Group 7-day waking average?

Aw, sorry to hear about the lack of sleep Kooky, and poor Millie! :( Fireworks should be for public displays only these days, since people nowadays seem to be incapable of sticking to the actual occasion they traditionally represent :(

5.9 for me today.

It's driving everyone crazy here, they've been letting them off now for at least a month, it's generally a very quiet and peaceful neighbourhood but every year we have this. My house is flanked by a large park, two fishing lakes a bowling green and two cricket grounds, and the kids can let fireworks off in the dark without being seen so it attracts the teenagers like moths to a flame. It doesn't help that there's absolutely nothing else for them to do these days. The two youth clubs are gone, the community centre has closed in the evenings and we have no pubs for them to sneak into. Miss Millie is petrified of those great booming things, which seem to be their firework of choice. It's all so incredibly dangerous too, last year four kids were badly injured by one of those things. I don't understand why we essentially sell small bombs. I have nothing against an organised display but they shouldn't be on general sale to the public.
Up again this morning at 17.5. :(
And I have my eye screening appointment this morning. 😱
Good luck with your eye screening Stitch!

I agree with you re fireworks Kooky. Teenagers round my area set them off constantly all year round. I don't know how they get hold of them as I assumed they were only on sale around this time of the year but they were setting them off in the middle of the day in summer! I never understood it as you can't even see them properly!

10.5 this morning. Think the swimming at the weekend has kicked in as I can barely move my thighs today! :confused:
Good good morning all and 6.8 today 🙂
I love fireworks -though my neck doesn't! But only organised displays on or near fireworks night.
Is this your first eye screening Stitch? Sorry I haven't checked previous posts. Try not to worry Sure all will be fine. Know everyone's different but it's just a sting when the drops go in which soon wears off. Good luck.
5.4 this morning, having woken and tested at 3am and discovered I was 5.0. If only I was always that steady. That's an average of 5.2, but it would be cheating to claim a house special!
Good morning. 8.4 after correcting a 16.1 at 3.40 am.
A 6.0 for me this morning but not a brilliant nights sleep I'm afraid :-(

Wonky internal thermostat ....:(
Good good morning all and 6.8 today 🙂
I love fireworks -though my neck doesn't! But only organised displays on or near fireworks night.
Is this your first eye screening Stitch? Sorry I haven't checked previous posts. Try not to worry Sure all will be fine. Know everyone's different but it's just a sting when the drops go in which soon wears off. Good luck.

Yep, first time for me.
Good luck with that Stitch, remember your sunglasses! Hope your levels drop soon too 🙂
I wishhhhh my numbers would remain stable. I was 10 this morning and just tested before lunch because I've been peeing a lot and was curious... Back up to 17.6!
I wishhhhh my numbers would remain stable. I was 10 this morning and just tested before lunch because I've been peeing a lot and was curious... Back up to 17.6!

I wish mine would be more stable too!!! Had a couple of 13 readings while on holiday, now back up to the 16 and 17's!
Hope you both manage to get them down and stable soon - must be so frustrating when the meds aren't working, makes me really thankful that I am on insulin.

I have hyperacusis (acute sensitivity to noise) so I really loathe those banging fireworks, and have a lot of sympathy with your dog, Kooky. I used to like public displays though - agree fireworks should be kept for these and not available in the shops.

Anyway, it's 5.4 this morning, which is back to normal for me, so my blood glucose thinks my cold has gone. Wish my nose would catch up with this! I'm thinking of changing my name from Juliet the Clockwork Dodo to Rudolf the Red-Nosed Dodo 🙄
Good, er, afternoon - 6.0 for me this morning, and 6.3 yesterday. Both higher than my normal. I've been quite busy this week, and feel pretty cream crackered, and feel sometimes that I'm going down with the colds/coughs/sore throats that several friends have had, so maybe that's why...:(
Good, er, afternoon - 6.0 for me this morning, and 6.3 yesterday. Both higher than my normal. I've been quite busy this week, and feel pretty cream crackered, and feel sometimes that I'm going down with the colds/coughs/sore throats that several friends have had, so maybe that's why...:(
Hope nothing materialises PM 🙂 Sometines I get indications that my body might be fighting something via my blood sugars, then everything is fine - wouldn't even know anything was amiss without the meter! 🙂
Good morning everyone 4.3 for me.
Morning all, 6.3 another night of ridiculous fireworks (those ones that explode and boom), and a sore throat and sniffles. Now this just isn't cricket if I get another cold. I admit colds are my nemesis (I blame the lack of tonsils and adenoids) but even for me this would be a record. I bet it's all those students bringing their viruses with them, I seem to remember my first year at Uni I had a rotten time, including tonsil less tonsillitis (yes really). Come on immune system, if you can eat my pancreas when I'm not looking, the least you can do is dispatch the common cold. In fact I dare you, you useless pile of junk, call yourself an immune system? I'm baiting her but shhh don't tell her, it won't work if she realises.....

Stitch and Rosie hope you get some lower numbers soon, and everyone else is doing well 🙂
KookyCat I hope that you don't get another cold. Really not fair if you do. I'm thinking myself very lucky that even being a Fresher I haven't had a cold yet, touch wood that they're not famous last words. 🙂
Morning all. 11.8 for me. :confused: It must be the clocks going back, DP, the new season, pre-menopause, a different milk, excited about the weekend, having new neighbours, my dad's birthday, the full fact, it could be ANYTHING so I'm not going to let it get to me!🙄:D
Morning all, another 17.5 for me again today. Hoping to learn some more tips that will help bring my levels down next monday and the living with diabetes day.