• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.2 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. Another 8 dead on. Just had an Iceland delivery so good from now on. Said 'large' cauli but it's a giant, had to squeeze it in my tiddy fridge. Guy called me on the housephone "Come and meet me" due to not being able to get outside for cars, bugger off I'm paying for delivery, can't walk sans Sholley anyways! I said this place is a nightmare isn't it and he said he had trouble finding it. I'm always surprised when anybody does. :D
Morning all - it looks nice outside, but it's not predicted to continue - that's if you can believe anything the Met Office or Google weather say!

6.9 this morning.

Going to do a load of cooking today. Making a ragu that I can turn into either cottage pie or lasagne. Banana bread - not that I really want cake, but can't stand waste and have 2 overripe bananas in the fruit bowl. I only buy the darn things because I want the skins to make banana water (source of potassium) for the Peace Lillies. Also making cauli and stilton soup. Mainly because I've got leftover cauli cheese and partly as we picked up a giant cauli in Lidl yesterday. There was this beautiful big white one one on top of a heap of miscoloured little ones - all the same price. I can't leave a bargain! Mind you, Caulis were selling for 89p up to recently, but I notice both Lidl and Morrisons are now selling them for £1.19. God I have to laugh at myself sometimes - such little things occupy my mind! I clearly need some ready-made grandchildren!

@eggyg enjoy your grandchildren whilst you can!

@ColinUK hugs... hope your MH improves soon!

@Robin what glorious photos!

Have a wonderful day all!
Morning all!

A gentle 6.2 for me, but a very sharp kick of FOTF about 40 minutes later. Wind your neck in Mr Liver if you don't mind!

Hugs to you @ColinUK - hope the MH perks up for you. Well done for getting out and about to the cinema, and for looking after yourself.
Also making cauli and stilton soup. Mainly because I've got leftover cauli cheese and partly as we picked up a giant cauli in Lidl yesterday. There was this beautiful big white one one on top of a heap of miscoloured little ones - all the same price. I can't leave a bargain! Mind you, Caulis were selling for 89p up to recently, but I notice both Lidl and Morrisons are now selling them for £1.19. God I have to laugh at myself sometimes - such little things occupy my mind!
My youngest daughter laughs at me because I go on about the price and condition of cauliflowers all the time! I get really excited if I find a large, whiter than white cauli. I’m as sad as you and I do have grandchildren. 😛
PS I got a good one in Aldi last week after ratching and delving. Made cauli cheese soup for the hordes yesterday, they all said it was fantastic, TBF, even though I say so myself, it was! As it was a huge cauli I also had enough to freeze. Now that pleases me.
My youngest daughter laughs at me because I go on about the price and condition of cauliflowers all the time! I get really excited if I find a large, whiter than white cauli. I’m as sad as you and I do have grandchildren. 😛
PS I got a good one in Aldi last week after ratching and delving. Made cauli cheese soup for the hordes yesterday, they all said it was fantastic, TBF, even though I say so myself, it was! As it was a huge cauli I also had enough to freeze. Now that pleases me.
I like making cauliflower cheese 🙂
I like making cauliflower cheese 🙂
I adore a really strong cauliflower cheese with crispy bits around the edges where it’s caught a bit
I was just thinking just now, I’m unsure how I would’ve coped and got through everything that I have over the last few years, had I not found this forum, learnt from others sharing their experiences & offering tips / encouraging me to reach out to the HCP’s
Very true! Same goes for me. I feel much more confident in adjusting my insulin and dealing with the ups and downs of diabetes. This is a great forum and it’s so good to know there are people able to offer advice as well as just being there to listen.
Morning all. Another 8 dead on. Just had an Iceland delivery so good from now on. Said 'large' cauli but it's a giant, had to squeeze it in my tiddy fridge. Guy called me on the housephone "Come and meet me" due to not being able to get outside for cars, bugger off I'm paying for delivery, can't walk sans Sholley anyways! I said this place is a nightmare isn't it and he said he had trouble finding it. I'm always surprised when anybody does. :D
We need pics of Ditto and the Giant Cauli!

It was apparently the first draft of the famous book about a giant peach until the publisher suggested the charge.
Morning all. 4.2 after an earlier hypo that JBs didn't do anything for. Now have a hypo headache.

@Robin beautiful photos.

@PattiEvans and @eggyg theres nothing wrong with liking a big white cauli, i often root around and get excited when i find one.

@ColinUK sorry to hear you've been struggling this week. Its good you managed to get out. My friend saw the same film and she had exactly the same reaction as you.

We went to a local theatre last night to watch a whodunnit where only two people played all the characters while playing a piano throughout. I did wonder what we'd let ourselves in for but it was actually very good. The female actor played so many parts, she was amazing. There was a bit of improv as well.

Today there is nothing planned. I might give the house a dust round and if the rain holds off, go and trim some more bushes in the garden. Have a good Friday everyone.
Good morning all! 6.1 today for me and the remnants of the virus trot off along the road away from us.

Nothing planned today other than an outing to the radio club this evening for me. First time in about a month due to being away in Ireland and then being ill for the last couple of weeks. Might not stay too late though as still feeling a little washed out.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear you have been struggling this week, sending hugs.

Have a good Friday everyone!
5.5 for me on a cold and misty Berkshire morning. Beginning to clear now, which is just as well as we'll be leaving shortly for our wedding anniversary weekend in Lyme Regis, stopping at the Hillbrush Brush Museum in Mere for lunch. Don't laugh - it has a really nice restaurant that's so popular that you have to book (https://www.brushandbroomrestaurant.com/).

Have a good day, all.
5.5 for me on a cold and misty Berkshire morning. Beginning to clear now, which is just as well as we'll be leaving shortly for our wedding anniversary weekend in Lyme Regis, stopping at the Hillbrush Brush Museum in Mere for lunch. Don't laugh - it has a really nice restaurant that's so popular that you have to book (https://www.brushandbroomrestaurant.com/).

Have a good day, all.
5.6 - and misty here in Wimbledon. I'm about to go cycling round Richmond Park: I hope the deer can see me!
Good morning. 6.3

@eggyg You are amazing.
@ColinUK Sympathy on the MH - hope it stabilises soon.
@Robin Wonderful trees, glorious colours.

Had a brilliant day yesterday as the daily estate agent's offering was close to 2 old friends. The sun shone, between brisk deluges, the house was a possibility, so need to book an internal viewing, and 10 minutes after a sneaky peek through the windows, I was sitting at their kitchen table. 3 hours of news, debate, politics and laughter. They are doing very well physically for their age (80 and 82) and mentally remain as sharp as tacks. Quite a few politicians here, in the USA, and in Israel must have had very hot ears.

Got home in the half dark having raided Aldi on the way home. Only slight downer in the day was my HbA1c which the receptionist on the phone said was "Satisfactory". On being pressed for a number she reluctantly opened the file and reported 54. If I am to get back into remission I need to try harder -. it certainly doesn't satisfy me.

Housework today - the place has been invaded by arachnids while I have been house hunting. Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning everyone, it’s a happy 5.9 for me today and the sun is trying hard to get from behind the clouds.

Have a great day folks and stay well.
the place has been invaded by arachnids while I have been house hunting.
I shuddered when i read this. Someone else would have to go in for me. You're brave.