Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks - 7.7 for me today.
Morning folks a [whispers quietly] 6.0 today.....
KOOKYCAT you've broken the rules!!! 7.9 for me this morning.
4.4 for me this morning! Off out for an early morning walk so I guess I better have some food first
Morning!🙂 5.9 according to my new meter. It must be Kooky friendly.:D
A 7.2 for me but probably due to a 'stressy' night. You know the kind I mean...where your brain keeps waking you up to tell you it's problems! :(
5.9 or 5.8 depending on if you count first or second waking up. I only meant to have an extra 10 mins.......
Morning! 5.4 today. Nice to be back in the 5's 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and its 6.4 for me.
Good morning everyone... 5.3 for me this morning
Thank goodness no snow this morning! Still a chilly start though.. :confused:
Morning folks a [whispers quietly] 6.0 today.....

Did someone say something???

Struts confidently into room and shouts - 7

Gosh that was a very Len Goodman moment!!!😱🙄
Morning 6.2 today, this basal is doing my nut in. It literally settles for ten minutes and then is off again. So I'd like some sunshine today please, I think I deserve it 🙂