• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

was 5.1 on waking today

Yesterday spent some time looking back through my medical history on the NHS app and found it was 17 years ago I started taking insulin
asni think I’ve said before it wasn’t until I found this forum (much more recently) that I finally got my HbA1c under any kind of decent control
I was looking for something else in my previously prescribed medications but was good to find out what I did.

Whatever your doing have a Wonderful Wednesday 😎
Morning all. 6.8 for me on waking - up to 7.3 now after having the first part of my breakfast (almond-meal bread and strong tea). Forecast is good here for today, but looking out my office window it still looks grey and dreary. Have a great day everyone..

Morning all my online family
Today I go see my Aunt its an hours taxi ride each way. Am looking forwards to it. Im all ready looking good done my hair make up the works by god I look good even if i say it myself
PS nearly forgot BG was 7.0 at 743am
Have been told its Fray Bentose pie for dinner +veg and a chocolate trifle for desserts has been mentioned It would be rude of me to turn it down wouldt it Thats my excuse and im sticking to it
Yours looking forward to the day. Take care all. Have a good day.
Morning all. 3.6!! The JBs earlier obviously didn't work then.

A Plumber is coming to service the boiler in a while then i'm off to see mum in hospital again. Better go and treat this low. Catch up later!

6.3 this morning, no idea why I have strayed across the border, maybe I am coming down with something. Yesterday I removed approximately 18 large black sacks/recycling sacks of rubbish from one bedroom of the late FIL house and that room is not even done yet, arranging for a skip to come for next is hubby is off. Hubby made good progress on making the drive at the front useable to park on rather than looking like a jungle, just need to get it into a presentable state to be able to put it up for sale. Sadly this all should have been done over 4 years ago, but at least we are doing it now.
Morning all. 9.3. C’mon Omnipod 5, wakey wakey! Even I can do better than 9.3.

A busy day today, then coasting gently into the weekend. I’m being observed by the big boss this evening. She’s lovely, but it’s still nerve-wracking. And then tomorrow I get her feedback. I’ll be glad when it’s all over!
Good morning everyone.:hello:

A solitary 9 at 07:15am.:( It was that midnight feast at 03:00am that caused it ~ well more of a comfort snack as restless leg syndrome was driving me nuts! Arrgghh! I had to get out of bed to walk around and just happened to end up in the kitchen! Toast and marmalade is really tasty at that silly o'clock hour!!

Daughter texted me last night to say she saw a fox bury a cooked sausage in one of the planters in her front garden which incidentally hubby had put wire netting over the top to prevent squirrels from burying nuts etc. Cunning! The sausage is in the bin now! Haha!:rofl:

Take care and have a pleasant day doing what you enjoy.
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A 6.3 for me this morning. For some reason I couldn't stay asleep last night and only managed about 3.5 hours. A little afternoon nap is on the agenda later. 🙂

Back to slightly better temperatures but still single digit figures.

@ColinUK fantastic HbA1c. Looks like you have your Diabetes in remission:D well done you.
Not yet I don’t. I’m still metformin so we’ll see what the nurse suggests when I see her next. Clearly the real test is coming of the meds and seeing what happens then.
Morning all!
Nothing from me today, haven’t replaced strips yet and my Libre pinged off in the night.
I did say that I’d give CGM’s a rest if my result was low enough so I’ll be flying blind for a bit 🙂

Have the loveliest day you lot <3
6.5 this morning. Stressed a bit by a new friend behaving peculiarly.

He’s quickly become a theatre friend and we see lots of things together. Some I pick and some he picks. I lay out and he pays me back.

He’s declared that he doesn’t “want to do theatre” anymore and has asked for refunds of all future tickets. Clearly I’m not a box office but I’m j just going to cover the cost and give him back his money but it’s very odd and I can’t help feeling that it’s something I’ve done.

A mutual said that only last week he was saying he was looking forward to Oliver and Evita (also have Shucked, Brigadoon, The Producers and Mrs Doubtfire booked to see with him) but he’s asked for money back on those two and not mentioned the rest.

I get that he might be short of cash and embarrassed but he doesn’t seem to be. Anyway I’m meeting him later this afternoon and I’ll hand him his cash back and give him space. He’ll either tell me what’s going on or he won’t.

In other news I’m woefully behind on CCC’s and need to do proper notes for everything I’ve seen recently.

