Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. Rudely awoken by low alarm. 4.3 when I got out of bed.
Have a good day.
Good morning all. 5.8 on this dark, damp, but very mild, Thursday.

Busy few days ahead, starting today, hairdressers for us both at 10am. But we’ve also to do the swimming pickup as other grandparents on holiday. This means I have to walk home from the hairdressers as I’m getting a cut and colour ( a two hour job) so Mr Eggy will do pickup. It’s “only” 4.5 miles! I might be able to get a bus I suppose, somewhere along the way. Then they’ll all need fed, just two daughters and three grandchildren today. Already made soup so just needs warmed up.

Have a great day.
Congrats on the HS @MikeyBikey.

5.8 for me. I started my new job 10 days ago. The uniform I ordered before starting didn't arrive so I have been managing with my old one (totally different from a different Trust).

Yesterday, had a missed call from a receptionist from a unit on a local industrial estate, saying they'd had a package labelled uniforms and my name/number delivered to them! Anyone any idea how (or why?) an NHS courier managed to deliver NHS uniforms to a non-NHS address!?

So, today, I will be attempting to retrieve those.

Hope everyone has a day filled with less bureaucratic silliness than mine.
Morning 6.6 today! Just had to drive round to grandsons house as he left his glasses here last night! He needs them for school, bless him! <3
Morning all. 7ish for me.

After months of being utterly useless, Novorapid has perked up and is sending me low at the most annoying times...roll on half term when I’ll have time to do a basal test.

Happy Thursday, folks.
Good morning 6.6 today

I’ve still not shifted this cold that hit me on Monday
but need to get myself moving and out to work shortly

Congrats on your HS @MikeyBikey

TC & have a fabulous day everyone 😎

5.8 after another very stressful day at work, which ruined my evening plans as I was exhausted by it all. Thankfully only bad eating was 3 bourbon biscuits, so I am proud of that. Off today and tomorrow to make and decorate the Christening cake for my friend's baby, so that will take my mind off of work. Also got flu jab in about 45 mins.

@MikeyBikey - congratulations on your HS today.
And I have an MSc in IT which ore-dates the web. First used IBM Call-OS. First PC Dragon 32 with 6809 processor. Used it to teach myself assembler programming.

For some reason people do not like being told the failings of their websites. I have done so with an earlier GP practice, the DWP, Halifax and others. The main issues seem to stem from unclear requirements and flawed design. :(
My first job was programming this beast.
Back in more familiar territory with a 5.6 on this bright, sunny and remarkably mild Berkshire morning. It's looking very Autumnal, though - there are carpets of leaves everywhere you look, all shades of brown.

Anyone watch Taskmaster? My wife, our eldest and his girlfriend went to the Taskmaster Live Experience in London yesterday evening ( Not my thing, to be honest, but they really enjoyed it.

Usual swim later, maybe lunch in town afterwards and then start packing for our wedding anniversary weekend away in Lyme Regis.

Congrats @MikeyBikey on your HS this morning.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Morning all and what a beautiful one it is here in West Cornwall. After the horrendous day yesterday the wall to wall blue and sunshine comes as a surprise.

8.2 this morning - why didn't the HCL do something to correct this? It's still a mystery to me!

Meeting an old school friend for lunch today. It's very odd as we went to school in Nottingham and my family moved away when I was 15 so we lost touch for over 40 years until a work colleague of mine said she thought her neighbour went to school with me and passed on a photo of the two of us age 14. We now see each other for lunch 3 or 4 times a year for a catch up.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey on your HS this morning.

@Martin.A hope you have a lovely weekend away. Isn't Lyme Regis where they filmed The French Lieutenant's Woman?

Take care everyone and have a good day!
Good morning folks! 6.2 for me this morning.

Sleeping better, less coughing and feeling loads better this morning, so it looks like the virus is finally on the run! This has been a real bad one, knocking us both out for a good 2 weeks now.

All this talk about IT got me thinking - I did a degree in Computer Studies at Lancaster University, using Pascal on a mainframe computer - so, yes, punch cards initially to load programs but we did have VDUs to make corrections once the program had been loaded. Before that I did my A level Computer Science using a DEC PDP8E. Early work life was using BASIC+2 and assembler on DEC machines before I progressed to systems analysis, consultancy and finally managing an application support team using SAP, also dabbling with SQL and JavaScript/HTML5 and CSS3. Such memories!

Congratulations @MikeyBikey on your HS today!

Take care everyone!
Morning all and 8.2 for me.

Once upon a time I was a machine room supervisor. Checking the punched tapes in the Dole office.

First computer was a zx81. I managed to write a primitive music sequencer on it.

Latterly I was a software test automation programmer trying to persuade C# to talk to a system written in Jade.

A trip to IKEA looks to be on the cards.

Have a good day everyone.
@Martin.A hope you have a lovely weekend away. Isn't Lyme Regis where they filmed The French Lieutenant's Woman?
Yes it is, among other places (Dartmouth, Exeter, the London docks and Windermere). Here's one of the stills from the film, taken on Lyme Regis's famous Cobb:-


Here's a teaser for everyone. As well as Lyme Regis I believe there are only 2 other places in England with the word 'Regis' in their name. Can you name them?

Edit:- sorry, folks - it seems there are a lot more than 3. Thanks @TinaD for the heads up.
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Good morning 6.4

A lovely sunny morning today after yesterdays' deluge which i drove through for several hours to inspect three hovels. Lampeter Co-op's facilities were out of order, never good news when on takes diuretics, so a quick nip to the loos by Sainsbury's did not improve my mood - 40p for a pee? A 100% increase on last month and you have to pay to park.

The 2 drive-bys, once found, were unsuitable but just within the bounds of imagination on the price. The third wasn't.

The inspection of it indicated that the owners had failed to get the JCB through the door...tiny paths (very dirty) through waist high rubbish. The female owner advised that she was too old for gardening so had a gardener. She was somewhat younger than me but very stout and jelly form - although who could bear to eat out of that kitchen I cannot imagine. I politely kept a straight face as she pointed out the acres of brambles and every weed known to man. The male owner kindly unlocked the workshop door. It was packed to the gunnels with so much rubbish in boxes that all I could do was to peer over the heaps. Clearly they have help from the Council as they had benefited from the green energy grant and had solar panels pointing west and a huge cylinder in the back bedroom blocking the window. She had not applied for the Feed in tariff as she had been "too busy getting her blue badge"....

I was a little short with the estate agent, inquiring how the price had been fixed? "Oh the owners wanted a higher figure than we suggested". Telling her briskly that a £70k reduction might possibly attract a very energetic buyer I drove off. So back on the road today to assess a couple more.

My dear neighbours had been out to inspect one very close by the minute it came on the market but sadly advised it was dreadful - they were, as usual, spot on. I could be having so much more fun doing the autumn garden tidy up. Frankly I could be having more fun digging out blocked sewage pipes but, nil desperandum, if you don't look you don't find.

Hope everyone has a good day and is enjoying the late sunshine.
Yes it is, among other places (Dartmouth, Exeter, the London docks and Windermere). Here's one of the stills from the film, taken on Lyme Regis's famous Cobb:-

View attachment 32039

Here's a teaser for everyone. As well as Lyme Regis I believe there are only 2 other places in England with the word 'Regis' in their name. Can you name them?
Bognor and Lyme come to mind but Wiki lists a far greater number.