• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, just. 4.1 this morning after an earlier JB. Just been to have my eyes tested at ASDA and came away £170 lighter having ordered a new pair of glasses and sunglasses. Very reasonable i thought, especially as talking to my next door neighbour, she has just paid £500 for one pair!

Its a beautiful day here. Bright blue sky, warm sunshine and a gentle breeze. Washing is on the line and i'm having a quick coffee before getting into the gardrn for a while.

With all the chat about computers, it has reminded me how i felt in my early years of work. I worked at a solicitors and had learned to type on a manual typewriter. When they first bought in typewriters with floppy disc it was a massive change! Then the move to word processors...well, it took a time to get used to those.

Anyway, i'm off to drink my coffee and head outdoors. @MikeyBikey congrats on the HS. @Martin.A enjoy Lyme Regis, it is lovely there.

Have a good day everyone.
It was a 5.7 for me this morning.Put new sensor in last night and used new fibre 2 scanner.Switched blue tooth off on phone and turned it off all night No battery dieing in middle of night . Congratulations to Mikey Bikey on your Hs Have a good day folks
Bugger Bognor! Wonder if he really said that? :D

Still in the 8s due to all the beige food. Yay for tomorrow and a decent big shop. 🙂
5.4 this morning just finished packing for our weekend away to Norfolk tomorrow, going to have a carver tonight so no cooking for a few days hope everyone has a good day
Enjoy Norfolk, where are you staying? Norfolk is one of my favourite places to visit, we go every year for a caravan holiday.
Good afternoon all, it was a 5.5 for me much earlier this morning, I've been out for a long
bike ride hence the delay in posting.

Have a great rest of the day folks and stay safe.
Evening very late on parade with a 6.2 this morning. With the bad weather we swapped around our plans so went to Shrewsbury yesterday and visited National Arboretum today but back home now.A wise decision and had a really nice day and ate too much cake.Did about 20000 steps today so my BG has been up and down but can settle back into a normal routine.
Visiting one of our BTLs tomorrow as tenant has moved out but apparently has left in poor state and not happy with quote to refurbish so will look at situation and decide what to do.
Would prefer not to have the hassle but equally just need to be comfortable am not being ripped off either.
Best Wishes all
Morning all. Been a bit up and down recently with the old mental health. Not really sure what’s going on but I’m sure it’ll settle soon enough.

Meanwhile sleep is somewhat elusive so, given I’ve been awake for an hour already, I thought I’d do my morning reading. 6.9

Ate nothing untoward yesterday so I’m putting that blip down to MH.

Did go to the flicks yesterday with a friend. We saw The Substance. I was expecting some sort of horror/thriller type thing and even with Demi Moore giving a stunning performance and it being very stylishly shot in the third reel it descends into utter bonkersness and over the top gore which just made me laugh out loud. Until that point I had thought it stood a decent chance in the awards season perhaps but the more I laughed the more I realised that the director had squandered the opportunity to make something truly inspired.
@ColinUK Sorry to hear about the MH wobbles. I hope it resolves for you.

5.7 for me today.

So, I retrieved my uniform yesterday. I'm supposed to have 4 sets: 3 tunic/trousers and one dress. Not only had the courier delivered them to random address 15 minutes away from where I work, the uniform supplier had only sent out 3 pairs of trousers - neither use nor ornament! No idea where the rest of my uniform has gone. Its equal parts infuriating and funny.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Yesterday was good. I decided to try out a vocal pitch corrector on my DAW. It took quite a long time to inspect every note in a song and correct it if needed. The result was very good and I am impressed.

Today I will attempt to record another song.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning a Len from me today
I’m so looking forward to being off work over the weekend but today to get through first

I was just thinking just now, I’m unsure how I would’ve coped and got through everything that I have over the last few years, had I not found this forum, learnt from others sharing their experiences & offering tips / encouraging me to reach out to the HCP’s

Have a fabulous Friday 😎
Morning a 6.8 for me and a gentle decline overnight.Looking forward to picking up 2 of our dogs from their holiday and seeing whether Haggis behaves the same as last time when he seemed to enjoy himself so much he did not want to come home.
Back to Pizza routine tonight and a normal w/ end.
A good morning to you all. 7.8! Not quite sure what’s going on there, but it is was it is and I won’t beat myself up about it.

Busy day number 2; Wiltshire Farm Foods due 8.15, deliver to mother-in-law and off to Aldi. Have the three farmers’ children staying over tonight, my eldest daughter has a new job in residential care for traumatised children and she sleeps over two nights a week. Her husband is working, he milks for his cousin morning and evening to help him out, the girls are too young to stay on their own and grandson needs a lift to work tomorrow. The girls are staying two nights. Homemade pizzas for tea, their other grandma is picking them up from school bus/work and bringing them to us, she actually doesn’t live far from us. So from 5pm chaos will ensue! The broadband will be shaking in its boots and my fridges and cupboards will be stripped bare within minutes! Luckily, it’s not every week!

I’m currently chilling because it’ll be a while before I have any time to myself.

Have a fab Friday.
Morning all, 7.2 here.
Went to Batsford arboretum yesterday, and met both our kids there, for what turned out to be a gloriously sunny afternoon..tea and cake were also consumed, obviously!
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What a gorgeous photo! Looks stunning!
How was the tea and cake?
@eggyg You sound like you’re almost complaining there for a second but we all know you wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