• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

I'm from down south and now up north and I've always said dishwater but ditchwater definitely makes sense. A thing that niggles me is if someone says "if they think I'm going to do that they've got another thing coming" because I actually believe it should be "they've got another think coming" anyone? ...
Now I always think that “think” sounds wrong but I can understand why it could be but it feels weird to me saying that. I’ve noticed in books some authors say think, some thing. I feel another visit to Google coming up.
I’m back. Again, both are correct. “Another think” dated from 19th century England and “another thing” is more recent, probably American English, it’s now more in common use than “think” but heavily criticised. Those Yanks coming over here and stealing our women AND our sayings! 😉Whatever next, they’ll be calling it English American next! Oh wait……:confused:

Back to the matter in hand! 6.6 this morning. Last few hours of this sensor, which I must say, has been superb for the whole 14 days. I’ll be sad to see it go at 8am! Goodbye my friend.

Got in the garden yesterday and channeled my inner Lara Croft, to be honest I’m not sure she ever wielded a hedge trimmer as I’ve never seen the films, but that’s who I feel like when I do my extreme pruning, but with more clothes! But chilly in March for that outfit. 😛 Anyhoo, garden looks a lot tidier.

Childcare for one today. Our little bundle of joy will arrive at 8.30, hopefully with a big smile on her face. Then who knows what the day may bring.

Have a fab day.
Morning and a 4.7 after being too ambitious on my last night correction dose which resulted in a couple of alerts a few Dextrose but a steady if lowish night in 4s.I usually get back to sleep very quickly so woke up refreshed.
Had a follow up Osteopath appointment yesterday and although my back twinge of 2 months ago is fine it was relaxing and did get myself loosened .She felt I had improved my core despite not doing all her exercises.
She used a K laser which was nice but a bit on expensive side at £80 for 30 minutes and can relax by having a nice meal out or even a short walk for free.
Off to Chester today but another quiet one so enjoy whatever you are up to.
Morning all. 7.2 for me before breakfast today. Hopefully weather today will be as nice as yesterday, which had a real touch of Spring about it. Have a great day everyone...

Morning and it's a 6.2 here in sunny but cold Hampshire. I've been doing a lot of work in the garden the last few days, and my body is feeling it this morning. Still, it's almost finished and everything is nice and tidy ready for spring. All that's left is to give the grass its first trim of the year, and try and divide the rhubarb which has outgrown its pot.
Morning all, 5.7 at 4am, when I happened to wake, 7.8 now, despite an extra unit of Levemir because I’d gone a bit high by bedtime (pastry again, it keeps on giving).
I’m jealous of your trimming, @eggyg , I’ve got a lot of stuff that needs cutting back, but it’s too cold to risk it, -2 again this morning. Confined myself to weeding and digging out a couple of unwanted items yesterday (our ladies mantle has spread under the path and popped up in the veg plot, I left it last year, and dug some up for my son's garden, but I missed a couple of bits, which now have thuggish root systems).
Morning all. I'm joining @eggyg with a 6.6. I feel tired out after yesterday but need to get going as i've got a blood test at 9.30 then seeing a friend. Will catch up with you all later.

Stepped over the border to the sixes this morning @ 6.1, busy day ahead helping hubby with some work in his late father’s house, following the eviction last week, going to take a few weeks to get it I to a saleable condition, but sadly we don’t have the money to pay for a house clearance. Daughter and SIL went over on Sunday, we are going today as it is hubby’s day off, the downside of him working shifts. But the eviction has taken an awful toll on my mental health, it was horrible and I feel so guilty about it.
A 4.6 for me today. 🙂
Brrrr Brass monkey weather here.

Morning all
6.2 for me those 50gm of walnuts i had at 6am might have something to do with it Whoops
you all have a good safe day Its a nice sunny day here, am going out on Indie to explore the shops of Watton
Take care love to you all
Good morning 5.2

Was pleased to see that today

probably helped by what I ate which was only 2 small meals, plus walked to & from hospital yesterday afternoon (DMO clinic) where I had, rather than a second Ozurdex popped in my right eye, my tenth injection of Vabysmo to that eye.
the good news my left eye whilst it still has a slight sign of a swelling, still not of concern, so I had to to my righty eye treated yesterday, will get another scan next month, see what their thoughts are regarding a best plan

I spoke to a GP yesterday morning regarding MH, she raid she thought meds will help even if only short term and prescribed Sertraline, she suggested that was what I had 12 years ago,
since speaking to her I’m thinking actually back then I took Citalopram and not Sertraline 🙄 but I might be wrong, I need to pop back to my pharmacy today as they told me yesterday, my Mounjaro & Insulin will be there today, so will see what they say
it would be good to know if anyone else has had any experience of Sertraline or Citalopram,
especially if I end up needing something longer than short term as my sister suggested to me on Sunday when we spoke on the phone.

