Group 7-day waking average?

4.4 this morning. Protein porridge? Sounds ideal for us post porridge spikers, but Ive never heard of it, where do you get it?
Hi Robin, so you get a post porridge spike? I find my bg drops considerably post porridge, how does that work?
Boatboy, I think it's probably the 'everyones different' problem, and possibly a type1/type2 difference.
I have to try and get my insulin profile to match what Im eating, what I mean is that when I inject, sometimes the glucose produced from the carbs I've eaten arrives in my bloodstream much faster than the insulin, so my Bg levels rise, then the insulin catches up and deals with them, and I fall back to normal. In the meantime I've had a 'spike' which isn't ideal. This obviously happens if I eat sweets, sugar, white bread etc, but slow release carbs go into the bloodstream more slowly, and the insulin keeps pace with them. Porridge is supposed to be slow release, but I seem to process it quite quickly.
For some people, their liver starts churning out glucose like mad as soon as they get up, but having breakfast makes it think, oh right, i don't need to, and it switches off. So if porridge releases nice and slowly for you, you then get a steadier trickle of glucose into the blood, and your insulin production or absorption can keep up, and your levels fall.
I do hope that makes sense, it's easy to tie oneself up in knots trying to explain the waywardness of BGs!
6.5 this morning - slightly higher than normal, but woke up with a migraine. Maybe linked?
An alternative to the stress Alan mentioned is that you could have gone slightly hypo in the night and then your liver rushed out some extra glucose to cope with that and over-did it a bit. Apparently hypos in the night can cause hangover-type headaches the next morning. I think most of us wake up if we have very low or rapidly falling levels overnight, but it might have been a gradual and/or slight hypo.
I was 6.1 this morning after a 2.9, some glucose, and 4 (instead of the usual 2) plain biscuits at bedtime, so not bad considering! I will be pleased when the weather decides whether to be properly cold or unseasonably mild, all the chopping and changing is playing havoc with my bgls at the moment.
That's not a decent vegetarian breakfast!! A vegetarian breakfast should include fried eggs, Lina McCartney vegetarian sausages, hash browns, FRIED mushrooms, fried bread, baked beans AND toast with butter.
Ha ha I've posted this in the wrong place, it should be in the advent calendar thread 🙂
Boatboy, I think it's probably the 'everyones different' problem, and possibly a type1/type2 difference.
I have to try and get my insulin profile to match what Im eating, what I mean is that when I inject, sometimes the glucose produced from the carbs I've eaten arrives in my bloodstream much faster than the insulin, so my Bg levels rise, then the insulin catches up and deals with them, and I fall back to normal. In the meantime I've had a 'spike' which isn't ideal. This obviously happens if I eat sweets, sugar, white bread etc, but slow release carbs go into the bloodstream more slowly, and the insulin keeps pace with them. Porridge is supposed to be slow release, but I seem to process it quite quickly.
For some people, their liver starts churning out glucose like mad as soon as they get up, but having breakfast makes it think, oh right, i don't need to, and it switches off. So if porridge releases nice and slowly for you, you then get a steadier trickle of glucose into the blood, and your insulin production or absorption can keep up, and your levels fall.
I do hope that makes sense, it's easy to tie oneself up in knots trying to explain the waywardness of BGs!
Thanks for the info Robin, much appreciated, and yes it does make sense🙂. I find it very interesting to hear how things affect people differently, I'm still fairly new to all this.
That's not a decent vegetarian breakfast!! A vegetarian breakfast should include fried eggs, Lina McCartney vegetarian sausages, hash browns, FRIED mushrooms, fried bread, baked beans AND toast with butter.
Ha ha I've posted this in the wrong place, it should be in the advent calendar thread 🙂

Agree. It had what I think was spinach. Now, I love spinach but I wouldn't want it as part of my breakfast. Could also have had cheatin' rashers/quorn bacon slices.

Sorry for carrying on with this bit off-topic. 🙂
Morning 4.9 today and a realisation that I have elastic blood sugar! My waking reading is always exactly the same as my pre dinner reading and I'd never noticed that before, well not really o_O. Is that weird? I think it's weird, I'm a bit freaked out now that I've noticed.

Glad to see a downward trend Stitch and Lynn, and hope everyone else is doing well. Now to the obvious question, what on earth was in that veggie breakfast that caused such controversy? Happy Thursday....just one more sleep till Friday, and then 7 more sleeps till 2 whole weeks off work (giddy).
KookyCat - it's weird! 😉 5.5 for me today 🙂

It is weird, see I knew it was....and it's not just about the same, it's exactly the same EXACTLY!!! This is worse than the whole number thing 😱
A very very nice 6.5 for me this morning.

Fantastic, Stitch!😛

Morning all.🙂 9.5 here - very windy here last night, something hit the bedroom window around midnight 😱 and I could feel my glucose bubbling up because of the surprise! That's my explanation, and I'm sticking to it!🙄😛
I will be pleased when the weather decides whether to be properly cold or unseasonably mild, all the chopping and changing is playing havoc with my bgls at the moment.

Same here, Dodo. The weather's far too nice here for the time of year and I'm having to yo-yo my Lantus dose accordingly. 🙄 Not that I'm complaining tho...!
7.5 for me this morning 😎

It is very windy and persisting it down 🙄
Good morning 11.0. The night before from 2am onwards I dropped, last night I kept climbing. I really don't know what else I can do. There is no pattern. I have horrible Gastroparesis symptoms today, really bloated stomach and waiting for the medicines to kick in.
KookyCat the vegetarian breakfast was on the advent calendar thread 🙂
Well, I'm 16.0 this morning and I have no idea why! Omelette for breakfast hoping it will reduce soon!!