Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks - a nicely rounded 8 for me today.

Good luck today Flower.
A 6.9 for me...need to do better but constant bad leg cramps probably haven't helped overnight. :(

Hope everything goes well Flower and hope the sniffles soon dry up northerner.
I can sympathise with you there @Amigo, I had awful cramps in my feet and lower legs all night last night 😱 Seems to happen when my levels are higher than usual. Hope you get a better night tonight 🙂
Good morning all and 6.6 today 🙂
Hope your appointment goes well Flower. xx
I'm 14.8 this morning. I didn't sleep very well and I'm poorly so that's probably why. Pick up my new meds today so hopefully I'll see normal numbers soon!
Happy New Year all!

5.8 for me today, not too bad considering what I've eaten over New Year 😱 !

I hope yesterday's appointment went well, Rosie, and well done, Robin 😉 !
Morning all.🙂 It's 4.8 for me.😛

Will this rain never end? I've nicknamed it Welsh water torture. And the wind! 😱

Hope it went well yesterday, Flower.
Good morning folks - 8.6 for me this morning.
Good morning 🙂 4.6 here today.
Appointment has thrown me completely as the bone biopsies I had taken in the last operation and I'd assumed were clear had to be sent away to another lab for analysis as they have grown an exceedingly rare type of infection so I'm waiting to hear what treatment I need before the next operation can take place. Something else to add to the diabetes worry list and no date as yet :confused: oh well!
Morning up, up a bit today at 9.3, I blame not having done the walk to the office this morning as its peeing down.
Also I may have over done the potato wedges at the pub last night! Oooops!