Group 7-day waking average?

Morning 🙂. I got a 5.6 today after a bit of a restless night. Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all 4.3 for me, 3 days of blue sky and sunshine on the west coast, ah it was a lovely summer. We often get another 2 days in a row in September.

Good luck @Flower
Have a good Holiday @Amigo
Someone told me last night that the weather is to change today. It's been lovely all week while I have been on holiday,so here's hoping they are wrong
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.4 today.

Hope everything goes really well for you Flower. Ile be sending more good vibes on Monday xx
Morning! 7.7!😱 Not happy. Not happy at all!:(
Oh no! What's going on? Are you feeling unwell?
No. As bright as a button. Just wondering if what I had to eat/drink last night has anything to do with it. Had dinner at brother's. Lamb with carrots & cauliflower cheese. I think the cheese was from a packet which isn't good. Also had a pint of Abbott Ale. First beer this year. Before dinner 5.6, 2 hours after 6.5.
Morning! 7.7!😱 Not happy. Not happy at all!:(

Did you recheck it Mark? I've had some odd variations in the past due to contamination or a dodgy stick.

7.1 for me but I'd expect that after a bit of stress to start the day,
12.6 this morning, happy Friday everyone!

Wishing you all the luck in the world, flower xx
No. As bright as a button. Just wondering if what I had to eat/drink last night has anything to do with it. Had dinner at brother's. Lamb with carrots & cauliflower cheese. I think the cheese was from a packet which isn't good. Also had a pint of Abbott Ale. First beer this year. Before dinner 5.6, 2 hours after 6.5.
I've not tackled alcohol yet! Cauliflower cheese could be quite starchy with the white sauce? And also a delayed rise due to fat?
Morning! 7.7!😱 Not happy. Not happy at all!:(
Hmm...I'd have been tempted to retest, I think. The test will be what level you wake to tomorrow morning - could be an illness brewing if still high. I don't really think what you ate the night before will have had a big influence - your pancreas is in pretty good shape these days and normally even a highish level before bed would correct itself by morning. Even with my somewhat compromised pancreas I went to bed on a 7.1 and woke to a nice 5.5. Dodgy strip or possible first indicator of an infection, Dr Northerner predicts... 😉
Just retested. Haven't eaten yet but had a couple of coffees. 5.8🙂. So possibly contamination or dodgy strip.
I tested a couple of days ago and registered 11.6 totally without explanation (hands were scrupulously clean). I was so shocked I nearly choked on my do-nut (only joking! :D). Re checked and it was 6.4!

So like you, a Phew moment Mark 🙂
Goodness, those are some big meter errors 😱

5.9 for me this morning, better than it's been for some time, so that's a relief.

@Flower - hope all goes well for you x
Every 10 tests or so I get a completely random 10+ result, which I immediately retest and is usually a 4 or 5 something!
Good morning, I'll join you on the 5.5 step today please Northerner 🙂.

I'll be absent from today as I'm away and then having the operation to try and save my leg on Monday so keep up the brilliant work with lovely blood sugars🙂 I hope I'll return in one piece with two legs and all my marbles.
New lucky pyjamas bought and also copious amounts of Lucozade in case of a repeat of sliding scale-gate and scary hypos.
If anyone knows the whereabouts of our friend the Diabetes Fairy please keep her under control and a long way from me. Much as I admire her spirit and interest in blood sugar variety I really don't need any additional meddling in my situation!
Thank you all for you lovely messages, great support and kindness, I don't know what I'd do without this place :D

All the best for Monday, ever so brave Flower. I'll be thinking of you too and sending positive vibrations in your direction. ((((Abracitos))) from Spain.😛

Afternoon! A not very impressive, whopping great big 15.8 here. Lantus back in its usual slot tonight, so hoping things'll be back to (better than) normal asap.

Enjoy the weekend good peeps!
Good morning 🙂 5.7 for me this morning, which I am pleased with since I was 9.4 before bed - highest I can remember for quite some time.