Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 I fancied a change from the 5.6 step and have gone for a round 7.0 instead.

Glad to hear you are feeling brighter Amanda 🙂
Thankyou KookyCat and Flower.
3.1 at 1.30 so had Glucojuice, changed TBR from 80% to 70% and stopped the extended bolus. At 3am it was 4.9 so I had some Coke. With up with an 8.1.
Morning all.🙂 8.6 here. Poor old Lantus must be confused - it's chilly morning and evening here, but scorchio all afternoon. Enjoy your weekends!😛
Good morning all 🙂 and another 7.2 for me. I'd rather be stuck on 5.6! 😉 That's excellent Northerner.
Hope you enjoy the lovely afternoon weather Bloden
A rainy morning here but I'm a 6.2 so not complaining. Enjoy everyone 🙂
4.8 at 7am for me, and 4.8 at 9am after a cup of tea and a lie in. I think my meter's stuck too!
Hope you enjoy the lovely afternoon weather Bloden

Spoke too soon - it's "gorillas in the mist" weather today. I feel like I won't get on top of the washing pile until at least May next year!:confused:

Beautiful figures btw everyone!
I've been trying to read some of this thread, but no hope of getting through all of it so I thought I'd just plunge in ...

An extremely high (for me) 8.4 this morning - I seem to have caught Rosie's cold so my readings are a bit all over the place at the moment :(
I've been trying to read some of this thread, but no hope of getting through all of it so I thought I'd just plunge in ...

An extremely high (for me) 8.4 this morning - I seem to have caught Rosie's cold so my readings are a bit all over the place at the moment :(
Hope you recover quickly! 🙂 It started off as an effort to determine an average for the forum members who responded, but it soon became apparent that, over time, the averages would become meaningless (not that they ever were!), so it's used more as a way for people to say what kind of a night they have had, how consistent or otherwise their numbers have been, and any particular issues that others might be able to comment on or offer suggestions and support 🙂
Thanks, Alan 🙂

My morning readings are normally pretty consistently between 4-6, with the odd 7 or so (and the odd 3-4), but the last couple of weeks have been a bit peculiar - mixture of changing weather, altering insulin doses because of changing weather, allergic reactions to diabetes clinic, dentist, and optician in rapid succession (I know how to have a good time, don't I?!), and now the cold 🙄
Thanks, Alan 🙂

My morning readings are normally pretty consistently between 4-6, with the odd 7 or so (and the odd 3-4), but the last couple of weeks have been a bit peculiar - mixture of changing weather, altering insulin doses because of changing weather, allergic reactions to diabetes clinic, dentist, and optician in rapid succession (I know how to have a good time, don't I?!), and now the cold 🙄
And the muggles think all we have to do is inject a bit of insulin! 😱 😉
Morning all 5.7 today,mand of course I was up at an ungodly hour because the clocks have gone back. Oh well more time for pottering around I suppose 🙂
Good morning and 6.9 here 🙂
Have to say the clock change suits me as I'm starting at 7.45 this morning so for once I get the benefit of an extra hour. So many times I've been caught doing the Saturday overnight!
Good morning 🙂 Great to wake up at 6:45 and it's already light! 6.5 for me today, so meter obviously not stuck! 🙂
Good morning. 8.5 at 3am 13.5 at 7am!
Thank you Northerner. You do realise that once the Diabetes Fairy arrives here she may never be seen again......
Yay, 5.2 House special for me this morning. Just looked out of the window, and the Autumn colours are looking lovely here.
Good morning 🙂 4.0 for me today.

Always good to see an Autumn leaves House Special Robin 🙂
The Diabetes Fairy is a good negotiator Amanda, I thought I had her cornered with a corkscrew and spanner ready to sort her out but she escaped my clutches! Good luck...