Group 7-day waking average?

7.5 for me. 7.1 when I went to bed, happened to wake for a loo trip at 4am, ( never normally do, must be the time of year) so took the opportunity to test, was 6.8 then. Haven't been so steady overnight for a long time, the Diabetes Fairy must have left some fairy dust behind. ( always assuming I wasn't on the rebound from an earlier hypo)
7.5 for me. 7.1 when I went to bed, happened to wake for a loo trip at 4am, ( never normally do, must be the time of year) so took the opportunity to test, was 6.8 then. Haven't been so steady overnight for a long time, the Diabetes Fairy must have left some fairy dust behind. ( always assuming I wasn't on the rebound from an earlier hypo)
Aw! It sounds like she might be developing some compassion for our situation! 🙂 Lovely to have such steady levels!
10.3 today. Still feeling rubbish but dosed up on cold and flu tablets so the aches and pains have gone at least!
10.3 today. Still feeling rubbish but dosed up on cold and flu tablets so the aches and pains have gone at least!
Sorry to hear you still feel rubbish Rosie :( But the good news is that your levels are hovering around those single figures despite this - illness generally raises levels. Hope you start to feel better as the day progresses 🙂
Good morning 🙂 10.9 for me after a 2.7 at 2 am.

Off to discuss my imminent leg operations with the surgeon today and sign the consent forms. I am seriously scared about what might happen next.:(
Good morning 🙂 10.9 for me after a 2.7 at 2 am.

Off to discuss my imminent leg operations with the surgeon today and sign the consent forms. I am seriously scared about what might happen next.:(
I'll be thinking about you, Flower.
Hoping it all goes well for you flower and sending supportive wishes. Get well soon Rosie but figures getting better! 🙂

6.5 for me this morning (after a dodgy test strip reading a few seconds earlier which gave me a bit of a shock!).
Good luck, Flower. I hope the surgeon can put your mind at ease. Thinking of you
Good morning 🙂 10.9 for me after a 2.7 at 2 am.

Off to discuss my imminent leg operations with the surgeon today and sign the consent forms. I am seriously scared about what might happen next.:(
Good luck Flower, sending all the positivity I can muster {{{HUGS}}}
Thinking of you today Flower and hope today's appointment helps you feel more confident with what's ahead.
Amigo I've had the scary first test before too Oddly the 2nd is usually dramatically different thank goodness!
Get well soon Rosie 🙂
Good morning 🙂 10.9 for me after a 2.7 at 2 am.

Off to discuss my imminent leg operations with the surgeon today and sign the consent forms. I am seriously scared about what might happen next.:(
Good luck Flower. I will be thinking of you x
Good morning 9.2 for me this morning.
LR I'm loving your 6's :D

4.7 this morning, and glad it's Thursday mostly because that means Friday is nearly upon us :D Godson told me yesterday that I need to get myself married because I'll be old soon and will need someone to look after me, so clearly I need to spend the weekend finding me a husband 😱. I'm thinking of putting an ad in the local rag "do you have a spare husband? Want to find a good home? Ring KC on 1-800-spare husband", bound to get some quality replies from that o_O
Morning all.🙂 7.4 here.😛

I'll be thinking of you this morning, Flower. Sending you a multi-wave of positive vibes.

Glad to see your BG's dropping, Rosie. Hope that cold blows over asap.

Can't help you on the husband front, Kooky. My neighbour's single, but is probably going to need looking after big time as he ages, judging by his morning cough!😱
Thank you everyone for your lovely best wishes. I've packed them in my massive handbag along with my hypo remedies!

Have another one from me, everything crossed as tightly as possible. X
Good morning everyone and 6.8 today. 🙂
Keeping the right side of the 7's though probably shouldn't say it!
Well Kooky you certainly know what's what with your godson around! 😛
Happy hunting!!!
Good morning, I'll join you on the 5.6 step if I may please Northerner 🙂

Thanks for your best wishes, I'm no less scared about my leg surgery but I now know what will be happening when!

KookyC, I recognise a fail-safe plan when I see one... 😉