I’m going to chill this morning pissibly catch up on some much needed ZZZ’s


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Good morning 5.2

Was pleased to see that today

probably helped by what I ate which was only 2 small meals, plus walked to & from hospital yesterday afternoon (DMO clinic) where I had, rather than a second Ozurdex popped in my right eye, my tenth injection of Vabysmo to that eye.
the good news my left eye whilst it still has a slight sign of a swelling, still not of concern, so I had to to my righty eye treated yesterday, will get another scan next month, see what their thoughts are regarding a best plan

I spoke to a GP yesterday morning regarding MH, she raid she thought meds will help even if only short term and prescribed Sertraline, she suggested that was what I had 12 years ago,
since speaking to her I’m thinking actually back then I took Citalopram and not Sertraline 🙄 but I might be wrong, I need to pop back to my pharmacy today as they told me yesterday, my Mounjaro & Insulin will be there today, so will see what they say
it would be good to know if anyone else has had any experience of Sertraline or Citalopram,
especially if I end up needing something longer than short term as my sister suggested to me on Sunday when we spoke on the phone.

I’m going to chill this morning pissibly catch up on some much needed ZZZ’s
Congratulations on your HS today, I am on Citalopram, sadly I still suffer with anxiety, depression, but of course I could be worse without it.
5.4 for me today but only because I injected a big correction just before 4am after about 5 hours in double figures and that was after some gardening yesterday and another extra unit of Levemir last night. My liver is on a mission to make up for the shortfall of a couple of weeks ago!

Got my blood test results last night. HbA1c is the same as the Libre prediction on Friday when the blood was taken, which was 44.
Cholesterol has crept up ever so slightly to 4.7 but I have been having far too many carbs recently and I really must get back to being more organised with my diet. Part of the problem is I am mostly shopping from the village shop until my car is repaired and I have limited options and because of not having my low carb treats I am being tempted to buy higher carb treat foods. More effort required to lose weight, do more exercise and be stricter with my diet.
Morning everyone. A 4.2 for me on another bright sunny day. If this weather keeps up I’ll all my gardening finished soon.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Bit higher this morning for me at 5.6.

Still feeling great after yesterday’s DSN appointment, got my new consultant appointment but will have to move it as we are away on the date I’ve been given. Still amazed out how we are so busy now we have retired (just past the one year anniversary now!). :rofl:

Another day of hanging around the house as our refurb of downstairs cloakroom and kitchen floor is being done. Now anxiously awaiting delivery of the skip and new tiles. The toilet, heated towel rail and basin are all due to be delivered Thursday morning fingers crossed. It’s like being a project manager, but this way we are just paying the tradesman for his labour (plus a few materials, adhesives, etc.) and dealing with the rest ourselves.

Looking to get fence paint today to allow us to paint the garden fences tomorrow whilst the weather is good and plants haven’t started growing yet.

Congratulations @goodybags on your HS, and a star for @rebrascora on your excellent HbA1c result!

Take care everyone!
It's another bright, sunny and frosty morning here in Berkshire and it looks like we're in for another sunny day with temperatures in double figures. What's the saying about March - in like a lion, out like a lamb? Definitely more of a lamb at the moment.

Started the day with a £50 win on Premium Bonds, the first time I've won 2 draws in a row. My wife and our 2 boys have also won something, the first time that's happened. Nice way to start the day.

Eldest not feeling great again this morning so having taken a sickie yesterday it'll be another one today. I expect he'll stay in bed again, dosed up on Lemsip. Shame, as he was due to swap his car for a new one this morning but he's had to tell them he can't do it today.

Tuesday, so swim later. Up to 26 lengths on my way to making it 30 by Easter so plan is to ramp it up another couple of lengths during March. Otherwise nothing on except for some grocery shopping.

Congrats @goodybags on your HS. I could only manage a 6.0 this morning.
@Martin.A 26 length's is a fantastic achievement
the most I can manage is a few in-fact where I swim (Virgin active) which isn’t as often as I should considering the cost
I used to do 2 lengths swimming then walk 2 length's and just do a few cycles of that
it’s not a deep pool some people do walk it actually I think is quite good for people who might not be a strong swimmer
Morning, 6.5 for me today.

Kept waking in the night and correcting my BG which was higher at 7.5-7.9. It's been around 4 during nights before now so a little confused, but actually I had a huge meal with lots of protein last night.

I am looking through our library archives at school in search of news of a little lion statuette which used to appear in sports team photos about 100 years ago, but seemed to disappear around 1935, when the school moved to a new site. I imagine it got lost or broken in the move but I am so intrigued by it and what actually happened. Also preparing things for World Book Day on Thursday. I have decided to dress up as a librarian as I don't want to spend any money!

I have another antenatal appointment this afternoon, and then the highlight of the day - a pancake quiz at my church. Should be fun!

Lovely and sunny here in Dorset, although freezing! Have a good day all.
Morning all
6.2 for me those 50gm of walnuts i had at 6am might have something to do with it Whoops
you all have a good safe day Its a nice sunny day here, am going out on Indie to explore the shops of Watton
Take care love to you all
Love Watton. Hubby bought his Triumph Thunderbird from the motorcycle dealers.(can't remember the name). It's only about a 30 minute drive from our old house in Suffolk. Enjoyed a good mooch around when he took it back for a service.