Group 7-day waking average?

I was mysteriously high last night after dinner. Don't know why - I was in range beforehand and it was a normal, carb-counted meal. :confused:
Maybe I'll try a new Lantus pen. 🙄 Thanks for the concern, Northie.🙂
Good morning 6.3 for me after having to have Lucozade and reduce my basal when I dipped down to 4.1 at 4.30am.
Bloden I'm not sure if orange juice is ok but like you said we have to have something sweet for a hypo. I'm just so paranoid about my teeth now because I've been told that they are all weak and it doesn't help that I can't cope with a dentist whilst awake. I'm hoping that my GP will be able to refer me for CBT that will help with my dental anxiety. At the moment I only dare eat once a day and I'm not even enjoying that.
8.4 for me this morning, my second lowest since all this began less than a month ago (it's not even been a month yet!). The DSN has agreed that I should put my levemir up at night, and reduce my bolus during the day to try to give me lower morning readings and more consistent levels during the day. I'm getting there, slowly but surely!

I'm sorry to hear about your dental anxiety. My mum had terrible teeth problems for years, and eventually decided with her dentist to have them all removed and two dentures put in. She has to be careful of anything that might be too sticky (but then she's a diabetic so avoids sweets anyway), but she's so much happier now. She no longer worries about her teeth, and although it took a little bit of getting used to with the dentures, they've really improved her life.
Morning everyone 🙂

A 6.6 again for me. Through testing I realised last night that just a cup of hot milk pushes me into the high 8's post 2 hrs. 'Fraid that little late night soother will have to go now 😱

Have a good day everyone.
Morning 4.8 today, after another pre dinner hypo yesterday. It's something to do with muller rice, my current food fad....damn those starchy grains 🙄
Good morning 8.5 for me
Hello there.🙂 5.2 here.😛 After a lovely scorchio July it's rain in Spain - and not only in the north! Hope it's nicer in the UK.😛
Hello there.5.2 here.😛 After a lovely scorchio July it's rain in Spain - and not only in the north! Hope it's nicer in the UK.😛

I imagine it falls mainly on the plain? 😉 Well done on the HS - that's better! 🙂
I imagine it falls mainly on the plain? 😉 Well done on the HS - that's better! 🙂

We get our fair share too! 😱

As for the HS (what's that stand for?), I upped my Lantus and started a new pen. Had to hoover the house at 9pm last night to deal with another unexpected post-dinner high - a new ratio tonight should sort that out. Fun and games, eh?🙄
We get our fair share too! 😱

As for the HS (what's that stand for?), I upped my Lantus and started a new pen. Had to hoover the house at 9pm last night to deal with another unexpected post-dinner high - a new ratio tonight should sort that out. Fun and games, eh?🙄

HS = House Special :D My hoover died three years ago, but since I don't have any carpets it's not a problem 🙂 Looks like your adjustments are doing the trick!
Good morning 🙂 9.8 for me today.

That meddling diabetes fairy is around and heard me say I was going to do everything to get a good HbA1c and control. At least it's a lovely sunny morning here 🙂

Hoovering/housework is definitely my hypo inducing sport of choice 😉
Good morning 9.8 for me today.

That meddling diabetes fairy is around and heard me say I was going to do everything to get a good HbA1c and control. At least it's a lovely sunny morning here 🙂

Hoovering/housework is definitely my hypo inducing sport of choice 😉

Sorry, she's been at the vodka again... 😱

Yes she's obviously visiting me through the night too because I was 7.3 this morning. Coughing all night probably hasn't helped though :(

Have a good weekend everyone x
Unfortunately 9.9 this morning, up to 11.4 2 hours after porridge for breakfast and 8 units of novorapid. Upping my levemir but dropping my novorapid to try to lower my levels in the morning doesn't seem to be working. Another chat with the DSN today.
HS = House Special :D My hoover died three years ago, but since I don't have any carpets it's not a problem 🙂 Looks like your adjustments are doing the trick!

Der! Not on the ball today, obviously - I need some sunshine! 🙄

I don't have carpets either, but Blodzy sheds fur like no-doggy's business this time of year.😱
Hoovering/housework is definitely my hypo inducing sport of choice 😉
I don't go hypo, but waving my arms around with a hoover or mop in tow drops my BG nicely.🙂