I’m not reading through the posts from the last few days so apologies if I’ve missed birthdays, births, deaths, marriages etc and I hope you’re all well.
Least with your phone the information goes directly to the computer at the diabetes unit at the hospital
And this is interesting as at my DSN appointment on Monday she said that because of this we are entitled to free WiFi in hotels, cruise ships, etc. instead of paying, if no free WiFi is available. Not totally sure I believe this as technically it doesn’t impact on how we manage our medical condition but may be worth a try if you’re in a situation where WiFi is only available if paid for?
Well I put some effort into turning things around last night after I finished evening stables and pushed myself to have a yomp up the big hill which is a mile long and I set myself a good pace and kept to it. It was blowing a hooley up on the top and I was pleased of the 2 fleeces I was wearing. I was 7.9 when I set off and was only down to 7.0 on the way back down which was a bit disappointing but by the time I got home, I needed a jelly baby and then needed 2 more through the night despite a 2 unit Levemir reduction. Went to bed on 6.6 and still woke up on 4.2 this morning. The power of exercise!
Good morning gentle folks and welcome to another pleasant spring morning.
9.6 for me this morning. Quite surprised at I forgot to take medication after dinner last night as I went out early with a friend. We watched a presentation on The Spring Garden. Quite interesting and got a few tips.

It's a local group that meets monthly. We were on tea hostess duty so spent a good 40 minutes running around doing tea, coffee and biscuits for everyone then clearing up afterwards. I was good and only had tea.
Indulging my pyromaniac tendency today by burning all the undergrowth hacked yesterday in our incinerator bin. Also got to play with my new battery mini chainsaw yesterday. We are removing dead/ fallen trees and coppicing Willows for firewood 2027. New chainsaw is ideal for removing branches.
Hope everyone 's day goes to plan.
Oh forgot to mention my happy lunch results yesterday. I had 4 ryvita crispbreads with cream cheese and pickled beetroot. BG before 7.6 BG afterwards 7.4 :party:
4.9 today for me.

Flooring is now all ready for tiling which will start today, can’t wait to see the new tiles going down! Whilst this is going on and we’re trapped at home we plan to paint the garden fences before plants start growing and making it difficult. So apologies if this action adversely affects the glorious Spring sunshine we have been having :rofl:

Have a good day everyone!
. I’m being observed by the big boss this evening. She’s lovely, but it’s still nerve-wracking
I used to hate observations even as a TA (who never got any feedback on my part) so good luck. I hope all goes well.
Good morning, I stayed pretty high all night thanks to last night's pancakes, got up at half 4 for the loo and had my morning insulin a bit early. Now back down to 7.2.
was 5.1 on waking today

Yesterday spent some time looking back through my medical history on the NHS app and found it was 17 years ago I started taking insulin
asni think I’ve said before it wasn’t until I found this forum (much more recently) that I finally got my HbA1c under any kind of decent control
I was looking for something else in my previously prescribed medications but was good to find out what I did.

Whatever your doing have a Wonderful Wednesday 😎
It's amazing what you find in your medical record, mine said I had a transfusion of blood products in Dec 2021 when I had no such thing, I'm sure I would have remembered. So where that came from who knows.
No bright and sunny start here this morning, freezing fog. It's pretty well cleared now but it's still colder out there than in our fridge, according to our garden thermometer.

Had my eye screening appointment last week and got my results yesterday - no signs of retinopathy or maculopathy, so pleased to see that. Usually I get a letter but this time they texted me with a link so I could see the results online via the NHS Portal. Shape of things to come, I suppose. Call me old-fashioned but I've still printed it off so I can stick it in my medical file.

Anyone suffer from chilblains? I had some inflamed toes, one in particular, so I popped into our local pharmacy and asked the Pharmacist if it was something they could look at. She said it was chilblains and gave me an over-the-counter balm and it seems to be working. Chilblains and diabetes - not a good mix?

Having to take our youngest to work today, and pick him up afterwards, as we have a mobile mechanic coming to look at a problem with his car. We've used him before. Hopefully it's something inexpensive that can be fixed on the drive, like last time he was here, rather than in a workshop. Fingers crossed.

6.0 for me this morning.

Have a good day, whatever you're doing.
No bright and sunny start here this morning, freezing fog. It's pretty well cleared now but it's still colder out there than in our fridge, according to our garden thermometer.

Had my eye screening appointment last week and got my results yesterday - no signs of retinopathy or maculopathy, so pleased to see that. Usually I get a letter but this time they texted me with a link so I could see the results online via the NHS Portal. Shape of things to come, I suppose. Call me old-fashioned but I've still printed it off so I can stick it in my medical file.

Anyone suffer from chilblains? I had some inflamed toes, one in particular, so I popped into our local pharmacy and asked the Pharmacist if it was something they could look at. She said it was chilblains and gave me an over-the-counter balm and it seems to be working. Chilblains and diabetes - not a good mix?

Having to take our youngest to work today, and pick him up afterwards, as we have a mobile mechanic coming to look at a problem with his car. We've used him before. Hopefully it's something inexpensive that can be fixed on the drive, like last time he was here, rather than in a workshop. Fingers crossed.

6.0 for me this morning.

Have a good day, whatever you're doing.
I get what I think are chilblains from my feet getting very cold but I asked in the pharmacy and they said there was nothing specific and to use E45 but I'm sure I remember there was something you used to be able to get when I was a kid.