Group 7-day waking average?

No rest for the wicked!! I'm up and off to uni! I was going to go to the gym today but think I should skip it today
Are you keeping a diary? That's the sort of thing you need to whip out of your bag and wave under your GP/DSN's nose at your next appointment, and it's easy to forget the detail if not written down at the time. (Probably teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here, I'm sure you're organised,)
Morning folks 🙂 and 6.6 today.
Hope you have fantastic hols Stitch. A well deserved break for you.
Oh Rosie you poor thing. what a night you've had. Do hope you soon feel better. You've been struggling along with high BGs for so long.
Hope the hba1c went well Bloden. Do you get results straight away?
Thanks for asking re exercise. I'm afraid things arnt too good. Knee no better and lots of pains in different 'bits'. Been referred to addenbrookes rheumatology and appt end May. Blood tests not showing anything much either. Work is quite physical so I count that as my exercise.
Aw, poor you, Lindarose. I hope Addenbrookes can sort you out.

Morning all.🙂 11.5 here - my fault, 5.0 at bedtime so had an oatcake.🙄

Thanks for all your "Go Bloden!" messages yesterday. 😛 It turns out my A1c is more stubborn than I am - 8.1% in Oct, and currently stuck at 8.0. :confused: I must admit I was disappointed, but like I said, I'm pretty obstinate, so it's back to the drawing board (Kooky-styleee, methinks - lots of coloured pens, maybe the odd pie chart, mmmm, pies...). 🙄 At least Dr Boots seemed happy with my progress. And I'm almost back at my normal weight after last year's mystery it's all positive!:D
Morning all, took a long time for the alarm to register this morning. A 5.6 for me.
Good morning folks - 7.2 for me again today.
Happy Thursday folks, a 5.9 today after a mystery 10.5 last night, didn't correct because I have no desire to drop cork leg in my sleep, looks like that was the right choice since it was circling a 4.9 at midnight. Everyone in my office is rocking a delightful snot fest of a cold, so I suspect it's invaded my defences. Pesky people 🙄

New crayons Bloden, and a new notepad, and some delightful every time :D
8.5 here. Note to self, must not sneak a cold sausage whilst tidying up the kitchen before bed!
Good morning everyone. 4.3 for me 🙂
A whopping 15.9 for me today after going go bed on 10.8! Woke up very grumpy today!

Robin I don't keep a diary per se but I upload all my data from my meter to Diasend and it's shared with my DSN so she can see it. Whether or not she does is a different story! I also put a note on last night to say that I rang 111
Good morning all, another hypo morning of 3.8.
Good morning everyone.🙂 5.2 this morning. Had a strange day yesterday as struggled to get below 6.0 all day. Well, had a generous portion of yoghurt & berries for breakfast today & got a 5.4, so looks like a better day already.:D
I hope the knee is feeling a bit better today Lindarose

Rosie does your electronic diary include what you eat as well as the carbs.
It is often that different types of food or different combinations have a particular effect.
Morning all. 4.7 for me. I'm Off to Spain tomorrow, don't miss me too much, I'll be playing golf, eating & drinking (sort of sensible) will be back Tuesday, Have a good Weekend all.
A 6.2 for me after the lowest day of numbers I've ever had yesterday. No idea why though...I even tested twice because it threw me (in a good way). Hope it signals the infection heading off!

Sorry to hear about your high numbers Rosie. I wish they could sort this out for you. Best wishes to you Linda with the painful knee, must be hard if your work is physical.

And happy holidays to Stitch and Alan.tnh 🙂
Thabks SB and Amigo. It's actually more than my knee now and the dr mentioned investigating connective tissue type problems. Anyway if I get a name to it Ile let you know!
Great to hear things are improving for you Amigo 🙂. About time!