Group 7-day waking average?

8.7. That's really high for me but I was out drinking last nigh so I don't want todo a correction yet. I'll wait till lunch time. I sometimes get hypos after a night out.
10.1 this morning. Feeling rather fed up. My glucose levels have been consistently above 9 all day yesterday and I stupidly had a curry last night sending my glucose level up to 11+ before bed and setting off my IBS terribly.

Back to the drawing board today, and eating like a church mouse to try to bring my levels down.
Hi Matt please don't feel disheartened. With Type 1 diabetes once you've got your basals and carb:insulin ratios correct you should be able to eat relatively normally with good BGs. It may take a while to get to that position but you will be able to do it.
Good morning 4.8 for me and it was exactly the same at 1am and 3am:D
Hi Matt please don't feel disheartened. With Type 1 diabetes once you've got your basals and carb:insulin ratios correct you should be able to eat relatively normally with good BGs. It may take a while to get to that position but you will be able to do it.

Thank you, I'm trying not to be too disheartened. A few days ago I spoke to the DSN and we agreed to reduce my novorapid and increase my levemir, to try to improve my morning levels and to get more stable generally. That doesn't appear to be working, and I'm more resistant to insulin/more sensitive to carbohydrates (if they are corollaries) in the morning. I'm also getting rather frustrated at times because I seem to have very little actual control over what I'm doing. That said, I decided to up my dose of insulin this morning from 8 units of novorapid to 10, to see how this affects my levels by lunchtime. I know it's early days and I shouldn't be impatient, but knowing that high glucose levels are likely to be doing further damage to my body, I really want to get this under control as soon as possible.
Good morning all 7.1 today despite being careful with carbs and have also taken up hula hooping!
Hope to get improving results soon 🙂
Hula-hooping sounds great fun Linda 😛 I've never mastered it. I'd probably put my hip out! Lol...hope it helps.

You'll get there Matt, you sound very determined and focussed 🙂

6.1 for me this morning after a long sleep in. Still fighting off the persistent lergy I'm afraid :(
Morning, 4.8 again today, I seem to have a new Kooky house special. Wish it didn't come with a 4am wake up though, I'm tired 😱
KookyCat sorry to hear that you're waking up at 4am.
Good morning everyone 4.2 for me today.
Morning all.🙂 5.8 here.😛

Keep on plugging away, Matt. You'll get there as AJ says. Are you keeping a food diary or something similar? Might help...😱🙂

Bought an exercise bike yesterday, which needs putting together - hope it doesn't end up looking like a Homer Simpson BBQ!
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Good morning all 🙂 Another 7.1 for me Odd how we seem to stick at a number for a few days sometimes.

Hope you don't have too much to do today Kooky after an interrupted night.
And good luck with the bike Amigo!
Hey Linda, a 7.1 for me too! I wonder if we are on the same diet? Lol

Ooo not me with the bike though, that's Bloden 😛
Oops my mistake! Easily!

That's interesting Amigo that we keep getting same numbers Did you have a slice of burgen toast for breakfast by any chance ? 🙂
I actually had a 'piggie' feast Linda. Bacon, egg and some fried mushrooms with a small slice of wholemeal toast. It's dropped me to 6.4. Odd body mine! 🙄

Do your levels drop after eating on a morning?
Sounds yummy! Actually yes - If I'm quite high before breakfast I can drop slightly or only go up about 0.5 after But if I'm low before eating then I always go up more no matter how low carb my breakfast is It's as if my body wants me no lower than low 6's! Damn!
I'm absolutely the same. Big excitement here when I get high 5's but they're few and far between. I think I'm running a bit rich! 😉
Hey Linda, a 7.1 for me too! I wonder if we are on the same diet? Lol

Ooo not me with the bike though, that's Bloden 😛

You can have a go if you like, Amigo.🙂
Thanks for the offer Bloden but not with my back! :D

I do have a state of the art 'oscillating plate machine' though...certainly helps me (I think). I call it my wobble machine 🙂