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Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. Like @Robin so close but t’other side of a HS, 5.3.

No frost here, dull as dishwater and 8 degrees. Our plan is to get in the garden. I’m desperate to get the electric hedge trimmers out, I don’t cut the hedge, that’s my way of “pruning” the fuchsia bush and Michaelmas daisy! Works every time, looks terrible initially and every year I think I’ve gone too far, but it all comes out in the wash. 😉

Felt loads better yesterday, did some cleaning and ironing whilst Mr Eggy was partying with the toddlers. I think I got the better deal TBF, he was knackered when he got home!

Have a Happy Monday.

Mr Eggy thinking he’s 5 not almost 65!
Glad you are feeling so much better. My hubby is ever so slightly more mature. He is 66 going on 7 and would have gone down that slide in a heartbeat LOL
Morning everyone. Another great start to the day here, sunny and frosty but warming up nicely now so more gardening on the cards today.

Oh, and it was a 4.6 for me earlier. Have a great day everyone and stay well.
8.5 for me this morning. A bit later than normal after hot footing it to the pharmacy for 8am to collect new meter.
I usually say dull as ditchwater or dreicht if I am tuning into my Scottish heritage.
Also noticing this finger pricking lark is a bit of a palaver. I go into the bathroom a couple of minutes before eating. Run the hot tap which takes a minute to get warm as we inherited an antiquated plumbing system with low pressure. Wash my hands thoroughly. By this time the running tap has made me want to pee. Use the toilet. Wash hands again. Fortunately the water in the pipe is still warm. Prep the lancet and meter and test. Record reading. Then I get to sit down and enjoy my meal :rofl:
Maybe it's just me 😱:rofl:
I've always said dishwater but I've heard lots of people use ditch water. 🙂

Ditch water for me. Funny how these things shift and change over the country. Both make perfect sense.

A 5.6 for me and another gloriously sunny start. Feels almost spring-like (though the clear skies overnight mean it was close to 0° when I woke up)

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Another vote for dishwater here and damp squib for that matter.

I only relatively recently learned that it is tenter hooks though and not tender hooks. I always thought it referred to the hooks butchers hang meat carcasses on to age (and tenderise) them, rather than the actual meaning of hooks used to prevent shrinkage of woolen cloth during manufacture..

One that grates with me is people saying, and even writing, "should of", "would of", "could of" when they mean "should've", "would've" etc, and don't get me started on "less" vs "fewer".
Morning all and 6.5 for me.

Slightly milder here today, may get out into the garden.

Dishwater round these parts.

Over in Calderdale there is an area called Tenterfields where they dried the cloth prior to taking it to the Piece Hall in Halifax to sell their pieces of cloth.

Rehearsal tonight.

Have a good day everyone.
Also noticing this finger pricking lark is a bit of a palaver. I go into the bathroom a couple of minutes before eating. Run the hot tap which takes a minute to get warm as we inherited an antiquated plumbing system with low pressure. Wash my hands thoroughly. By this time the running tap has made me want to pee. Use the toilet. Wash hands again. Fortunately the water in the pipe is still warm. Prep the lancet and meter and test. Record reading. Then I get to sit down and enjoy my meal :rofl:
Maybe it's just me 😱:rofl:
Ah, I remember those days! It is a bit of a faff, isn't it?? Especially if you are in a rush. For me the worst time was at work, and I am in food service so I had to be extra careful with the hand wash to avoid getting food on my sample or blood in someone's plate! Forever grateful for Libre. Of course I have to do finger pricks every now and then, but is not 6+ times a day like it used to be in my first year.
One that grates with me is people saying, and even writing, "should of", "would of", "could of" when they mean "should've", "would've" etc, and don't get me started on "less" vs "fewer".
And don't forget that old 80s song...
Shouda, wooda, cooda.......
Long before textspeak mangling of the English language. ( on a side note. I wonder how long it will be before the orange narcissist declares that the language is officially called American in the USA)
One that grates with me is people saying, and even writing, "should of", "would of", "could of" when they mean "should've", "would've" etc, and don't get me started on "less" vs "fewer".
Although it’s actually “would have” and “could have” not “would of” or “could of”, though your shortened form is correct. Another one that annoys me is “wracking my brains” which should be “racking my brains” referring to the rack, the mediaeval instrument of torture, rather than “wrack” which is seaweed.

I vote for ditch water too.
Although it’s actually “would have” and “could have” not “would of” or “could of”, though your shortened form is correct. Another one that annoys me is “wracking my brains” which should be “racking my brains” referring to the rack, the mediaeval instrument of torture, rather than “wrack” which is seaweed.

I vote for ditch water too.
Looks like there's a regional divide on the dishwater/ditch water thing.

"Could've" and "could of" etc sound similar when spoken, so I guess that's the origin.
Looks like there's a regional divide on the dishwater/ditch water thing.

"Could've" and "could of" etc sound similar when spoken, so I guess that's the origin.
I suspect it's more of an age divide than a regional one Martin.
One that grates with me is people saying, and even writing, "should of", "would of", "could of" when they mean "should've", "would've" etc, and don't get me started on "less" vs "fewer".
My pet hate too. Shud ov gives me the heebie jeebies. I just bite my lip but silently scream inside. I blame social media, everyone is in such a hurry to get out what they’re trying to say ( the media are very guilty of this) no one reads it through or even cares anymore, before pressing send. I always tell my children if they ever get a message from me and I’ve used there/their/they’re incorrectly they’ve to send for the police as I’ve obviously been kidnapped! :rofl:
Was a 5.4 for me this morning.Had a bad night's sleep.Low alarm going off 4 times then high alarm .Sorted now {Hopefully) Us folks up here in the north east have our own language.So a lot of you folks won't understand a lot of it Enjoy your day people
afternoon was 8.5 on waking today

at the request of some of the people who I’m constantly annoying I have spoken to a GP just now, regarding stress & frustration
it was a rushed phone call but she felt it’s anxiety, which I’ve previously had
she has just prescribed me something I have had (about 12 years ago)

It’s a beautiful sunny day here today so will walk to my eye appointment at the DMO department this afternoon, have pretty much accepted will need another Ozurdex to help reduce the swelling on the retina in my right eye
but will see what the ophthalmologist says following the scans.

Hope everybody’s having a good day, I haven’t really checked through the posts
TC 😎
7.7 for me after a short night, getting up before dawn, something I rarly do... it should be more often as I'm usually awake five or six.

Dull here but warming up, and a lack of a breeze to boot.

Just waiting in for a BT/EE Engineer to bob round to fit me fibre broadband. I've cleared a spot but I know I'm wrong as we'd like it fitted at the other end of the room. I think I'm going daft.

The OH has gone to bible study a mile or two away, she should be back around 5pm.

Enjoy the rest of the day whatever you do, and enjoy
I'm from down south and now up north and I've always said dishwater but ditchwater definitely makes sense. A thing that niggles me is if someone says "if they think I'm going to do that they've got another thing coming" because I actually believe it should be "they've got another think coming" anyone? ...
I'm from down south and now up north and I've always said dishwater but ditchwater definitely makes sense. A thing that niggles me is if someone says "if they think I'm going to do that they've got another thing coming" because I actually believe it should be "they've got another think coming" anyone? ...
Quite right!
Evening now, but it's been a glorious day. Didn't get a walk in unfortunately as been too busy with washday, changing bedding, ironing and cooking.

Was 8.3 with a steep upward line after 2 Dextrose to correct a low alarm at 5am. Had already been woken at 3 am with a dodgy tum necessitating a bathroom dash. Think it's a side effect of some medication.

Hope all are well....