Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.7 for me...woke up to more fog but fortunately it hasn't extended to the brain yet this morning! 😉

Hope the surgery goes well Linda (hard to ever see our kids suffer) and hope you're not transmitting any cyber viruses kooky. Poor you!

I made a stab at Chrimbo shopping yesterday and it has to go back today. Was on the wrong size hanger! Vouchers are so much easier! :D
Thankyou all very much for good wishes. She's in theatre now The hardest part is seeing her struggle with anxiety and panic. Wish I could have had it done for her But looking forward to getting her home 🙂
Morning all, another 5.5 today, a cracked and bloody nose now and a hideous cough to boot. This cold virus is playing merry hell with me this week. I don't usually get a stunner like this till mid winter 🙄 flu jab on Saturday, DSN today but pretty sure I'm not still contagious. Amigo I put up a cyber cold shield before posting so everyone is safe :D

Linda hope your daughter is calmer, and all fixed now and is or soon will be tucked up in her own bed. Rosie any joy from those medical folks about those high blood sugar yet?

On the Christmas shopping front Boots have sent my advantage card vouchers now so it's officially Christmas, soon they'll be playing slade at full volume and peddling the mince pies. This year I will have a gingerbread latte, I was too scared to try so much sugar last year (well so much insulin to be precise), this year I'll just wear a jelly baby necklace 🙂
Morning all.🙂 6.6 here.😛 Back to work today - it seems I'm teaching mostly tiny children this year, which is a challenge to my patience and my BGs!

Hope your daughter's feeling ok today, Lindarose.

Away with you, Kooky's pesky cold!
Good morning everyone 🙂 and 7.3 this morning Surgery went very well but it's been a difficult anxious time since we left home yesterday morning and had a main road closed so had to find our way via bury st Edmunds! Anyway hoping to leave here soon and get home.
Your morning readings do make me smile Kooky! Not so much the readings as the accompanying message 🙂
Hope you all have a good day
5.3 for me this morning, just popped down to the surgery for a flu jab and was in and out in seconds!
Morning all, 16.2 for me this morning. Hoping the increased dosage will start to do its magic soon.
Morning all! 12.6 for me today. Rang the practice nurse at my GPs re sugar levels and she said she isn't worried they're so high. Even though my GP wants to put me on another medication. I wish they'd speak to each other about what's happening. Anyway, I had to cancel my appointment this week with the GP due to mandatory basic life support training at uni. Rearranged for Tuesday so we'll see!

Kooky, your morning post has filled me with dread - Christmas already!? I can't cope with Christmas yet! Last year, I felt SO prepared having done all my Christmas shopping by the beginning of December!

Re the flu jab guys, The nurse did say I now needed to get mine every year. Do i make an appointment or do I just turn up?
A 6.9 for me this morning. Sorry about the red konk kooky! I hate that...hope you pick up soon.

Glad your daughter is ok now Linda. Sometimes the worst part of hospital visits is the journey and the parking! 😡

Best wishes to all.
Re the flu jab guys, The nurse did say I now needed to get mine every year. Do i make an appointment or do I just turn up?

It depends what arrangements your surgery makes, so you'll need to ask! Ours seemed to change the system every year, sometimes they send letters out, sometimes not, sometimes they have an appointments system and sometimes it's turn up and queue. The other option for people with health conditions, I gather, is to have a free one at a local pharmacy, I don't know what proof of entitlement you have to take along though. Our local pharmacy is saying it can do them free for people like diabetics, but not for the over 65s, who have to go to the gp surgery.
Flu jabs at my surgery are being done while I'm away, but my workplace do them during October and November for all staff.
Good morning 🙂 7.0 for me today - suspected I might have one of 'those' hypos last night (4.0 before bed), so topped up before bed with a slice of cheese on toast. It seems to have done the trick 🙂
Morning everyone.🙂 9.7 for me. Why do I insist on doing little diabetes experiments the week before my A1c blood test?!?🙄 Ho hum....😛

Hope the weekend is nice and relaxing for everyone.😛
Good morning 🙂 7.0 for me today - suspected I might have one of 'those' hypos last night (4.0 before bed), so topped up before bed with a slice of cheese on toast. It seems to have done the trick 🙂

Nicely done.🙂
Good morning everyone 6.2 for me🙂
Morning all, 5.3 today and just knocked up a batch of almond butter cups with dark chocolate and peanut tops, they're top of the hit list for homemade Christmas chocolate gifts this year. Need to track down some seriously good white chocolate and edible gold leaf for the proper batches of course. Nephews and Godson didn't even know they were eating a low carb, nutrient dense treat, which is always a good sign 🙂

Will need to seek out some sudafed today, I think my sinuses might actually explode soon, and that can't possibly end well, what with all that fuss and mess, and it will most probably interfere with my planned soup and bread making activities 🙄
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.1 for me today
Good morning 🙂 5.3 for me today.

My bg is rising just reading about your homemade chocolates KookyC, yum 🙂 Exploding sinuses and soup not so appealing though 😉
4.3 this morning. Goodness, everyone's up bright and early today. Kooky, have you tried steaming your face over a bowl of hot water with a couple of drops of tea tree oil in it? Certainly helps clear me out. I used to do it over a mixing bowl, with a towel over my head, but Ive got a proper facial sauna thingy from Boots these days, that has an alternative contraption that just fits over your nose and mouth, which stops my glasses getting steamed up!