Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! A 5.9 from me today 🙂
Hi guys!🙂 5.3 for me this morning. Off for my diabetic check up this afternoon with the DN. Already know my blood results so not expecting much. Be interesting to see what i weigh as my scales are rubbish.
Good morning folks - not a lot of people know this but ..... I am an inherent coward! Between 7.9 and 8.1 for me today!
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.5 today despite Eton mess for dessert last night (anniversary meal). But I have gained a bit of weight lately which I'm struggling to shift!
Morning all, 8.6 for me today and tummy bug has buggered off! Considering I had no food yesterday and no tablets, I'm pleased with that result.
Hi guys!🙂 5.3 for me this morning. Off for my diabetic check up this afternoon with the DN. Already know my blood results so not expecting much. Be interesting to see what i weigh as my scales are rubbish.
Hope the appointment goes well Mark, and he/she is suitably impressed by your tremendous achievements! 🙂
Good luck today mark! An unusual 14.2 today but putting it down to that curry I had last night!!
Good morning. 5.1 this morning (and 5.3 on the Libre!! Yippee)
Sunshine out here Kooky.
Good luck today mark! An unusual 14.2 today but putting it down to that curry I had last night!!

Nice to have you back Rosie and I hope that it was a good curry
A 6.2 for me (hope it's on the mend now).

Glad you're feeling better Stitch. I'm sure your DN will think you're a star Mark! 🙂

I'm having a curry tonight for hubbie's birthday Rosie...hope it doesn't spike me 😱
Morning all a very Kooky friendly 4.2, got all my chins up.
Morning all a nice 6.1
8.7 after a 3am correction. Despite increasing all of my basals I'm really struggling to get my levels down. Currently averaging 9.1 on the Libre which is making me very unhappy.
8.7 after a 3am correction. Despite increasing all of my basals I'm really struggling to get my levels down. Currently averaging 9.1 on the Libre which is making me very unhappy.

Sorry to hear that AJ...hope it stabilises for you soon x
Thank you Amigo. I've really had to firefight it today with loads of extra insulin but thank goodness that the ketones I had at lunchtime have gone. I'm really not sure why it's being like this.
Morning folks.🙂 Hopefully I can sneak this past Kooky's radar🙄 - a lovely round 5 for me.🙂
It's HbA1c-Day here - appt at 9.50. Hopefully Dr Boots has some good news for me...if not, it's back to the drawing board!:confused:o_O

Don't worry about that extra weight, Lindarose. Salad season is just around the corner. 😎 Are you still limited as to the exercise you can do? Can you do gentle exercise in a pool? My auntie recovered from a new knee in the pool and highly recommends it (she's nearly 80!).😱🙂

Glad to hear your tummy bug's gone off to bug someone else, Stitch.
Good luck with your appointment Bloden.
12.5 for me :(
Good morning 🙂 5.4 for me today.

Good luck with the appointment Bloden 🙂 Hope you can get that levels down soon Amanda 🙂
Thank you Northerner. Basal on the pump is now the highest that I've had it on the pump and the average on my Libre is one of my highest. But I will kick its butt 🙂