticed that it's my stroke rate that slows in the final 500m, probably because I'm concentrating on sucking in as much air as possible 😱 🙂

Good morning 🙂 5.4 for me today 🙂
Morning everyone. Hope you all have a good day.
5.9 for me.