Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks a 5.7 today, well done for yesterday's efforts avoiding the zeros, Amigo you have dispensation for zeros by virtue of the pneumonia, so I've assumed a none pneumonia -0.5 for you until you're fighting fit again 😉

Bloden did I read right? You're going to stab Lantus at 3:00am....ruddy Norah you are on a mission 😱. Oh wait I re-read it and it says 3pm...phew, was just about to launch a rescue mission to Spain 😉
Good morning all and 6.4 today 🙂
5.1 is a great number to be stuck on peapod 🙂
Morning all room for one more in the special house 5.2 for me
Morning folks a 5.7 today, well done for yesterday's efforts avoiding the zeros, Amigo you have dispensation for zeros by virtue of the pneumonia, so I've assumed a none pneumonia -0.5 for you until you're fighting fit again 😉

i appreciate the generous dispensation Kooky but I'd prefer it to be a round 5 or 6 if I must make you suffer! 😛
Good morning 🙂 6.6 for me today.

What were you before bed, @SlowRunner ? I might have been tempted to retest after seeing such an unlikely number - did you remember your basal? 😱
Glad we are not the same figures today! 5.2 for me. Hope you can remedy the high easily 🙂
I have a feeling that a cheeky taste of a rather decadent dessert may have been to blame last night. Went out for a meal but quite late eating so probably still rising after my bedtime test.

No I didn't forget my basal but I have reduced it recently.

Anyway, back down to a modest 6.4 now so hopefully back on track!
5.1 for me, always seems to be 5.1 lol x

Hardly a reason for complaint. If only things be as good as that for everyone. Well done.
Morning all. 8.7 for me today. I was at 6.2 before bed. I woke up at about 3am feeling really sick tested my blood 8.3. Don't think I'm going to go to work today as I feel like rubbish.
Morning 6.4 today and it's did that happen? Oh well only 25 years till retirement it'll whip by in a flash 😱

Stitch, sorry to hear you feel poorly, hope you feel a bit better soon. Tuck yourself up with some daytime telly, and fingers crossed a bit of down time will sort you out.
Good morning folks - 8.2 for me today.

Hope you feel better soon Stitch xx
Morning all.🙂 11.7 here.😱 It must be the sheer excitement of seeing my endo and her team on Wed that's sending me high.🙄😉

Hope you're feeling perkier after a day on the sofa, Stitch.
5.7 here, on a very dull morning. Can't believe it, I've got retinal screening later and it's always bright and sunny when I go. Expect the sun will make an appearance just as I leave the surgery.
Hope you feel better soon, Stitch.
Congrats on the House Special, Greg.
Good morning 🙂 5.1 today. Had a rough few days after a nasty hypo and loss of confidence in my diabetes managing abilities. Back in the saddle time!

I hope you feel a better Stitch soon 🙂 It's raining here Robin I'll send it across the Cotswolds specially for you 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.3 today.
Get well soon Stitch -holiday coming up soon I think!
Flower I hope you're feeling brighter too now xx
4.0 this morning. Forgot the TBR last night for the glass of wine.

How are you this morning Speedyrunner after your marathon?
Hops you feel better soon Stitch.