Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 I'm really not doing this to cause you angst KookyC but it's a 6.0 for me today. I know, I know, I will definitely put more effort in tomorrow 😉
Im odd today (most people would say im odd everyday!) im afraid Kooky, but at least its not a rounded number! A pleasant 6.5 for me today!
Good morning all and that's a great number to start the day Stitch 🙂
Still high 7.4 for me :(
Good morning all and that's a great number to start the day Stitch 🙂
Still high 7.4 for me :(
Hope yours comes down Linda. I was surprised with the 6.5 as I had pasta for dinner last night. The brisk chilly walk to the office across London may have helped.
I don't know what's going on with my meter readings folks...need advice please!

I woke up feeling better than I have in ages, took my readings and they were 8.6! Nearly fell out of bed with the shock. Ten mins later I opened a new pot of testing strips and it was 6! This last batch have had me at massively higher levels and I'm wondering if they're faulty or just me being deluded?

I'm pretty new to dealing with the all this equipment stuff. Where do I get testing solution from (if that's what it's called) for this Glucomen meter? I'm losing confidence in it to be honest.

Panic over (had a freak out moment)...I've contacted Glucomen customer services and they were very helpful. Sending me some testing solution and a new pen and will upgrade me to a new meter shortly.
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I'm 10.8 this morning! Second day of the canagliflozin so hopefully they'll drop more 🙂
I'm 10.8 this morning! Second day of the canagliflozin so hopefully they'll drop more 🙂
Looking much better Rosie 🙂 Have you spoken to anyone about the possible drug interactions?

Amigo, glad to hear you got the control solution sorted out - from what you say, it does sound like the strips might have been dodgy. Sometimes it can be down to how they have been stored before they reach you. Doesn't happen often, but I have heard of it happening once or twice on here.
Hi Amigo. It's so frustrating when you get such different results close together. It's happened to me loads. If I get a number in the 8's I always do another one soon after and it's usually way lower so I take the lower reading as the one. That's probably naughty as I never recheck if I get a low reading! :D
I've also used control solution but it's never been a meter problem so think it's the way our bodies change literally all the time. I think getting a general trend is the main use of a meter and of course the hba1c is a good guide. Obviously if readings are in the teens and above regularly when they arnt usually (eg like you and me) that would indicate something needing action.
I hope things soon settle down again for you. The shock of a high number isn't nice 😱
Thanks Linda. Yes I agree that we can fluctuate widely but I've been aware that this last pot of strips has been giving me some very odd readings inconsistent with what I'd eaten or was feeling and sometimes oddly low too o_O I'll use the control solution and see how it goes. I've not had a waking 8 since diagnosis last Feb so it seems rather odd.

But it's got a mind of its own this daft D! :(

Have a good weekend.
Got an 8.0 this morning after another
dreadful nights sleep. Do sleepless nights mean the readings are high in the middle of the night???
Was scared to test, just in case. Idiot!!
I seem to be getting higher readings lately, e.g 7.5, when I started watching the carbs it was an average 6.5 which I was happy with, felt I was managing Diabetes really well without medication.
Oh dear! So it could be a dodgy pot of strips or meter????? Or I need medication, or the two chocolates (a very rare event) I had about 8pm???

Floundering again.
Hi Curly Grandma - the if you have had a prolonged period with little or no sugar foods then the chocolate could have caused your restless night - I find if I am off sugar for an extended period then a small amount will give me nightmares! Its the addictive process of the devils spawn - Oh sorry! I mean sugar :D

In the beginning I was getting more 7's and even a couple of 6's first thing in the morning but over the last couple of weeks I have mostly been in the 8's. Maybe it is just the body adjusting to the lifestyle changes and settling down.

Hopefully someone will be along soon who can answer our question with a definitive answer or maybe it is just the vagaries of D.
Yes, u r right, time I went out in the lovely sunshine, a brisk walk along the seafront. Glad I visited this morning,
Good morning folks - 7.7 for me this morning :D
Well the Gastroparesis has decided to really have fun. Usualky I'm fairly even for several hours after dinner with my extended bolus whatever I eat. Last night I had a carefully carb counted dinner when my BG was 6.3. Two hours later I had gone up to 17!!!! This never happens for me after a meal. I had 3 units correction at 9pm and at 11pm was 12.0 so I didn't do any further corrections. Fire fighting hypos from 3am having more Lucozade than normal and woke up with a 5.5.