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Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning,

5.6 for me today, still slightly too high for pregnancy targets, which is stressing me slightly.
Back at school today. I have a bit of a stinky cold and feeling tired!

We came second in the pancake quiz last night 🙂 and my BG didn't go above 8 after scoffing three pancakes - very unusual for me - so I'll take that as a win.
Morning everyone. It was a 4.4 for me on waking earlier this morning after going to bed on a 9.3 last night.

Have a good day everyone.
I get what I think are chilblains from my feet getting very cold but I asked in the pharmacy and they said there was nothing specific and to use E45 but I'm sure I remember there was something you used to be able to get when I was a kid.
The balm she recommended is a 30% Urea solution, whatever that is. Anyway, after a few days what was red and sore is now a light shade of pink, so it seems to be effective.
Good morning, I stayed pretty high all night thanks to last night's pancakes, got up at half 4 for the loo and had my morning insulin a bit early. Now back down to 7.2.

Good morning,

5.6 for me today, still slightly too high for pregnancy targets, which is stressing me slightly.
Back at school today. I have a bit of a stinky cold and feeling tired!

We came second in the pancake quiz last night 🙂 and my BG didn't go above 8 after scoffing three pancakes - very unusual for me - so I'll take that as a win.
Good afternoon everyone. I stayed in the 15/16s all night possibly from stuffing pancakes with copious amounts of maple syrup! They only shifted after I jabbed 4u at 3am.

8.3 for my troubles this a.m., but very grateful to be in range once again. They dropped to 6.6 in time for brekkas.

My OH disappears for a theatre break in Manchester later today - they're all seeing Joseph and staying over in the city a day or two.

Hope you all have a brilliant day, on the sun-soaked afternoon.
good afternoon late again, 5 again this morning. had a trip out to buy a few bits for our marine fish tank, turned out more expensive than we intended we saw 2 lovely corals and couldn't decide which one so bought both, and a new addition to the tank called called an algae blenny, apparently it eats any algae in the tank. hubby has made a steak and kidney pie for tea, first time he's made one, looking forward to trying it this evening with a couple of new potatoes and veg
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@Martin.A 26 length's is a fantastic achievement
the most I can manage is a few in-fact where I swim (Virgin active) which isn’t as often as I should considering the cost
I used to do 2 lengths swimming then walk 2 length's and just do a few cycles of that
it’s not a deep pool some people do walk it actually I think is quite good for people who might not be a strong swimmer
Thank you. My wife and I used to swim every Monday evening but they closed the pool during lockdown and it was then demolished (it was scheduled to go anyway). The new Leisure Centre that replaced it opened in Summer 2022, which is when I started swimming again, so it's taken a while to work up to where I am now. We have a Nuffield Health nearby but I don't think I'd get my money's worth. Our eldest uses the Leisure Centre Gym for the same reason.

Keep up your pool work. It's great exercise, and not load-bearing.
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Bonjour. 6.1

Off to the Goya to Impressionism exhibition at the Courtauld this morning followed by Much Ado About Nothing this afternoon.

On Tuesday I went to Sotheby’s as it was the final day of the London showing of part of a magnificent private collection of old masters that’s up for sale in NY later this year.

Morning a 6.2 for me and and another flat line after a correction dose to stop my pre bed rise.
Quiet day in Cheshire countryside today so similar to yesterday. Looking for nice lunch spot and perhaps a trip to the gelato shop for first of the year.
Also have a virtual meeting as one of my colleagues is leaving to look after her autistic son so want to say goodbye to her.
Up early and dogs walked and weather lovely only blot was having to pick up others dog poo which I don’t like doing but if it is close to our house we are the ones likely to step in it especially as they did it overnight in the dark.
As we walk our dogs last thing and then first thing in morning it must have been late but fortunately does not happen often but annoying.
Anyway have a good day.
Morning all. 6.6.

Been up an hour already. Another busy day ahead. Helping with swimming Thursday, it’s not our turn but other grandparents are selfishly on a five week cruise, we’ve to fit our haircuts in too. Mr Eggy will have his done first, fly up to swimming and do his but, I’ll go next and I will walk into town afterwards and do some bits and pieces, then walk home where the hordes will await me, hopefully they’ll have sorted their own lunches out. I’ll have walked 5 miles by then. Daughter annnounced yesterday she’s getting her hair cut at 3.15, so I’m assuming we’ll be looking after the girls. At 6.30pm eldest grandson wants picked up in town after a driving lesson and he’s staying over at ours, so he’ll need fed and needs taken to work ( 20 mile round trip) in the morning, at 6. 30am! We’re closing for business after that until Tuesday 8.30am.

Have a grand day folks.
Morning all my online family
I made it to my aunts Getting into the taxi on the way there i felt my back go Took me 5 mins to get in the driver had to help me due to my physical issues Got there ad i was treated like a queen. For dinner she did me fray bentos pie and a plate full of veg Then for deserts she said I have a treat for you a cream caramel trifle Pure cream and caramel It was delicious. I didt carb/cal count for this meal at all. I didt test my BG till 730 pm and it was 8.7 so i think the diabetic fairy was kind to me
Todays BG 6.0 which is within my normal range so i got away with that treat
You all have a good safe day
good morning 5.1 today
as I glanced at the screen it jumped from 5.1 straight up to 5.3

Have a Terrific Thursday everyone
Morning all. 6.8 i feel exhausted this week! The weather says pure sunshine all morning and 15° so i'll make the most of it and get in the garden to cut some of the old tree thats growing up a wall. Its hard to do as we've been here 28 years and it was well established then. Its all dead now but matted around a trellis. I've no idea what it was before. I think a nap is called for this afternoon though. Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone a 5.0 on the nail for me.

What a very cultural day @ColinUK - I do love Much Ado.
Morning everyone a 5.0 on the nail for me.

What a very cultural day @ColinUK - I do love Much Ado.
It’s had great reviews as well so it’ll make up for the abomination that was the Jamie Lloyd Tempest which showed exactly why Sigourney Weaver never does theatre.
4.1 the first time I woke up with a very flat line mostly in the black but bits of red here and there... I sleep really, really well at that level though. Unfortunately it was just after 3am but I was wide awake. Got up had a couple of cups of coffee and did the Wordle puzzles (badly 😡 ) and after an hour or so, I suddenly felt incredibly tired and climbed back into bed and slept again and woke up on 4.4 No idea what that was all about although I suspect taking my Amitriptyline early last night had something to do with it.