Group 7-day waking average?

Flower I'm so sorry to hear about your appointment. It really isn't fair. Big hugs for you.
5.5 for me today 🙂
probably a combination as I was 7.5 before bed
Good morning all and a higher than usual 7.4 for me :( Must try harder.
Sorry you've got more worries Flower. Thinking of you and hoping things improve xx
Good morning 🙂 4.6 here today.
Appointment has thrown me completely as the bone biopsies I had taken in the last operation and I'd assumed were clear had to be sent away to another lab for analysis as they have grown an exceedingly rare type of infection so I'm waiting to hear what treatment I need before the next operation can take place. Something else to add to the diabetes worry list and no date as yet :confused: oh well!
Very sorry to hear this Flower :( I hope that things can get sorted out for you soon {{{HUGS}}}
I'm really sorry you've got yet more things to contend with, Flower, hugs from me too.
Oh Flower (((hugs))) Sorry it wasn't better news.:(
Morning all, 🙂 9.6 this not so fine day. I'm blaming the tractor that turned across me causing a collision this morning:(
Morning all, 🙂 9.6 this not so fine day. I'm blaming the tractor that turned across me causing a collision this morning:(
Stress like that would certainly push up your levels 😱 Was it you who collided? Hope everyone is OK.
Stress like that would certainly push up your levels 😱 Was it you who collided? Hope everyone is OK.
Hi Northener, yes I hit his trailer as he turned right whilst I was overtaking him. He didn't indicate until I had no room to avoid him. Good job I wasn't going very fast or it might have been worse. Still, no one was hurt.
Aww sorry to hear this Flower and hope it's an infection they can quickly sort for you. Stay strong x

6.9 for me...I sense a little post festive hike amongst many of us. I got a bit morose about it last night but have slapped myself around the chops with a wet haddock and am determined to stop the weak grazing moments that I then conveniently forget about when my meter screams the evidence back at me! 😳
Good morning 🙂 4.6 here today.
Appointment has thrown me completely as the bone biopsies I had taken in the last operation and I'd assumed were clear had to be sent away to another lab for analysis as they have grown an exceedingly rare type of infection so I'm waiting to hear what treatment I need before the next operation can take place. Something else to add to the diabetes worry list and no date as yet :confused: oh well!
Hi flower, sorry to hear about the result of your appointment, no one needs that. Hope they can treat it quickly. Wishing you better soon.
Morning all, I'm 11.9 today and sleeping in very late! :O

Sorry to hear about your appointment flower X
8.7 this morning, went to bed last night with an 11.9 though so I was expecting higher than normal results.
Morning all 5.4 today 🙂

Flower sorry to hear about the infection, I hope it's something they can treat quickly and swiftly. It must be terrifying. I love the NHS but at times like these I wish they moved faster so at least you know where you are X

The rest of you don't think I haven't noticed that I leave you alone for a few minutes and you've started popping whole numbers [shudder] like they're acceptable, Stitch, Lynn...😉
Good morning folks - 8.1 for me this morning - is that ok Kooky? 😛
Good morning folks - 8.1 for me this morning - is that ok Kooky? 😛

See I knew you could do it if you tried 😉 Now if you could manage an even number after the point that would be just perfect.....
See I knew you could do it if you tried 😉 Now if you could manage an even number after the point that would be just perfect.....

There is just no pleasing some! 🙄