Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning woken up with a horrible 2.7. Have been asleep since 6pm last night.
10.6 for me today.
Oh no! :( Very sorry to hear this Amanda :( I hope you have a better day, and a good night tonight. {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you Alan. I would benefit from spending all day in bed because my energy levels are so low. But I have things that I must do for Guide Dogs and tidying the house. Fortunately Mark will help me lots with the tidying - I may be able to get away with supervising🙂 I hope you have a good day 🙂
Morning all.🙂 5.5 here...with a lie-in too.😛

Hope your 'supervising' isn't too strenuous, AJ, and that your energy levels are back to normal soon.😳🙂
Thank you Bloden🙂
Good morning all and 6.8 today. Like you I had a lie in too Bloden Been looking forward to it all week! 🙂
Hope you feel better soon AJ.
I had a mega lie in I'm afraid! I blame all the nocturnal loo trips! 😡

A 6.2 this morning.
7.6 for me, bit a of a bad night at least no trips to the loo, still a tad to high for my liking.
Morning all 🙂 on Saturday it was 17.3 on waking and 20.2 before bed
Today 11.7 on waking and 14.0 before bed
Morning all 🙂 on Saturday it was 17.3 on waking and 20.2 before bed
Today 11.7 on waking and 14.0 before bed
Fairly steady overnight Gill, which suggests you basal is set about right 🙂 You next need to start looking at your bedtime levels and how you might be able to lower them 🙂
Fairly steady overnight Gill, which suggests you basal is set about right 🙂 You next need to start looking at your bedtime levels and how you might be able to lower them 🙂

Yes I do seem to be quite steady overnight which is good but I don't know how because I snack on carby things during the evening such as small bags of wotsits which are my favourite at the moment then just before I go to bed I have a couple of chocolate biscuits and all with no bolus insulin.
Do you have any ideas for how I could try to lower the bedtime levels?
Yes I do seem to be quite steady overnight which is good but I don't know how because I snack on carby things during the evening such as small bags of wotsits which are my favourite at the moment then just before I go to bed I have a couple of chocolate biscuits and all with no bolus insulin.
Do you have any ideas for how I could try to lower the bedtime levels?
I think you've probably answered your own question Gill - if you are snacking through the evening without bolus insulin to cover it then your levels are going to be high before bed 😱

One option might be to plan the snacks you want to have during the evening, then bolus for this along with the bolus for your evening meal. This is something I tend to do a lot, as I'm also a bit of an evening grazer. What happens in my case is that, around 3 hours after my main meal my levels are usually around 5.0, but I know that I have another couple of hours to go before my evening meal bolus has run its course. Therefore, I can have some snacks to keep my levels up and usually end on a good number before bed. The problem is, of course, that you will HAVE to have some snacks otherwise you will drop low - rarely a problem for me. If it turns out that my levels are on the high side at 3 hours then I will go for a low/no carb snack, like some cheese. I'm not recommending you do this, just that it works for me 🙂
Morning all.🙂 6.5 for lil' ol' me.😛
Good morning 🙂 11.1 for me. I'm really hoping things aren't starting to go wrong in my foot as I've needed increased insulin over the weekend with worse results. Please settle down blood sugar!
6.1 for me today.
Flower, I really hope things settle down for you.